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Everything posted by PhxDT

  1. PhxDT

    BLACKBERRIES ripe yet???

    I took my family to the Tonto Natural Ridge two weekends ago. I'd say 10% of the berries were ripe and ready to go.
  2. PhxDT

    More Velvet Bulls

    Can't wait for this season.
  3. PhxDT

    Project: making her smile

    very cool/creative.
  4. PhxDT

    Looking Good in Velvet

    incredible. How far away were you? great detail.
  5. PhxDT

    brush country bull almost done?

    This never gets old. Thanks for the pics.
  6. Anyone into filming their golf swings with a gopro? I just picked one up for this Fall's hunts (and thought it would be fun for checking my golf swing as well- bonus). Pretty impressive with 120fps.
  7. yah, lots of errors that I see, but pays back in no time in lessons saved. Wow.
  8. PhxDT

    a few pics

    quite the collection there. Impressive!
  9. PhxDT

    BIG front end on a 7x8 on 6/9

    I opened it in paint and cropped it and did the beautiful electronic markering job. incredible photoshop work, ha. Hunters are a secretive bunch (myself included)
  10. PhxDT

    Better off dead

    It's just another reasons the Arizona Wilderness is unique. I love seeing them, but only take them down if there's a direct threat.
  11. PhxDT

    Better off dead

    Have you done anything creative with the skins? Ever eat the meat? its not that bad.
  12. PhxDT

    2015 / 2016 hunt predictions

    this weather is a great distraction. I have a bull hunt in 22 and really liking what I am seeing.
  13. PhxDT

    Hunting w/ Epi-Pen

    I am allergic to shellfish. I suggest you meet with an allergist to figure out what it is. Obviously playing with fire. I keep two with me when going to dinner, but given my allergy, I don't have to worry about it in AZ!
  14. PhxDT

    Bitter/Sweet Fathers day

    Great perspective. Thank you for the reminder.
  15. PhxDT

    Raising your own meat

    haha thank you. I was about to throw my IPAD LOL!How old when you butcher?Friends of mine raise these geneticly altered chickens that are ready to butcher at 6 weeks. All they do is eat, can hardly walk but they are delicious. This is hilarious. I have no problem with it, but still hilarious.
  16. PhxDT

    Fathers Day

    looks incredible. Rare please- only way to eat Buffalo.
  17. PhxDT

    never under estimate

    Haha. At least it was her hunt.
  18. PhxDT


    i have heard that all this great precipitation can turn dangerous with fuel for summer fires. Hopefully that isn't the case with monsoon coming up.
  19. PhxDT

    Eye candy

    Love the antler growth
  20. PhxDT

    2 Bulls

    incredible- and very exciting for those of us with tags. Great year to get lucky.
  21. PhxDT

    Unit 8

    Cool pic of the black bear.
  22. PhxDT

    Mean/Insane Tom Down!

    A beast, wow.
  23. PhxDT

    350 Plus Bulls

    It's green out there. The only downside is all the mosquitoes. I don't remember a time when they were this thick. Nothing compared to Minn or other areas, but still annoying.
  24. PhxDT

    Draw Questions

    I hear that, but how long did it take to get the results because they needed to manually call back everyone whose credit card info was wrong? More delays if you turned in your tags. There is going to be mistakes- can't be perfect. Part of the charm and excitement. Oh, and Dez Bryant caught that ball.