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Phil Beavers

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Everything posted by Phil Beavers

  1. Phil Beavers

    Slob hunters

    NE Style IPA's > West Coast IPA's 😁
  2. Phil Beavers

    Tombstone best restaurant.

    If you're into craft beer Tombstone Brewery in Tombstone is pretty dang good. One of the better craft breweries in AZ.
  3. Phil Beavers

    What's up with this?

    Too many people own those things now. They are everywhere.
  4. Phil Beavers

    Where were you?

    Living at my parents during the college years.. I remember listening to Stern on the way to class because he stayed on air during it all..
  5. Phil Beavers

    American Hero passes. John Sidney McCain III

    A true American hero for sure.
  6. Phil Beavers

    Easy Meals while camping?

    Carne Asada.. Just throw it on the grill and a tortilla or two
  7. Phil Beavers

    Unattended Fire

    They put huge signs up too " DROWN YOUR CAMPFIRE "
  8. Phil Beavers

    dirt work preparation for yard rock?

    Use 4 oz geotextile filter fabric instead of plastic
  9. Phil Beavers


    I have thought about them but when I'm out bow hunting in the field I carry my bow by its string a lot of the time, and as a shorter guy I think the "quivalizer " would hit the ground or at least any large rock that I walk over or through.
  10. Phil Beavers


    I hunt with a Badlands day pack... With that being said , all this awesome gear isnt really needed. If you can afford it , buy it! If you cant afford it you will be fine.Work with what ya got. I've hunted with lots of successful hunters who dont have 300 dollar back packs. If you dont mind spending some good coin take a look at all the brands some of the posters recommended. Popular back pack manufacturers are: Badlands Kuiu Kirafu Eberlstock Outdoorsman There are probably traditional bow hunters and Native Americans who still use basket type backpacks, I kid you not.
  11. Phil Beavers

    Fire Restrictions Coming to an End!

    Hellz yeah!
  12. Phil Beavers

    New pool

    Love my pool I have two boys and they use it all the time. I recommend getting one of those in floor cleaning systems ( pop ups ) rather than having that blue hose and vacuum floating in the pool all day.
  13. Phil Beavers

    Bad Neighbor

    dang... I'm lucky and get a long with my neighbors. I look out for one of them. When he's on vacation I'll bring his garbage can up to his back gate for him so home owners association ( aka the gestapo ) doesnt harass him. I'm a pretty cool neighbor though. I dont mind him blasting his 80's hair band metal or messing with his loud Razor every day. Some people rented from me on the other side of the house and they were really cool even bow hunted, but the owner sold and they moved out. New neighbors are cool though cant complain yet.
  14. Phil Beavers

    Dick's (sporting goods) shriveling up

    Thats what I do buy my kids sports gear there.. Its literally the only sporting goods store left. They bought up all the sports chalet's..
  15. Phil Beavers

    Dick's (sporting goods) shriveling up

    Exactly, walmart crap there anyways. He11 wally world probably has a better selection and prices Exactly its all Primos stuff at best...
  16. Phil Beavers

    Dick's (sporting goods) shriveling up

    Their hunting dept sucks anyways..Seriously
  17. Phil Beavers

    Any good tackle shops in tucson?

    + 1 on this... Just drive the speed limit from Sonoyta to Rocky Point.... I'm not even mad at these speed traps . It has people driving like normal human beings and not trying to be Dale Earnhart from Sonoyta to Rocky Point. Enjoy your trip.
  18. Phil Beavers

    Long hot summer

    I still dont understand how dopey jerks come to this state when its 120 degrees and decide that its a good idea to go hiking. Then later that evening you see them on the news being flown off a hiking trail by paramedics..
  19. Phil Beavers

    NRA convention

    What did he say?
  20. Phil Beavers

    My Outdoor TV - anyone subscribed to this?

    I'm 300.00 and thats with the movie channels and their faster internet. Cable TV is slowly dying... I streamed Youtube Red last night and watched the Karate Kid reboot " Cobra Kai " .. Its actually pretty good The guys in their 30's - 40's would probably like it.
  21. Phil Beavers

    Cool selfie pic

    Mike Pence looks so much like the Grandpa from King of the Hill " Cotton Hill" lol..
  22. Phil Beavers

    My Outdoor TV - anyone subscribed to this?

    Our Cox bill is crazy high because we have their fast internet and every movie channel I can cut it in half by just cutting the cable / movie channels and only having the internet. I've never even heard of Youtube tv until now. This is what the future of cable TV is going to be moving forward.. I have a 16 year old son and he only streams TV shows and movies doesnt ever watch movies from Cox. My younger son is the same way too just watches youtube all day. I need to get on this.
  23. Phil Beavers

    NFL Draft

    In this thread, Toby admits to sucking at sports and possibly life itself.
  24. Phil Beavers

    NFL Draft

    Super happy with the pick.. They got probably the most NFL ready of the QB's and only gave a up a 3rd and 5th round , no future picks.. What a steal. Not a huge loss if he doesnt pan out. Leave it Oakland to make a dumb trade. They knew cards needed a QB and could have got so much more in return They love fleecing Oakland.. They got Carson Palmer from the Raiders for actually nothing.
  25. Phil Beavers

    NFL Draft

    Dude with that pass rush a lock down CB makes them even more dangerous..