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Everything posted by PhxDT

  1. PhxDT

    Fantasy Football Time?

    thread bump
  2. PhxDT

    Need another pair of eyes?

    Thanks guys. Great tip and sounds like an opportunity.
  3. PhxDT

    What is your dream/bucket list hunt?

    Would love to hear a report when you get back. Sounds incredible.
  4. PhxDT

    Fantasy Football Time?

    Changed to a snake!
  5. PhxDT

    Fantasy Football Time?

    happy to switch to a snake draft if that is what is preferred.
  6. PhxDT

    Fantasy Football Time?

    Here is a league I just setup. I'll send an invite to anyone who wants to join, and if anybody knows how to send a link for anyone to click and join, let me know. If not, please just PM me or reply with your email address and I will send. $25 entry 10 team league PPR scoring Snake Draft (EDIT WAS SHOWING AUCTION BUT CHANGED) more details: http://games.espn.com/ffl/leaguesetup/ownerinfo?leagueId=376150
  7. PhxDT

    Fantasy Football Time?

    Anyone interested in an auction instead of snake? not a big deal, but if anyone has done one, they are a ton of fun.
  8. PhxDT

    Fantasy Football Time?

    I am happy to be commish, unless someone wants to do it. No preference. Also, $25? $50? more? don't care. I am sure we'll have a number of leagues started either way.
  9. PhxDT

    Hunters Ed Classes

    Took the recommendation and signed up my 9 year old for this. Is there a cost? I don't see that noted anywhere on the application. Thx
  10. congrats! how many points did you have? 8. 12aw late 1st 12ae muzzleloader 2nd yup, same here, actually, but cc hits yet. [insert your typical language about how not all the cards have been hit, and how there are no provisions/call backs for error cc, etc, haha] This is the life we have chosen. Good luck!
  11. congrats! how many points did you have?
  12. PhxDT

    Pile of horns

    I'll take them. Where are you in Mesa?
  13. PhxDT

    Derringer Anyone?

    haha why'd it take you 6 entire minutes to say you wanted it? haha
  14. PhxDT

    22S Elk Hunt

    Hey guys, I will be out helping a buddy grab his first elk (he's up for anything that has horns- spike is fine, obviously). We'll be SW of the golf course all day tomorrow, off of doll baby rd. If anyone has a bead on a spike they pass on, let me know. my cell: 602 568 798eight.
  15. PhxDT

    22S Elk Hunt

    Back home today (only had 1.5 days available). 37 cows and 1 spike. Locations that I have used with success in the past. Odd.
  16. PhxDT

    22S Elk Hunt

    Perhaps not. Just trying to help a buddy get his first tag filled. Didnt have time to prep or scout. This year has been so dry.
  17. PhxDT

    22S Elk Hunt

    We finished the day with 24 cows spotted and 1 spike. Amazing ratio. Wow.
  18. PhxDT

    22S Elk Hunt

    Ha- is that what the haze is from?? 15 cows this morning. One spike that disappeared.
  19. PhxDT


    If Prdatr isn't interested, I am. good starter for my boys.
  20. So I would love to get out and hunt this year. I know there there will be leftover tags for WT areas, but what is the best neighboring state for OTC of elk or muleys?
  21. This!! I don't think I would want to hunt an orc with a bow, but what do I know?
  22. PhxDT

    And so it begins.

    ahh, found it. Thx. link: https://www.azgfd.com/hunting/draw/statusbar/
  23. PhxDT

    And so it begins.

    I am hearing that GFD are only 40% through the draw. Can someone confirm this? I usually expect the first day (this past Sat) knock out the massive majority of the tags.