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Everything posted by oldguy123

  1. oldguy123

    Game meat choice?

    definitely caribou
  2. oldguy123

    lost on 10 hr ride

    Awesome, thanks
  3. oldguy123

    Vaquero outfitters..... Ouch that'll leave a mark

    Some would say that having someone else finish off a wounded elk for you, tagging it and donating the meat, is a bit different. Than an Outfitter who hires a professional wildlife herding pilot, who then herds antelope for you probably a big buck or two out of an existing open archery hunt unit into your own private ranch.... not the moral equivalent. Allegedly, maybe he was herding cattle in August ,
  4. oldguy123


    Exactly... who would argue this point and why?
  5. oldguy123

    Vaquero outfitters..... Ouch that'll leave a mark

    Thank you..... couldn't agree more
  6. oldguy123

    game and fish

    It is what is is, the G&F guy in the field has nothing to with this. I am with you it seems that who ever they are paying big bucks to do this could get it right But the federal govt couldn't with health care. I think its just the times we live in, we are held hostage by some geeks.. no disrespect to the geek hunter who fixes my computer.. in a lot of aspects of our lives computer people control us... Its all outsourced. Glad the game and fish is out there trying to stop our whitetails from getting poached.. can you imagine if they were not??
  7. oldguy123

    Vaquero outfitters..... Ouch that'll leave a mark

    YOU are so right.. enough is enough I think its time it stopped, If someone gets caught doing those things then the laws the law. I think they should get tougher on these things longer sentences and bigger fines.
  8. oldguy123


    So a landowner should be able to block the public and government from thousands of acres public lands. I guess they are now... I disagree, Strong arm the ranchers for what? access to public land? If all that happens is that they close those portions locked by ranchers to hunting its a good thing. you know they could close all of the ranches to hunting too.... Maybe the animals will get bigger, one might wander out of locked up and closed to hunting public land, wander through private land and I might get it. Unless its herded back by a helicopter. normal hunters if we get drawn are screwed
  9. oldguy123

    Vaquero outfitters..... Ouch that'll leave a mark

    The Pilot. He wont go down for some guy that hired him if all this is true. 1 year and $200,000 FFA probably has rules on flying and committing a crime, so he may lose his pilots license? may lose everything over this? His attorney will tell him its either that or take a chance and I bet the evidence and testimony is overwhelming. NO,, he is going to sing like a cactus wren in mating season Smith is really the only the guy they want .. I love the hiring a professional wildlife herding pilot from Texas to herd cattle on another ranch through a fence in Aug story though. We all know ranchers herd cattle in August, because they stray so far from the water in June and July.. seriously I bet that was the only pilot in Aug within 1000 miles herding "cattle"
  10. oldguy123


    If the Game and Fish cant pass this.. they are certainly within their rights to close any area they feel necessary to hunting. Sounds good to me, allow legal hunters to access public land. sounds like the people that have their own personal public locked land are upset. Put it to a vote and explain what they are trying to do and it will pass easily. Allow the public access to their lands what's wrong with that? What's going on now with Vaquero is a perfect example of why they need access to these areas as does all the public
  11. oldguy123

    kaibab under attack

    Democrats.. all 3 sponsors of bill Who knew No offense to someone on here, not trying to start that debate but maybe it will make someone think before they vote
  12. oldguy123

    Vaquero outfitters..... Ouch that'll leave a mark

    Not all outfitters are bad. But if you have ever finally drawn a Bull or Strip tag and then been harassed by a guides "helpers" you probably would feel that there needs to be a limit on helpers.. I be the happiest guy on the mountain if a hunter was limited to two guides. Imagine having helpers drive by your camp before daylight then watching an animal you wanted to hunt nobody with a tag among them.. giving you the death stare as you come to hunt or telling you this is their clients animal or even spooking it off on purpose.. But of course they are there every year so its their spot,, right? If a "helper" is harassing a legal hunter then the outfitter should be fined, the helper fined and banned forever for working for a guide. how many helpers are to many? 5? 10? 20? It will happen to you... just draw a premium tag.
  13. oldguy123

    Vaquero outfitters..... Ouch that'll leave a mark

    Mr Smith wont be able to continue in the outfitting business if convicted, He cant turn over his outfitting business and then be paid by it. He is still in the outfitting business then.. If he gets paid by the business he is in the business, if he tries to hide he is in the business how does the business pay him? Next thing he will be in trouble with the IRS and then the game and fish again.. Unless they Game and Fish just says he cannot guide and hunt, If that's the case I hope they change the law so that if an outfitter is convicted they cannot participate in any business that profits from Arizona Wildlife.. This should hold true with all outfitters so if one of their employees commits an offense the outfitter is responsible for it..
  14. oldguy123

    Vaquero outfitters..... Ouch that'll leave a mark

    I feel pretty confident that the pilot hired by smith is going to testify exactly what he was hired to do and exactly who told him to do what and everything that took place in order to reduce his fine... wouldn't you?? or are you going to just roll the dice and hope you don't get a year in jail and a 200K fine????