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Everything posted by PhxDT

  1. haha. I play when the kids are in bed sometimes. They wake up and ask when I killed in the game the night before...
  2. It's gone. BugleChaser is a nice guy, but I am afraid he's not a Cowboys Fan. It's ok. No one is perfect.
  3. I have someone ahead of you, if they pass, I'll let you know.
  4. PhxDT

    My first longbow build

    I was talking with a group on another spot on this website, and I had a suggestion to start a thread on this. I am working to build a couple of longbows with my boys during this lockdown. I am a total hack here, learning as I go. No one has ever accused me of being wordy, but hope you enjoy it. All suggestions welcome- especially how to fix upsidedown photos. Drives me nuts. Generally, we were inspired by this youtube posting: I have attached an excel spreadsheet I built that details out the dimensions on the bow. Again, newbie on this, but I think it is right. Feel free to ask questions, but this spreadsheet does all the calcs for you automatically. The link to the spreadsheet is at the very bottom of this post. We started out by planning the dimensions of the bow (see upside down pic below). My guys still have a lot of growing to do, but to my surprise, their bows have to be pretty tall- 63 and 57 inches- see below. I found their draw lengths by this method: Fist to Mouth Measurement Unlike the first two full draw measurement methods described above, the fist to mouth measurement does not require any division. All you have to do is to have someone make one simple measurement. Position yourself so you are standing in front of a wall at about arm’s length away. For this measuring tactic, you are going to pretend you are holding a bow in the air. With one arm outstretched and formed into a fist (as if you are holding a bow in the air in front of you), rest your fist against the wall. Keeping your arm in position, take the other arm and draw back your hand to your cheek and mouth where your hand would be when in full draw. Remain in this imagined full draw position and consider your posture as you do so. Have someone measure from your mouth to your fist that is up against the wall to get your full draw measurements. Next, I wanted to keep this on the cheap but also use a good wood. We settled on using maple. Buying one 10' stick at home depot for $22. Backup was going to be poplar. We then cut the maple pieces to size and added drywall tape impregnated with wood glue for a fiberglass support. More purchases at Home Depot. I think we spent another $15 on the glue and the drywall tape. We let the glue dry for 24 hours. Using a chop saw, a box cutter, and a poorly made jigsaw, we cleaned put he bows into general shape. We then started working on the tillering tree. I used this post on youtube to make it. We are trying to make this as DIY as possible, so I went over to Four Peaks Archey in Mesa for some B 50 bow string to make our own bows. He's the most old school archery guy out there, and apparently the company who makes this string when out of business. He doesn't have a website, but here is a FB post. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Four-Peaks-Archery/170201606327001 It was surprisingly hard to find the string- I called 3-4 places before I remembered about Four Peaks Archery. Here is what I bought: I'll be following this post on youtube for the actual making of the string: Next steps: we will be doing some floor tillering to get the bow thin enough to put on the tillering tree for proper work. For that, I need to source a draw knife. Working on that. Bow Diagam and Calculation.xlsx
  5. PhxDT

    Borrow:buy a Draw Knife

    Does anyone have a draw knife I could borrow? Trying to build my first long bow and would like to try it out. happy to buy it if now using too. thx.
  6. PhxDT

    Borrow:buy a Draw Knife

    Happy to post along the way- no problem. Making two long bows with maple using drywall fiberglass tape on it as well. Early on in process. Need a project for the boys to do.
  7. PhxDT

    How are Spring hunts going so far?

    yup, that's what I am planning on...you know, since I didn't plan earlier enough to do the draw. haha.
  8. Hey all- looking for a cheap hard case for a creedmor with a big scope that I just put together. looking for something in the east valley of the phoenix metro. happy with anything- beat up ok. Just have a soft case and it doesn’t fit the gun right now. So- not picky! thx
  9. PhxDT

    How are Spring hunts going so far?

    Never hunted turkey before, but wanting to give it a try. Cool that you can hunt OTC with your kids. Planning to 4A/B in May. Total newbie, so if anyone has ideas, I am open. Not asking for any secret spots. Looks like the best strategy is to sit near tanks and open areas. If nothing else, the weather should be excellent!
  10. PhxDT

    WTB: plastic (hard) gun case

    Thanks. That sounds perfect. I am off the 60 and McQueen. do you plan on being north of your home anytime soon?
  11. PhxDT

    Lets see pics of cool finds

    Found a big pottery dump in 5B. Center piece is the rim of the pot (see the curve), the one in the top left is a chevron pattern and a light washed out blue. lots of stripes.
  12. PC or Xbox one. Check it out.
  13. PhxDT

    Garage part 3...

    Got it. Welp, I understand the desire to clean out the garage! I don’t know when I can make it out there (I am in Gilbert), so I am sure the quiver and broadhead will be a better fit with someone else. Thx.
  14. PhxDT

    Garage part 3...

    Where do you live? If in easy valley metro, I am interested in the quiver and broadheads for my boys.
  15. PhxDT

    Ruger american predator price drop 400

    @Hoytman PM'd you. Sounds like exactly what I am looking for.
  16. PhxDT

    AZ Meteorite

    hmmm 7-8 years ago, maybe.
  17. PhxDT

    AZ Meteorite

    I have had luck just calling the geology dept at ASU. they have been great when diagnosing stuff like this.
  18. PhxDT

    Looking to buy a youth hunting rifle

    You and me both.
  19. PhxDT

    Selling Glock 43 - Sold

    Try text again. Please. Send wrong text number first time.
  20. PhxDT

    Selling Glock 43 - Sold

    PM sent.
  21. PhxDT

    Need hunting money

    Is this new, gently used, or used TP? asking for a friend.
  22. PhxDT

    Bows for sale

    Sent Pm
  23. I live in NW gilbert looking for a spot with some rabbits. Any ideas? i don’t tend to run across them where I hunt dove and quail.
  24. Hmm. I don’t see the pics showing up.