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About PhxDT

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    Advanced Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    GIlbert, AZ
  • Interests
    Hunting, Hiking, Fishing, soccer, cooking/grilling.

    I have a 3 kids, and want to get them out fishing/hunting/hiking as often as I can.

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  1. PhxDT

    Any traffic lawyer on cw?

    This is an amazing community!
  2. PhxDT

    Young Man Training- Want to rope a calf

    Ya- Been Busy. Meant if we could rope a calf with just a rope on the ground- like kids running around without being on horse. Hopefully that makes sense!
  3. PhxDT

    Young Man Training- Want to rope a calf

    That is a great idea. I'll PM you, would be great for the boys!
  4. That's about as random of a subject as I could make it, but here is the background. We have a group of 5 dads (myself included) that are doing monthly meetings on "man training" with our 5 sons, whereby we teach them some practical skill (electrical wiring, car maintenance, how to field dress an elk, overnight forest survival, etc). We also have a spiritual element to it, where we work on something like patience, kindness, self control, etc. All of the boys are high school sophomores and cityslickers. We'd love to find an opportunity to come out to a ranch and learn how to rope a calf, because that would be completely new and out of their element...which is the point. As men, we are routinely thrown into situations that are new and we need to find a way out. Its a great confidence builder! If there is anyone that has a ranch, we'd love to come out for a little demonstration and some practical work. Heck, if you have some chores around the ranch for the boys to do, even better! Feel free to DM me with any ideas. Thanks for reading!
  5. PhxDT

    Was this intentional? haha

    I have seen $150k/acre. This is lower because of the topography, but still craaazy expensive!
  6. PhxDT

    Was this intentional? haha

    I was looking at land up north and this was one of the pictures... (original link if you care to see the rest of the otherwise benign pics: Heber, Navajo County, AZ Homesites for sale Property ID: 419510072 | LandWatch)
  7. also, I was told the asian carp was introduced into the canals here and somehow got into salt river.
  8. hey, I am in. Would be a ton of fun. When is the visibility the best at lake pleasant? Been wanting to get my scuba license too, maybe a good motivation to smack out some invasive species and have fun at the same time.
  9. I was fishing this morning and ran into a guy who does this. He's making it his mission to take out as much of the invasive species as possible, which is great to hear. Is anyone else doing this? I am thinking about giving it a try.
  10. Thx guys. This is covered.
  11. Text my cell: 602-Five6Eight-798Eight
  12. NW Gilbert eeping bags, fishing boxes, 2 room tent (it’s big) this is free but prefer all to one person. Could fit in the backseat of most cars or a trunk. The pile is growing!
  13. PhxDT


    Interested. Pm sent.
  14. I have a young family member getting into framing and I gave away my bags years ago. I’d like to give him some used bags. Can’t walk onto a job site with new bags, you know? if you have great used bags- I will pay you whatever you want. Let me know. closer to me the better: cooper and Elliot in Gilbert. my cell is best (text): 602-568-7nine8eight