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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot


    Don't they breed in the summer ... Maybe he had a little extra musk for the ladies .. maybe your boot looked attractive to him
  2. Str8Shot

    Didn't take long

    Ahhhh Man ! That sucks
  3. Str8Shot

    Under Armour pisses off hunting community

    except they didnt have 500lbs of maple donuts 15,000 years ago. No they baited bear by slaughtering another animal being it a deer, a mule a wild horse... you think bears are only attracted to maple and honey ?
  4. Str8Shot

    Under Armour pisses off hunting community

    I think Baiting is BS .. But even I understand why so many places with huge density of bear use baiting and its importance for population management and selective harvesting. That being said, He chucked that spear further than a lot of guys have had to letting an arrow fly. It was legal, the game was recovered, looking at the blade and penetration it probably suffered and expired quicker than if it had been hit with a bad rifle or bow shot, so I ask WTF is the big deal. UnderArmour should just get out of the hunting clothing business since they do not have the balls to support the legal taken of big game when a handful of douchebags ( who probably will never own UA) cry about it
  6. Str8Shot

    Under Armour pisses off hunting community

    Well maybe it is time for hunters and outdoorsmen to send them on their way out.
  7. Str8Shot

    Oh the lows

    Aim low on downward angled shots, aim high on upward angled shots... and put the daym phone away... Good luck... (if you killed a critter everytime you Hunted, it would soon get boring, Emotional highs and lows are what Hunting is, embrace the "suc" and push-on...) Oneshot really ? Aim High ? You cheat the aim low in both upward and downward angles ... but rarely from stand distances and today's bows do you have to cheat low at all.
  8. Str8Shot

    Oh the lows

    Yeah like trading the heat for a shot of morning whisky to stay a little warmer is so rough
  9. Str8Shot

    Oh the lows

    You do not need a range finder that compensates for angle ( though nice if you have one ) If you are using a regular range finder just Range the trees around you at your eye level and use them for judging the distances. Shoot your pins like you were standing on dirt , you should not have to cheat low, but if you do cheat don't do it by very much.
  10. Str8Shot

    Evening greeter!!!

    Might be, need to see the tail. Looks pretty green in the pic to me
  11. Str8Shot

    Evening greeter!!!

    Looks like a Mojave ...
  12. It is all good ... Looks like a good deal ! Do the other 6 dwarves hang out on CWT as well ?
  13. Str8Shot

    Big Kaibab Bull down.

    Awesome Bull ... That is a Ton of Yummy Meat you got there! okay maybe not quiet an actual Ton
  14. So you have 4 identical ones ?
  15. Str8Shot

    Help me judge this buck guys

    when was it taken ... He seems to be further along and looks pretty much polished compared to what I have been seeing.
  16. Str8Shot

    Help me judge this buck guys

    with the quality of the pics I think the only way to judge is Shooter - Non Shooter ... I Say Shooter
  17. Str8Shot

    Nooooo... Jury Duty!

    Anything deemed legal not sent by summons, or some type of mail guaranteeing the individual receipt to the named person is no longer legal. Mail gets lost and misdelivered every day
  18. Str8Shot

    36B Plan/Decision

    Same here ... I would say between scouting and hunts in the last 13 years we have about 45 plus trips and more than a couple hundred days out in those hills. Probably seen (run of the mill border crossers) on about 30 % of the trips and always reported them with GPS locations to the first BP we ran into or when we got cell signal. In November several times we have seen groups of 8 - 15 bundled up under trees like a big pack of Javalina trying to stay warm in the cold of the morning. In that same 13 years we have seen and called in 7 groups of mules and 2 groups of Banditos all but 2 in the Tumacacori Range ... Never had a camp messed with or vehicle vandalized like others but you can not take anything for granted anymore. Be careful trying to load the cute ones up down there trphy ... good way to end up in cuffs and lose a vehicle.
  19. Str8Shot

    Canyon Lake

    Can't disagree with anything said ... especially the white spinners around structure ... Rebel Craws on rocky and gravel shorlines (reel/rip it down quick the pause a few seconds to let it float up some) ...and drop shot Prism Shad, Aaron's Magic, and Morning Dawn Robo Worms. Calm water at Dusk or Dawn never shy away from hitting the shoreline or the edges of cattails with a Big Zara Spook.
  20. Str8Shot

    36B Plan/Decision

    a quick Summary of your questions ... Lots of Coues to be found. Lots of Illegals also to be found ... as the temperatures cool the numbers will go up and the groups (especially of the non cartel kind) will get bigger. The crux though is, the more secluded and rough the terrain the better chance to find more quality bucks and the better chance to running into the more unsavory illegals that are usually packing more than just a bail on their back. Never had an issue camping down there (knock on wood) but never done a solo Pack out camp either , usually been between 2 - 8 people when we go down. If I were to go solo I would make sure to have a small footprint camp elevated and a good distance from any foot trail (pretty easy to see the well used trails these guys leave) keep in mind Border Patrol can show up on you at anytime (sensors all over that unit far from the roads) so do not be too jumpy when you hear foot steps, horse hooves, or the sounds of rotors. I would break the unit down into 3 corridors ... The Eastern- Everything east of Ruby road following the Tumacacori Range South to North ... Parallels the interstate accessible from both sides... Great Coues Country ... Greatest chance, IMO, to run into the worse kind of illegals the groups we have seen are usually smaller with at least a few guns in the groups. Also have ran into Banditos fully armed waiting to take over the mules. The Central Corridor - West of Ruby Road east to Tres Bellatos ... A lot of deer .. A lot more Roads .. A lot more Campers and Hunters ... because of a lot more Border Patrol activity ... Still gets a lot of illegal traffic but more likely they will be bigger groups of the less violent sort (I do not use the term criminal for the bad cause they are all criminals once they cross that border) The Western Corridor _ west of Tres Bellatos east to Sasabe Highway ... Great Coues country (especially the closer to the border you go, but they can be found all the way to the northern border of the unit as well) mixed with a bit more Mule deer country as you go further west and north through the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge... Had a couple close calls about 10 years ago about the same time and not far from the strip of US land Closed to everyone because of the cartels and violence. I will be checking it out this year to see if much has changed. I will be down on the first hunt with a group of 13 friends and family members ... we plan on covering much of the unit... If you have some questions or want some feedback about specific places after our hunt ... Shoot me a PM not going to put any specific places on the open forum. Good luck
  21. Str8Shot

    What is in your hunting pack?

    Man you all forgetting a good comb ... The best way to get cactus out
  22. Str8Shot

    What is in your hunting pack?

    I have found Frog Toggs a great light weight rain solution ... I carry similar to what you have Hoss I do always keep a small role of Duct tape and some zip ties (you never know when you may have to Mcgyver something)
  23. Str8Shot

    What is in your hunting pack?

    Pela best not be forgetting the TP or Wipes
  24. Str8Shot

    Tonto Pass

    I tend to buy 5 - 10 and keep in the glove box... In times when I was out , and where I had been to a couple places on the way being told they are out everywhere. I put a sign on my dash that says " Make Sure Retailers have Tonto Passes if you want people to buy them" and clip money on the note. I am not running around nor wasting my time at the lake do to idiots not doing their job. Never had an issue