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About Thomas11

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  1. Thomas11

    71 yrs old with 19 bonus points, what unit for a Bull

    There is only two NR tags for bonus pass so to draw 22 u will need the most points of all NR in the draw because u have to draw the first tag in order to get both of them
  2. Thomas11

    New Mexico draw

    The harvest reports are even due till the 7th or 8th. There is no way the draw will be done before that so don’t believe any of this mess w carcass tag showing etc. this only has to do w you choosing an e tag vs a carcass tag.
  3. Thomas11

    15A, 15B, 18A elk hunt (antlerless)

    Sent u a pm
  4. Thomas11

    15A, 15B, 18A elk hunt (antlerless)

    Well unfortunately I live in Alabama. So all my elk hunts I have to be researched and planned from the keyboard and phone conversations. But I do agree. I’d love to have a otc deer tag early season and scout/hunt. That would be a blast
  5. Thomas11

    15A, 15B, 18A elk hunt (antlerless)

    I have the early rifle bull tag for the hunt! I’ve studied the unit quite a bit and def have some ideas but anyone w any knowledge of this unit I appreciate any feedback!
  6. Thomas11

    FS: Kaibab 18x56 PRICE DROP

    What was the issue w them? I’m kinda interested but I really want slcs
  7. Thomas11

    Swarovski 15x56 HD - $1900

    Did these sell?
  8. Thomas11

    New Mexico Elk Hunt - Access Issues

    While true remember that if you choose to camp on State Land you have to have permission from the lands lesee (usually this would be the rancher leasing the land for his cattle). yea I knew that about the state land, but I think Id focus on the BlM and pack in and stay. The two areas in that unit to hunt seem to be Lunero peak(state) and the BlM to the south. But Ive seen a lot of ppl hunt the open flats too
  9. Thomas11

    New Mexico Elk Hunt - Access Issues

    U should be able to camp on any of the BLM inside that unit.
  10. Thomas11

    Powder Vs. Pellets

    so Ive only shot pellets but this yr Im gonna try BH. So literally do u just fill the tubes up to the volume measure on the side that u r gonna shoot and your good? I keep reading the whole u gotta weigh your charge vs the volume method? But I dont know really? Im not shooting past 150 yds
  11. Thomas11


    . They actually have a 600 Gr one out now!
  12. Thomas11

    1 Day!!!

    Has anyone had an issue w portal acct saying u missed latest draw deadline to apply?
  13. Thomas11

    Regs are out

    I'm using toprut.com. I'm not claiming these to be exact but you can read about how they do the odds and it's a pretty good system. I've compared them to gohunt odds and they are generally within 2-3%. I think the az draw is so confusing no-one really knows exact odds. But either way most of them get the part right where you know you'll be guaranteed.. Toprut odds are good!
  14. Thomas11

    Late Season Archery Hunts - Doable?

    Id say do 23. U have a realistic chance of drawing with just a point. Ive thought about it myself. The success rates are low but bulls are killed every year. Yes its gonna be tough but doable. It really just depends if u want potentially wait at a minimum 7 years for a early archery tag and thats a minimum or hunt Now without all the ruttting action
  15. Thomas11

    Nm 16c rifle tag

    I've had the archery tag. PM me if u wanna talk