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Everything posted by PhxDT

  1. Such a shame. I heard it was due to a new foreign algae? saw so many dead fish yesterday. 20lb+ catfish, big carp, bass, sunfish, and trout dead.
  2. PhxDT

    Canyon Lake - thousands of dead fish

    Ahh, gotcha.
  3. PhxDT

    Canyon Lake - thousands of dead fish

    Awful. What happens now?
  4. PhxDT

    Debate: what species is this animal??

    Ok, but the it looks like a white tail antler pattern, no? I am about to lose a bet. Haha.
  5. PhxDT

    Debate: what species is this animal??

    Ya, it’s an oldie
  6. PhxDT

    Debate: what species is this animal??

    Yup. Was with a buddy in Texas last week. He told me this was shot in locally. told me it was a mule deer. 100% this is a hybrid? That was my first thought too. zero chance it is a weird white tail?
  7. I have run across this a number of times. Seems to happen at least once on every hunt. I hike in mile(s) into some non-motorized area, and some ATV comes buzzing up 20 minutes after sunrise only to disturb my area. I usually just shrug it off- just chock it up to hunting on public land. We all run into that. This last hunt, I was with my boys on a junior hunt. It was a bummer to see a group with a couple of juniors running quads in a restricted area. How do you guys handle these situations? I am probably going to continue to do nothing in the future, but curious if you all have opinions/actions.
  8. PhxDT

    ATV hunters running in prohibited areas

    ya, thought of this. I think they are overloaded with much bigger issues. oh well.
  9. PhxDT

    Power tool clean out.

    Oh man, I’ll take the sawzall will pm you
  10. PhxDT

    Kayaking on Fool Hollow Lake

    Does anyone know if I need a special permit for my kayak on Fool Hollow lake right now? I can't find anything on their website, except that the lake level is low. I just recall from a couple of years ago that a daily permit was needed. https://azstateparks.com/fool-hollow/explore/facility-information
  11. PhxDT

    Kayaking on Fool Hollow Lake

    great- Thanks for the tip!
  12. PhxDT

    Free brewing equipment

    Bottle capper, misc lids, corks, etc in NW Gilbert
  13. PhxDT

    Free Water Softener

    I’m in your area right now. Interested 6Otwo- 798eight
  14. OK jokers. This was an $800 piece of furniture. Nobody wants it? This was an $800 piece of furniture. Nobody wants it? haha
  15. It’s upside down. Stupid pics. sits on the ground.
  16. Free to anyone who can use them. They seem to be both at least 50% full, but guessing more like 80% full. (still plagued with the stupid upside down thing)
  17. No problem, They are all spoken for now.
  18. If you want the second one, it is yours. If not, i can go to the next post.
  19. It’s yours if you can make it over. I live in Gilbert, btw
  20. I am thinking this bill gets little traction. Seems like this comes up every term.
  21. Just came across an app called What3words. Amazing. you can define any 3m2 square of land on earth with 3 words. Definitely going to use this next time I am out. Would be great for telling others where you are. I know you can send waypoints through onX (I have that too), but texting 3 words to show your buddies a location would be awesome.
  22. PhxDT

    Ever used this app for hunting?

    Hahaha. Love it. Nice part of this app is that it is all on the phone- no internet connection needed (I believe).