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Everything posted by Hucker

  1. Hucker

    Sell or trade CZ American 452 .22 lr

    I have this same model in .22 mag...tack driver fo' sho.
  2. Hucker

    Giant moose antlers

    And loving you long time.
  3. Hucker

    Any 5A Bulls Down Yet?

    We tagged out (3 tags) yesterday (Tuesday). One rag horn (2x4) opening day, a 5x4 the next, and a 5x5 on Tuesday. Elk on the table for three lucky families. The rag horn had a very peculiar setup on the one side. There is a 30" spike on the right side. There is another 30" spike that comes out of the skull over the top on his eye. There is skin/hair growth between the two bases. I'll try to post pics...
  4. Hucker

    Any 5A Bulls Down Yet?

    Anyone been in 5A for awhile? Is there snow on the ground? Leaving Saturday morning to setup camp and scout for a week before the Nov. 27 to Dec. 3 hunt. Anyone have a decent spot to camp for the 14 day trip? I am worried we might get some more snow. My buddy is going to be pulling a horse trailer with two horses, so we will need a spot we can get out of it we get any sizable snow drop. Thanks guys.
  5. Hucker

    Stolen F250

    I hate people who steal. Sorry you have to go thru this.
  6. Hucker

    UTV choices

    I have the Yamaha Viking. I was set to buy a Honda Pioneer-4, but sat in one and drove it around the dealer's lot. My knees banged off the front too much and I felt very cramped. It disappointed me that I couldn't get one. For reference, I am 6'2" tall and 200lbs. I drove the Viking VI, but that was like driving a yacht. I ended up in the Viking (3 seater) and couldn't be happier. It has the proven 700 cc engine and Yamaha CVT transmission. Max speed is 50-52mph, which is plenty for hunting/hauling. It has a 600lb cargo capacity with a 1,500lb towing capacity. I have added a winch and some lights, along with a custom bed rail/rack system I welded up. It fits all of my needs.
  7. Hucker

    One bad .50 Cal

    I personally don't agree with using one of these for hunting purposes, and therefore the rest of you should conform to my way of thinking. [Enter ethics cliche here], [Enter fair chase cliche here], because that's how the guys I read about in a 1970s hunting magazine did it with blue jeans and a red/black checkered jacket with better success than anyone here could ever hope for. Wind in your hair/no movement is key. Cliche, cliche, cliche. Seriously, I'd shoot a 750 gr A-Max Match ammo through it.
  8. Hucker

    Giant 5x5 bull hit dirt

    Would this one be a 5x6?
  9. You lie!!! W never axt you about nothing nuclear...it was nuculear stuff...
  10. Hucker

    Camera Etiquitte

    Haha, So you will destroy others property because you are the mainman hunter supreme??? Get off your high horse, already. Shooting someone's camera is as irresponsible as your vote for Obama! This is funny as heck right here.... The whiners who can only use cams and cry about them are the ones with the liberal stand in this dog and pony show! And you are calling the guy liberal by implying they are an Obama supporter.... THERE IS NOTHING CONSERVATIVE ABOUT USING GAME CAMS FOR HUNTING ! And Str8tShot joins the ranks of those making bad assumptions and following with an ill-informed implications. My use of satire was deliberate and in response to GWB's outlandish comment that someone who expects "others to be nice and not touch their cameras" sounds like a Democrat. That is EXACTLY what everyone should expect! The liberal view, IMHO, is that the forest is his, no one should use technology that he opposes, and he "most likely will" shoot others' property because of his disapproval of its use. I liken it to the government telling me that I can only use 7 round magazines because Nacy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats think 10 rounds are too many. Sounds like his "fair chase" argument, no? Built on nothing more than personal feelings, not supporting data. GWB is the one whining about everyone having cameras on every waterhole, including one 1.5 miles from the barrier that, "Of course, most likely, [they] drove past..." and he is going to serve as Judge, jury, and executioner to remedy the situation to his personal liking. Exactly the type of agenda the left has. To add insult to injury, GWB admits to having 2 cameras, albeit on private property, for the purpose of scouting. Again, typical lefty mentality of "Do as I say, not as I do." Do the cameras left at waterholes personally affect anyone but the owner? They should not. Walk past, flip the bird, show your butt, or simply tuck your chin and continue on. Hunt the hole if you wish. The only thing a camera does is serve notice that someone else is interested in knowing what game visits it. It is not a warning to stay away. It is not someone claiming the territory for himself. Those who physically disturb others' personal property are, IMHO, of bad moral character. Unfortunately, there are tons of those people out there. For that reason, I choose not to use a camera on public land. However, I have a goal of each and every camera in the units that I hunt capturing a picture of my bare butt, displayed for the hopeful laugh it is intended to provoke, during my scouting operations. Feel free to start a new thread, "Full Moon Tonight" to track my progress! A lot of people should be able to participate. LOL. For the record: I am purposely using GWB's Democrat accusation against him, since clearly, based on his original accusation, one could infer he is not a Democrat. Just in case the obvious eluded anyone. I am purposefully over-accusing to drive home the point, and I think it is working (Str8tShot surely took the bait). LOL. No real offense meant to GWB. I am just tired of people being too sensitive and worried about what everyone else around them is doing. Str8tShot - please provide data to support your claim of the relationship between conservatism and game camera use. If it starts with you feeling anything, spare us the gory details and take your liberal slant to the Hillary2016.com/forums. [Where is the double finger-flipping emoticon?] Everyone take a step back, take a deep breath, and ask yourself, "Does this [fill in the blank] hurt me physically/financially?" When the answer is no, move along contently. If the answer is yes, well, feel free to bitch on a forum where nobody is in a position to render you appropriate aid. Let me tuck this soap box back under my liquor cabinet...
  11. Hucker

    Camera Etiquitte

    Haha, So you will destroy others property because you are the mainman hunter supreme??? Not just this, but he/she makes a huge assumption that the other person drove past the barrier to hang a camera where he/she, the almighty, was the only person responsible enough to walk to. Get off your high horse, already. Shooting someone's camera is as irresponsible as your vote for Obama! As for fair chase: I hope the pot is not calling the kettle black with his/her high-powered scope mounted to his/her high-powered rifle, using his/her electronic range finder prior to a shot, after spotting the animal with his/her spotting scope from 1,000+ yards. Only Davy Crockett-style kills from here forward with a knife blade he/she forged with his/her bare hands. I look forward to his/her new thread: "Manly-man fair chase kills, the likes of which I am the only one worthy on this forum." It will be riveting, I am sure. Live and let live. Don't like cameras? Don't use them. Don't want your picture taken in public? Stay home, find private land to hunt, or avoid public waterholes. Trust me, I don't like deleting your picture off my camera anymore than you like my camera taking your picture. Guess what. It is the price I pay for hanging my camera where I know you will walk by it. But, I do have a reasonable expectation that my camera will not be shot by your 9mm because you don't like it. If you walk around a waterhole leading up to, during, and a little while following hunting season, you MUST expect a camera will be pointed towards it. If you expect anything less, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. You are of bad moral character if you destroy someone else's property because you don't like it being there. I see similarities in that thought process and those of the Democrat party.
  12. Hucker

    Wtt for a small carry gun

    My wife has a little Ruger SR22 she carries on hikes. Nice shooting piece. The added benefit for my family is that it is a great little gun for my two boys to shoot. When my youngest was 6 y.o., he could handle it well. Just make sure you hold it like a man: if you limp wrist any 22lr auto pistol, the action seems to not want to cycle.
  13. Hucker

    This years possibilities in New York

    I have my w/t tag here in 35A for the 10/23-10/29 hunt. Hopefully I tag out during the weekend because I drive to NY on 10/27 to go into camp on 10/30 and hunt to 11/7. Then I return to AZ. I go up to 5A from 11/21-12/6 for my bull elk tag. Wife is a little irritated I have three tags to fill. My lifetime hunting license in NY was the best $600 I spent in the state. I automatically get my buck tag, bear tag, fall turkey tags, and spring turkey tags each year. My two doe tags are [almost] automatic if I let the state know I want them. Oh, and I can fish year round too. If I had been buying out-of-state tags all of these years, it would have cost me thousands. I hunt the northern side of the Adirondack Mountains, so we use rifles. Average shot distance is 100 yards. Long shots are 200. I love my NY hunting! I'm not sold on this whole western-draw system yet...a man needs to hunt every year! Stupid Government of AZ telling me when I can or can't hunt big game....pfffft.
  14. Hucker

    Replaceable blade knives

    I, too, have both. Prefer the OE for the bone work, Havalon for the caping work. Pay $34.95 to Eastmans and get the OE and a year subscription at the same time (the OE is MSRP at $34.99). Watch CAL Ranch for deals on the Havalon...got mine for $19.99. You can't really go wrong with either, but nice to have both.
  15. Hucker

    Question about Bird Dogs

    Definitely the females are more headstrong and independent. But, they are also cleaner animals around the house IMHO. Once the are trained, they are great. I am on my second female and would not trade her for anything. The key to training seems to be easier training concepts (building blocks, if you will) so she knows what you are trying to train her (and you can bust through her attempts to train you!). Once she gets it, she gets it forever. When I was still living at home, as a much younger man, my father preferred males. They all seemed a little aloof with training. They are all good hunters in the end. We always trained for upland game, not water sports (I know, I know). As for affection, I don't think you can go wrong with either. I type this while watching my 9 y.o. using our 9 m.o. puppy as a pillow, and she's soaking it in.
  16. Hucker

    clean ruger mini 14 for trade

    So I missed it...who won the swing d contest?
  17. Hucker

    what chainsaw to buy

    Only real difference...Husky revs like heck...Stihl revs less...both cut well!
  18. Hucker

    Camera Etiquitte

    Proper etiquette? Of course, it starts with a proper display of a full moon. Then, you hang your camera directly above his in the same tree (psychologically, you are dominating the lesser man in this position), facing the same direction so you both capture pictures (assuming comparable camera trigger speeds on the cameras...but of course mine is better) of the same animals. Then, when the season starts...let the best Hunter win!
  19. Hucker

    When will the rut end?

    Last year, in Unit 23, we went scouting Veteran's Day weekend (Friday thru Tuesday). Each night, the Bulls erupted at 1am. They continued through 7am, then went silent. The last two mornings, they came in to my bugles. There were 5 different Bulls active each time. It was crazy fun! When we went up two weeks later, we saw one bull (he died) and heard none.
  20. Hucker

    Trail Cam pic of the day

    He'll eat well.
  21. Hucker

    Stolen camera

    Whatever happened to hanging your camera right over the top of the others guy's, right after you mooned his of course, just to let him know he has a little competition?!? Stealing is where it is at nowadays, huh? The moral decay of America is in full bloom.
  22. Hucker

    Stolen camera

    So, how does one (read: FS employee) know when I placed my camera? Do they "chalk the tires" like the meter maids in big cities? When does my clock start ticking on my free 24-hrs before it becomes abandoned? If I move it from one tree to another, in the same general area, does my clock restart? How does one know?
  23. Hucker

    Leftovers....Bad news

    So has anyone got their paper tag in the mail yet?
  24. Hucker

    new pics/Stolen SD Cards

    ...running for its life!