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Everything posted by azruger

  1. I have spotted many bucks fit or no rut from the highway. My biggest coues was spotted from the highway.
  2. azruger

    CVA Kodiak Magnum .45 Cal Muzzle loader

    Do.you still have smoke.pole.
  3. azruger

    Youth Hoyt Bows, LH Bear Bow, VAP Arrows, Pack

    Do you still have the bear bow? And will draw length go up to 29"??
  4. azruger

    FS: Savage 11 Youth 243: SOLD

    I am looking to buy my 10 year old daughter her first rifle. Looks like a solid gun.
  5. azruger

    CVA Kodiak Magnum .45 Cal Muzzle loader

    Still interested in the muzzle loader...
  6. azruger

    Youth Hoyt Bows, LH Bear Bow, VAP Arrows, Pack

    Interested.in youth bows and LH bear. I lost vision in right eye. Got to start shooting LH. What would you do for all 3 tohether. Or the bear and hour package.
  7. azruger

    Globe Shooting

    It is a sad day for myself my friends and my home town of globe. We lost 2 great people today. One was particularly close. She played volleyball for Miami and was my wife's arch nemesis back in 93. She was a great player and women. Rest in peace Christy licano...
  8. azruger

    Globe Shooting

    Thank you. It really hits home. You see it in the news and it breaks your heart to see innocent people taken from us in such selfless acts of violence. It really hits home when it's your home town and people you have known throughout tour life. It has already started with people saying "we need tougher gun laws" even talk of trying to make arizona a non-open carry state. Our society needs to understand guns don't kill people. People kill people with guns. Don't be ignorant!!! Someone has to load that gun and pull that trigger.. lay a gun on a bar table locked and loaded and it will never jump up and start shooting unless some coward piece of shoot grabs it!!!!!! We don't need tougher gun laws we need harsher consequences for the people who commit the crimes. Make prison tough not a dam vacation where you can get a college degree,free medical and free food all at he expense of the victims and rheir families...
  9. azruger

    Globe Shooting

    22 year old Navajo Sterling Randall hunt was playing pool with the victims. Victims went out back to smoke hunt left and returned right away. Went to back patio and opened fire in the victims.
  10. azruger

    2A,2B,2C Hunt

    I knew lamell Ellsworth personally. He was good friends with my uncle. heck of a man and unbelievable hunter... He could track a snake.across a linoleum floor.
  11. azruger

    CVA Kodiak Magnum .45 Cal Muzzle loader

    What would you take.without scope
  12. azruger

    Globe Shooting

    3rd victim has.died. What a tragedy. Rest in peace Ashley sanchez.
  13. azruger

    Father son double

    Great times there. Memories forever..
  14. azruger

    Globe Shooting

    Yes I was at jammerz with my ex wife for her 25 year class reunion in oct. Pretty sure it was the same night.
  15. azruger

    Leftover Tag List Dates?

    I am.looking right now and hunt numbers on leftover list don't match original regs.???
  16. azruger

    Spring draw is on the portal

    Waiting for.the left over list for me and the kids
  17. azruger

    Spring draw is on the portal

    Gonna pick up leftovers for me my 2 boys and my daughter.
  18. azruger

    Youth 243

    Looking for a youth rifle for my 10 year old daughter. She is a small girl 243 would be ideal. Anyone got anything their kids have outgrown.
  19. azruger

    Youth 243

    Thanks for the info.
  20. azruger

    Mossberg 500 20ga FS

    Most definitely keep the 1100. I have my grandfather's, my dads, and mine. Too many rounds to count went through those guns. Used so much bluing gone where you insert shells.
  21. azruger

    Youth 243

    Which wall mart?? I am located in tucson. That is the one she wants of course!!!!
  22. azruger

    Rifles for sale

    I had the exact gun except had a 4x leupold. My go to gun. Until stolen years back in globe. Trying to talk the wife into letting me buy it. Best shooting gun I have ever had
  23. azruger

    First buck

    Neck ya... congrats on a great buck young man. Wish my first was that big..
  24. azruger


    Where you located
  25. azruger

    cva muzzleloaders inline and hawken

    Please send pics if they are still availanle.. 5209657973