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About 40-year-AZ-hunter

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    Advanced Member

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    Flagstaff, AZ

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  1. 40-year-AZ-hunter

    Free to good home 44amp ammo

    πŸ‘Ž Just smart, considering the history and circumstances.
  2. 40-year-AZ-hunter

    In search of English lab

    That's weird. I've worked for two Beagle rescues in the past. They want good homes for the dogs, but a 6' high front fence? Few people have any front fence.
  3. 40-year-AZ-hunter


    I'd like the Weaver and Redfield scopes please.
  4. Near Shea and 51 fwy in Phx. (It's $429 + tax at Bestbuy).
  5. 40-year-AZ-hunter

    Google Pixel 9, Unlocked, Sealed Box $425

  6. 40-year-AZ-hunter

    Google Pixel 9, Unlocked, Sealed Box $425

    I have a new in sealed box Pixel 9 that I won't use. 128GB storage, 12GB memory. Factory Unlocked. Near Shea and 51 fwy in N. Phoenix
  7. 40-year-AZ-hunter

    Winchester W209 Shotshell Primers SOLD

    I'll take these.
  8. 40-year-AZ-hunter

    WTT one of 2 ar’s

  9. 40-year-AZ-hunter

    e FS Mule Deer Shoulder mount 29 1/2 18 points

    Why would you question another's motives in public? He may have many reasons for chosing money over his mount. If it is really any of your concern, perhaps a PM would be more appropriate.
  10. 40-year-AZ-hunter

    Remington Shotguns All Are Sold

    870 choke? Fixed?
  11. 40-year-AZ-hunter

    Need 17 Remington brass

    Geez, essentially $1 each, just for brass.
  12. 40-year-AZ-hunter

    Need 17 Remington brass

    I've owned 2 17-223s for nearly 55 years and 2 17 Remingtons for 15 years. Not a nickels worth of difference in performance. I'm not fond of the short neck on the 17-223 and need to neck ream if using 223 brass. Pic is side by side
  13. 40-year-AZ-hunter


    Where are you located? Thanks
  14. 40-year-AZ-hunter

    Looking for .410 3” #2-#6 shot for a youth hunter

    $6 per shot???😫
  15. 40-year-AZ-hunter

    Sold, Samsung Galaxy S23FE, Unlocked, As New $350

    Added Pic