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About chewy15

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 11/14/1986

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  • Location
    Page Lake Powell

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  1. chewy15

    Any AZ Pronghorn success 2022?

    Sorry Fred I didn’t do your user name correctly we appreciate and enjoy hunting with you! Thanks for the laughs and the help!
  2. chewy15

    Any AZ Pronghorn success 2022?

    Had a Great hunt! 2 weeks ago my dad got a call from azgfd saying someone turned in a tag and he was next in line. They called on a Friday evening and said he needed to let them know Monday morning. We drove up to the unit and started a frantic search to see what we could turn up. We found several decent bucks so he opted to take the tag. The fallowing weekend we found this buck. He spent all this last week patterning this buck in the mornings and evenings. Opening morning dgaf Cwt and I were glassing while my dad was in there normal path, however the buck didn’t fallow the script and did something completely different than normal. My dad did stalk in however he chose not to take a walking shot do to range. That evening Dgaf Cwt and I were joined by my 4 year old Quinley. We spotted the buck and after some crazy rut activity from the buck chasing does and gathering more, we were able to guide him into position. He took the 170 yard shot and hit him right in the pump house! This buck has some crazy mass all the way up! Such a fun experience thanks Dgaf Cwt for your help.
  3. chewy15

    3B Tag Holders -

    If you need help reach out
  4. chewy15

    Just got a CC hit!!!

    Simmer down you can carry a hind quarter out for me 😁
  5. chewy15

    ISO black gold sight

    Which one are you looking for
  6. chewy15

    Coueswhitetail bullet group buy

    I could use 3 boxes of 6.5 143 eldx if you do this. Thank you!
  7. What year isn’t? 🤪
  8. chewy15

    Pool Repair (Pebble Tec)

    So is blue point pools in Tucson.
  9. chewy15

    New here, need help!

    I will meet you there Fred I will bring the 6.5 for a cat so it doesn’t try to eat you. Hopefully we can get my pack bloody!
  10. chewy15

    Leftovers again?

    You are an ASU fan this doesn’t hurt my feelings haha. First elk tag in 8 years
  11. chewy15

    Leftovers again?

    I drew a left over cow hunt
  12. chewy15

    Credit Card Hit

    Wife drew for her 3rd elk hunt in 4 years of putting in. Looks like I will have 10 points going into next year.
  13. chewy15

    Credit Card Hit

    Mine might say some bar at Roosevelt if I get to add another elk point to the pile already built up.
  14. chewy15

    The best 3 weeks of the year...

    Though I haven’t had a elk tag for myself in over 7 years I will be dreaming more for my CHAMP father in law to draw an elk tag so he can fill his very first elk tag I think he has 6 points. For antelope I would love for my dad to draw a tag, he has 20 points and just wants a gun tag ether rifle or muzzleloader. I have had 2 tags in the last 3 years for antelope and I feel bad he hasn’t been able to hunt and harvest one at all for himself. 3rd would be for my wife to draw ether elk or antelope and fill the tag. She has had 2 December late cow muzzleloader hunts one 2 weeks after having are first born and one last year where she busted her butt for the hunt. I love hunting and harvesting for myself however seeing dreams come true for the ones I love means more to me than even my passion to hunt for myself.
  15. chewy15

    After work success

    Thanks everyone for your responses, my wife has a December elk tag so needed to fill early