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Phil Beavers

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About Phil Beavers

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  1. Phil Beavers

    Lion or Large Bobcat

    Thanks fellas. I agree because I immediately thought large bobcat, but all the "Karens" in the neighborhood want to start claiming its a lion and man they swear they are experts lol. I told them I would post this pic for the fellow predator hunters/trappers opinion since they see these things all the time.
  2. Phil Beavers

    Lion or Large Bobcat

    Thats what I'm thinking just based on the face and I cant see a tail...
  3. Phil Beavers

    Lion or Large Bobcat

    People in my neighborhood ( Goodyear, AZ Estrella Mountains ) keep claiming there is a Mountain Lion roaming around the community. I'm pretty sure this is just a large bob cat but I figured you guys were the real experts.
  4. Phil Beavers

    Rut Activity

    Its a sit water hunt this year.
  5. Phil Beavers

    Rut Activity

    Bulls in 9 were pretty quiet. Some bugles in the morning. Super dry out there too.
  6. Phil Beavers

    Unit 9 bull archery hunt

    Thats a gnarly bull.. Congrats
  7. Phil Beavers

    Unit 9 bull archery hunt

    Thats a good unit.. I got a bull there in 2017.. You should be able to hear those bulls sounding off in the mornings. Chase the bugle
  8. Phil Beavers

    Crispi boot recommendations

    I have the Crispi Thor GTX. Most comfortable boot I have ever used. I made them better and threw in a lanthrop and sons insole ( I recommend Lanthrop and Sons ) I know Ross Outdoors stocks Crispi and others.
  9. Phil Beavers

    Poor Pitiful Hikers

    The guy who hosted our trip did it right. He brought a small propane burner / stove and had frozen dinners prepared. We paid the Natives / mules to carry our duffel bags and ice chests all we carried were day packs and water. Those switch backs on the way back up to the parking lot was the only bad part of the trip.
  10. Phil Beavers

    Poor Pitiful Hikers

    I hiked Havasupai like 7 years ago and I remember this big burly cowboy was hiking the trail in wranglers, black tee shirt , big butt black Garth Brooks Cowboy hat and black cowboy boots he made it like 4 miles before we passed him sitting down getting help from people. You have to come prepared. heck, the cheap wal mart water socks I bought didn't even last a day walking through the creeks. Awesome hike though and I highly recommend it. You wont ever forget the feeling of diving in that blue water after the long hike in.
  11. Phil Beavers

    Fire coaches.

    I dont think the Suns coach is the problem. That team is super young and soft! They need a vet in there ASAP. Someone to slap around these young Suns players for lack of effort. As for the Cardinals yeah coach Wilks sucks and needs to go ASAP. He's done nothing good this season. Bruce Arians had this same Cardinals team go 8-8 last season with no David Johnson & Blaine Gabbert as QB.
  12. Phil Beavers

    Payson area thieves never disapoint...

    Tee-pee the house!
  13. Investments I assume. Guns dont depreciate
  14. Phil Beavers

    ISO Gatorade water bottles

    They sell them at Dicks sporting goods.
  15. Phil Beavers

    Crispi Hunting Boots

    I wear the Crispi Thor GTX and I freaking love them. The most comfortable boot I ever owned. If you want to try on in person go to Ross Outdoors in Phoenix. They started carrying Crispi boots. I made them even more comfy with the Lanthrop and Sons footbed.