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Everything posted by Ed67

  1. Ed67

    And the Card hits will begin

    I was hit at 0709 and had 6 points 6A early archery bull. Not bonus pass
  2. Ed67

    And the Card hits will begin

    Just hit for 3 6A early archery bull tags 👍🏻
  3. 👍🏻 great for trad style muzzleloaders too!
  4. Ed67

    Javelina Rifle and Cartridge

    22WMR rifles are legal, handguns are not
  5. Ed67

    San Carlos turkey

    Just received an email that I drew spring hunt #3. Anyone else?
  6. Ed67

    Reputable Toyota mechanic in east valley?

    480 699-2880. Yota Pros in Tempe near Costco I-10 and Elliot. Very reasonable
  7. Ed67

    San Carlos turkey

    It says I need to go online and pay. Trying it now
  8. Ed67

    Javelina Rifle and Cartridge

    This year I am hunting with my 1965 Winchester 94 30-30. Son is hunting with his Marlin 336 30-30. Iron sights on both. I am bringing my Savage 22-250 as a backup 😮
  9. Ed67

    Fishing Talkalai

    Great, thank you
  10. Ed67

    Fishing Talkalai

    Are gas motors allowed there?
  11. Ed67

    Safe boating

    Why would the police be looking for him if he did attach a 200 to a 14’ Jon boat?
  12. Ed67

    NL Pures 12x42

    Great glass, son has these, I have the 14s. Not a ton of difference
  13. Ed67

    27 late rifle for disabled youth.

    Great write up and hunt! Awesome shot AJ!
  14. Ed67


    I use it with My 6.5 PRC, 60 Grains of VVH 560, WLR primer, Lapua brass, 123 grain Hammer Hunter bullet gives me about 3250 FPS average and very accurate. Two one shot kills on a coues buck and a 300 6A bull.
  15. Ed67

    Oleander removal

    Question for those with oleander experience. I have an oleander tree 8” trunk near my back patio. I intend to cut to ground level as removing the root ball isn’t an option. After cutting, if I drill and apply glyphosphate or any recommended fluid, will this kill the root ball? thanks, Ed
  16. Ed67

    Late hunt question

    Yep, no rut and a lot of people are out in the desert. Personally I prefer the earlier combat hunts in November.
  17. Ed67

    Sold-Rcbs rock chucker LNIB

    I’ve used that press for 40 years. Great press.
  18. Ed67

    BBD - 2024 hunt

    Incredible buck! Congratulations
  19. Ed67

    Late hunt question

    It’s been a great and challenging hunt but these old legs are spent. We are happy to get a buck but 36A you win Big fire, Fireball and football via Starlink , headed home tomorrow. I highly recommend La Siesta RV campground in Arivaca if hunting 36A or B. Great camo host, power water and sewer plus a little pond to fish in. Cheers.
  20. Ed67

    Late hunt question

    Ok we are hunting 36A which has really been kicking our butts and for only 75 tags it seems everyone else had the same gameplan. Oh well, public land all good. Needless to say the bucks have been few and far between. This past Monday we saw a great buck in an area that takes quite a bit of time to get to so we went back this morning before sunup. Two other pairs of hunters had the same plan, probably looking for the same buck, if he’s still alive. Again, public land all good. We glassed up several deer, one small two point then watched this one bed at about 750 yards around 0900. We decided to make a play for him and moved to abiut 390 where we sat and watched him for the next 3 hours. We could only see eye, nose and antler. Finally he stood and my son dumped him with a Savage 110 Ultralight 6.5 PRC, handloaded with 123 grain Hammer Hunter bullets at 3250. He took a step and was done. Not the biggest with expectations on a late hunt but with work and family calling he’s happy and so am I. Grateful to spend time with him and thinking back to the first deer he shot on a 33 youth hunt at 11 years old 17 years ago. Back at it in the morning.
  21. Ed67

    Late hunt question

    On another bedded buck. Been on him 2 hours 15 min so far. Hasn’t moved
  22. Ed67

    Late hunt question

    Tried talking my son into shooting but he refused