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Phil Beavers

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Everything posted by Phil Beavers

  1. Phil Beavers

    Manfrotto, badlands, remmington, under armour, Justin's

    Thats a good deal on them backpacks!
  2. Phil Beavers

    Gotta love this "new" Nation

  3. Phil Beavers

    Gotta love this "new" Nation

  4. Phil Beavers

    Best way to meet hunting bros

    That works well until they get older if they are athletic and like sports. Now high school football season starts and runs through early archery deer season , and then basketball runs through late archery season..lol
  5. Phil Beavers

    Bow for 11 year old son

    Thats what I did last year for my son when he turned 13.. I just bought him a Bowtech Fuel its pretty much a starter bow that adjusts from 10# to 70#... Now he can use until he's an adult or when he can afford his own expensive bow..
  6. Phil Beavers

    Paleo Diet

    Absolutely .. If we had the time to actually do more " hard work" we wouldnt need all these dumb diets. Technology has come a long way and made it super comfortable for us to live. I'd have wash board abs if I had to cut my own wood every day.
  7. Phil Beavers


    We had Mel Gibson! LOL.. Until he went crazy
  8. Phil Beavers

    Paleo Diet

    I been on a diet since February and have lost close to 30lbs I'd say.. Some of it was lifestyle change ( no beers Mon. - Thurs ) but a lot of it was because I bought this book called " Wheat Belly " its basically a " no wheat diet"... It sucks because you miss out on burgers, pasta , and pizzas, but man it really works. My wife and I still eat carbs too we just dont eat flour or anything wheat based.. The book says corn tortillas are good and so is red wine..My neighbor turned me on to this diet, and like I said I been at it since Feb, and the main reason I did it was to be in better hunting shape plus I'm only 34 and should really take advantage of being healthy and young. Oh yeah now that I've lost the weight I will reward my self by cheating on the weekends, mostly beers but I will also have a sandwich or burger just try not to eat anything bad Mon.-Thursday.
  9. Phil Beavers

    Sleep in hunting clothes when backpack hunting?

    Scent free shenanigans lol!
  10. Phil Beavers

    Best way to meet hunting bros

    I'm fortunate enough that my two best buddies ( who are actually brothers ) hunt. They are actually the ones that turned me on to hunting. I also have a couple other buddies who hunt so it works out perfect!
  11. Phil Beavers


    .There were 14-15 candidates running. Including some very conservative ones. The people picked Trump. Second place was Cruz. Two guys the establishment hates. That is a good sign to me. Amen to that. As far as im concerned there should be no such thing as a career politician. Term limits on every elected position. Thats not a bad idea.
  12. Phil Beavers


    . There were 14-15 candidates running. Including some very conservative ones. The people picked Trump. Second place was Cruz. Two guys the establishment hates. That is a good sign to me. yeah but you dont think that people picked him because he was the loudest and most identifiable republican available ? I mean everyone knows Tump he's literally a house hold name and not from his politics but from his celebrity.
  13. Phil Beavers


    Thats how it was for me when I became of legal voting age... 8 years of Bush. Then 8 years of Obama So far I have seen nothing good.. From 9-11 to the lies about weapons of mass destruction , housing market crash and now the guy in office pretty much helped build the worlds most barbaric terrorist group to ever live. Its been all bad but hey were still the global super power and still the best country on the planet.. Its like that old saying " you can polish a turd all you want but at the end of the day its still a piece of chit"
  14. Phil Beavers


    We love to point the finger at the libs / dems but when are we going to start pointing the finger at the GOP ? When are they going to get their act together and bring us a good candidate? This election alone shows us how broken they are. They need to start molding someone with the values we care about but someone who can still go out and capture some of the minority and young voters.
  15. Phil Beavers

    What feature would you like on your GPS.

    I successfully used Avenza until I finally bought a Rhino 650...Its just hard to beat a Garmin GPS with the Hunt AZ map chips..Avenza is legit though and works really well even shows some water tanks.
  16. Phil Beavers

    Unit 9 early rifle

    Nice.. Helped my buddy scout in unit 9 last season. Lots of big bulls and scrapes ever where good luck.
  17. Phil Beavers

    What feature would you like on your GPS.

    Garmin Rhino 650's are pretty cool.
  18. Phil Beavers

    What feature would you like on your GPS.

    Bigger screen , better touch screen tech, longer battery life, maybe something like text messaging feature.
  19. Phil Beavers

    Tent bag too small

    They will have every size imaginable plus a few different colors to choose from! I have a couple black ones I first purchased for a Havasupai Falls hike several years ago and now I just use them for hunting and camping equipment I find them more convenient than rubber maid totes.
  20. Phil Beavers

    Stolen Bows

    Good lord.. I remember the number they did last year or the year before.. 2 times in 1 week is awful. Hope they get the perps!
  21. Phil Beavers

    Stolen Bows

    I dont think so..
  22. Phil Beavers

    I am Tired!!!

    They should literally make camper have to take some sort of hazard recognition test before they can camp or something like that..Never once have I ever left a trash bag at my camp not even in my late teens early 20's party days. The trash was always loaded up and dumped in a dumpster at some random business dumpster in Camp Verde lol! The not properly putting out a fire gets me the most.
  23. Phil Beavers

    Stolen Bows

    dang! Not again! Love the guys at Ross..
  24. Phil Beavers

    Message to gun grabbers

    LOL...I approve this message!
  25. Phil Beavers

    Do I need a 20yd pin ?

    If you're shooting low on your 40 yard pin then you need to dial it in better..Everyone groups at 20