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About DavElk

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  • Birthday 02/06/1964

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    Family & the Outdoors

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  1. Really seem to be drawn to Unit 40 for a fall 2021 archery hunt. As mentioned above I did confirm first openings for the outfitter I was interested in is fall 2022. (Planning to take my boy on his first elk hunt fall of 2022 for a graduation present & don't want to wait til 2023). Just starting some research as to how difficult it would be to do a trespass hunt on private and/or gain access to public land that requires a trespass fee to access. Working on my list of potential areas to explore but early in the process. Just to help me gauge how realistic this is; has anyone done such a thing in the past with success? (success being a huntable population of elk during your hunt) Wasn't sure if those opportunities are plentiful or few & far between. Any words of wisdom greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,
  2. Thanks for the reply's, appreciate it. Also have heard Mike Lawson & Biggerstaff are two of the top guide choices and you do have to book some time in advance. While I understand it's a big challenge, I'm at least going to do some research to see if possible to either find some public land and/or acquire access to some private land for a DIY Muzzleloader hunt the last 2 weeks of September. Ideally some of the less desirable trophy areas in an effort to enjoy some rut action without infringing on established outfitter or highly pressured areas. This certainly comes with the risk of ending up where the elk either aren't yet or have been and gone, but that's the fun part of learning about that particular area and it's elk and having several plans in place. Researching private land access will also be a new learning for me. Probably an uphill battle (no pun intended) and may not pan out but will give me something fun to research while I strengthen my replaced knee. Open to any tips or suggestions if anyone has pursued this road before. Thanks in advance,
  3. Hi all, For past couple years I've been researching using my (now 15) non-resident Colorado points, with Unit 76 leading the way for an Archery hunt. Driven by recent physical issues (knee) I'm strongly considering changing from a more physical hunt in unit 76 to a somewhat less aggressive physical hunt in unit 40 (along with increased opportunity for encountering mature bulls). My desire is to utilize an outfitter for unit 40. This request is simply seeking feedback from anyone who has recently hunted unit 40 archery and would be willing to share their experience; specifically interested in hearing of various outffiters used to help drive that decision. I will be plenty mobile fall of 2020. Thanks in advance for your time and input,
  4. DavElk

    Unit 1 Archery

    Congrats. I was in your shoes this time last year. I don't have a picture to share but did take lots of good video. You're in for lots of fun. Be happy to share some of my experiences. I'll send you a PM. Congrats again,
  5. After much deliberation between the Hoyt Nitrum and Matthews NO CAM....I'm now the owner of a NO CAM. My Matthews Z7 now becomes my backup bow. Don't think either was a 'wrong' decision. Now the focus to increase my effective range with a cut on contact broadhead, physical conditioning, and continue to narrow down my hunt locations. Hope this note finds everyone doing well. Have a good Memorial Day weekend. Any update on rain / antler growth for Unit 1? Take care,
  6. Thanks Heat & 208muley for the words of encouragement, very much appreciated. Won't argue this post has had it's share of commentary beyond my original intent and has been a bit intimidating for a newer person to the social media world. I choose to put a positive spin on it. I believe the majority of people that elk hunt are very passionate about it. For some it's their livelihood. I have received some very helpful information from some very genuine people that will no doubt add to the enjoyment of my hunt (for me enjoyment does not relate directly to success or score...but it's fun to dream about). For the many positive responses I am very grateful and have no problem with the input of people that have a deep passion for the great wapiti; I realize most of it wasn't directed at me personally (or I hope not). Such is life on the internet I guess. For me on this post the good has far outweighed the 'not so good'. If my hunt provides as much enjoyment as the planning I'm in for a great couple weeks. Can't wait to be frustrated by those bugling bulls. Thanks to all for reading, replying, offering help, or sharing your opinion.
  7. Hi all, got my tag today....almost as if I'm actually going...still can't believe it. Thanks so much for the helpful advice. While a few more things to sort out I've got a pretty good idea of my plans for the hunt and can't wait til September. My son & his cousin both got big Tom's this past "youth" weekend; always love helping someone get their first bird. Will stay in touch and look forward to talking to a few more of you over the summer. Good hunting,
  8. Wow, thanks for the advice to someone who is a stranger to all of you. If more people hunted and spent time hunting w/their kids this world would be a better place. I really appreciate it. A bit more about me...I've hunted (tag & bow in hand) 3 times since late 80's, took my boy to Colorado once, and accompanied my hunting buddy on a hunt to Colorado. Very first hunt was guided in MT, great experience and learned a lot (should have got one). All others were do it yourself. On first DIY in Idaho I shot a 294" 6x6 the day I was calling for my buddy - bull got mad and came straight in to me. Long story short lunged him on 2nd shot after calling him back in a 2nd time - hit antler on first (shaking uncontrollably). Peterson's Bowhunting published an article I submitted about our DIY hunt (heck - I'd of payed them to publish it but they payed me). All in all we've harvested 3 bulls on our 5 hunts. Unfortunately my buddy is not able to join me this fall due to work. Hoping my oldest boy can for part of it. As for the guided topic, I have a world of respect for guides; in my limited experience most are top notch and work their tails off for you, and agree my chances of locating and taking a mature bull are much better hiring one. However I'm the type person that enjoys learning the land, animals, and their patterns - even if that means I blow it and watch them disappear into the next drainage. On my only guided hunt I felt pressured (from myself - not the guide) to do what my guide wanted me to do which detracted from me "enjoying the moment". But boy did they know where the elk lived and how to call them in....to each his own. My DIY hunts are chalked full of special memories (close encounters, bad weather, dead batteries, etc.) I'm exploring some of the scouting services as a possible option. I updated my profile showing a picture of a whitetail that grossed 204" that my 11 year old son shot in 2004. I was sitting next to him in the stand (w/my muzzleloader in hand also) and talked him through the shot. Don't think he was old enough to know how nervous he should have been, but at 60 yds didn't know he had 20 points. Idgaf, I'll share what I know about IN whitetails, but before getting too excited my boy's deer was taken on a National Wildlife Refuge on the opening day of a Muzzleloader hunt we got drawn for. My two other boys have also outdone dad with 140-150 class bucks. Hope they remember all this when I get old. While IN is getting better, most states bordering IN have much better management practices (i.e. shorter gun seasons) that allow bucks to get older. Thanks again for the tips, look forward to hearing some of your stories. I will have more specific questions around logistics (Campsites, ATV use, etc.) as my hunt gets more defined).
  9. Hi all, Following the suggestion of a few wise & helpful friends I'm submitting my first post to this site. Have enjoyed reading many threads already. I have high hopes of seeing the word "successful" when viewing the upcoming draw results (my card was hit and Unit 1 was my only choice). This will be my one and only hunt in Arizona. While my primary objective is to enjoy the wilderness & experience some good rut activity, I am hopeful my 15 years of patience will provide an opportunity to encounter a mature bull during 2 weeks of hard hunting (350 class). From my research to date, the area south & west of Big Lake seems to be the leading candidate to call home for a couple weeks. Not looking for anyone's honey hole from years of experience, rather generalities as to elk population, recent changes that could impact this fall (continued Wallow fire growth/recovery, impact of tag quantity changes, hunting pressure, access, etc.) Would very much appreciate any feedback as to my current line of thinking (i.e. am I getting warmer?) Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom. Feel free to PM me. Hope to be able to return the favor by sharing the results of my experience and perhaps meeting you in camp this fall. Best of luck in the draw.