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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    Guess the Score Contest - Nov 09

    awesome buck I am going with 127 7/8 .....
  2. Str8Shot

    Held at gunpoint

    We're sorta like 7-11. We're not always doin' business, but we're always open.
  3. Str8Shot

    Held at gunpoint

    AC we stand on the razors edge of a double bladed sword..... A bunch of bodies littering the land down there will only help the predator population which would slowly start taking its toll on the Deer herds ...... The first line in my opinion is the Samaritans and the other groups calling working with these cartels putting out food and water caches .... these people are criminals and should be treated like them .... they may put some stuff on well traveled paths for the average IA but I have seen many remote caches that there is no way the average IA would ever find ... only someone with detailed maps or most likely GPS would even come close ... SO IMHO I believe that these organizations work closely with the drug cartels and coyotes in aiding them in their tasks .....
  4. Str8Shot

    Held at gunpoint

    The best campfire story gets better when as your drinking your cold beer talking about every hunt experience since childhood you are interrupted by TWO green and white trucks pulling in and four guys jumping out... strapping on their Automatics and testing their night vision optics telling you that they have to push out through your camp going after some illegal activity in the hills behind you... Great guys and dedicated they won't even accept a cold one for the trail they head out ..... A few hours later you are awakened in your tent hearing the sounds of them dragging their catch back to the trucks ..... You must Stand and Respect them for what they do and they are pretty vigilant at it and in doing so they put themselves at risk..... I have seen air response in minutes of calling in mules in some remote areas .... I have had them buzz us out scouting in an area that put us almost on top of the border ..... Have even helped a newbie after he got his truck stuck in the wash and I have yet to meet any that were not good guys .... They are doing their best but this situation is greater than them and we as hunters can help by keeping them informed .... They respond to the info we can give them ... So with that being said we all can help .... carry cell phones .... log GPS locations and direction of travel and anytime you get the chance to talk to them do so .... and always hope for every hunter out in these units that they are safe in the middle of this messed up situation which our government seems to downplay the severity of .... I say thanks to all the Border Patrol agents that try to help with this problem every day Chris
  5. Str8Shot

    The pictures I promised

    BML I was wondering the same thing it is there in the lion pic as well .... thinking maybe some type of attractant dispenser .....
  6. Str8Shot

    Held at gunpoint

    Well Joking around the campfire with the guys I thought of how many states have you Harvest a Doe before you can Harvest your Buck and thought maybe in our Southern Units that a Harvest a drug runner before your Buck program would help thin down the numbers pretty quick ....
  7. Str8Shot

    Held at gunpoint

    On a recent Scouting trip in 36b My cousin and I had a near run in with a group of Four similar individuals ... as we dropped down into a thick tight part of the road leading to Amole Tank ..... we drove within about 140 yards when we seen them through the trees, all sporting Tactical style weapons and looking like a crew cut from a Hollywood movie... we watched them for several minutes through the thick trees with our glass from inside the truck .... Even though we were still a mile from our deer destination and packing heat of our own the logic kicked in and we hit it in reverse pretty fast.... why tempt fate .... I later spoke to BP about the foursome and I too was told the same thing that many of these groups now packing in those hills are on the hunt, but for two legged creatures with big bails on their backs ..... All I can say is we have figured out where not to hunt in the unit based on several sightings of not just these guys but many mules making haste on their way north through out the hills..... With that being said in the unit we have found plenty of areas with little to no activity from our bordering friends to the south, but I will second with the caution ... Be aware ... Be observant ... and be smart and make sure if your a newbie stop by the check point and save the BP phone # in your phone.... you would be surprised the areas you find a signal down there and the react quick to activity called in from us hunters .... We will be headed that way later this week and while deer is the main goal .... having a good time while being safe is the other.... Good hunting to everyone this season and be safe Chris
  8. Str8Shot

    Looking for Primers

    Bear mountain a couple weeks ago had lots of everything you need .... prices were a little higher but not so much to break the bank and not to the point that waiting week in week out would be worth it...... here is their site http://www.bearmountainsports.com/
  9. I agree with AZone... I do know that many studies I have read seem to hint that the diminishing amount of daylight helps in triggering a does estrus cycle and longer lengths of daylight hours after 4-5 weeks following the fist sign of the Beginning of the RUT usually begins the peak time of the rut (daylight hours start climbing up slowly after the winter solstice this year DEC. 21st) Many also state During the Full and during the Last Quarter phase of the moon higher percentages of deer are taken in the daytime hours .... But as AZone stated as well as most of the biologists there are many other factors that can change things up and no studies give guarantees.... And don't forget that there often is a second rut as the does go through their cycles ..... Being able to enjoy that dance as ONE stated is a big reason that I finally took up archery.... this waiting for that coveted late rifle hunt gets tedious .... Good Luck
  10. Str8Shot

    Happy Birthday Amanda

    I must say that the founder of this site that brings out the passion in all of us hunters..... Deserves one awesome day on that one day of the year where everyone reminds you that you are officially 1 year older..... Hope you have the best day today and every one that follows... and of course HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!
  11. Str8Shot

    Game and Fish population surveys

    I feel that they need a better way to gather the mandatory reporting of harvest information but don't feel that that info alone being more accurate gives significant data to determine upcoming #'s of tags ..... IMO things like 2 or 3 year rotations on units limiting the numbers of hunts in both general and archery would help in making stronger larger herds .... I have seen it in a couple units already that have had a more limited number of tags the last couple years and the quality and quantity has improved .... IMO including mountain lion in the cost of or license and keeping it year round even with the 1 lion a year rule would significantly help the predation state wide ..... But i think the reality in a world and system fed off revenue that 10-25% margins of error will never effect the need for making the $$$$$
  12. Str8Shot

    Best Bivy Ground Pad

    In my opinion the extra weight is worth it to have the more sturdy therma rest .... The difference in weight can be off set by looking into a quality Sleeping bag in which many weigh in at several pounds lighter than most , as well they come in with a much smaller size in a compression sack and offer plenty of options in temperature ratings.....
  13. Str8Shot

    Out of Ignorance- nonpermit-tag

    I guess I am in lost in your questions .... if you are talking about over the counter permits they are available for Archery Deer in all units but those for draw Such as units 1,3a,3c,7,12a,12b,13a,13b..... The times for archery are set in th the non permit archery hunt info in the regs and specify what units at what dates.... Archery Deer is mandatory reporting on harvest If you are asking about Bear .... The same applys with bear being a non permit tag and open to more legal methods of hunting however each unit has a cap on the overall harvest for each time frame and if wanting to hunt you must contact G&F and know if the HArvest limits have been met and if the hunt in such unit you choose is still open .... Mandatory reporting on Harvest is required Moutain lion is also a non permit tag over the counter and the season which a few years ago was year round has now been shortened and annual limit of 1 mountain lion per year except in certain units stated in the regs .... Mandatory reporting of harvest is also required As of 2 Years ago there is also limited opportunity non permit ELK tags available these are much harder hunts and in units with lower amounts of ELk and very Small Home herds available .... Here too the specifics for each hunt and unit and method of take are listed in the Elk regs .... For Turkey your non permit over teh counter choice is for Achery only and the specific units and dates are listed under Archery non permit tag Turkey in the Regs .... If in Question Check the Regs and your local G&F office or warden ..... As far as taking big game on your private property in AZ is not allowed unless specific property is in a unit and a hunt time in which you possess the TAG .... Not sure if that is what you were looking for but maybe it will help
  14. Str8Shot

    Best Bivy Ground Pad

    Therm-a-Rest ...... we have used them for years and countless trips .... they always make sleeping easier and much more enjoyable.....
  15. Str8Shot

    Feeders in AZ

    Yes I went extreme on you guys, but only after the mud slinging came from many of you .... I guess I am sick of reading posts where when someone does not agree with the masses every smart butt has to make judgement..... I spend my time in the field I know what is going on out there and YES I do not believe in baiting or feeders and there is nothing ANTI about that belief .... You say it is legal well I agree and the last post shows you what I mean ... DO I know many areas where cams hang over areas that have both mineral licks and bait .... in about 7 or 8 very popular units .... DO I See on average 1 - 3 CWT trucks in the field in certain areas before the hunts start IS IT LEGAL FOR ME TO POST THAT INFO FREE TO EVERYONE WHO MAY WANT TO KNOW ... YES IT IS >>> DOES THAT MAKE IT RIGHT ??????? BY your simplistic definition it does ..... I have mixed feelings about the crowed here on cwt ... and it did not use to be that way .... but more and more I am not so sure you all practice what you preach when it comes to standing up for fellow hunters and being one as a group.... You talk the talk but I have seen post after post on this site that questions if you walk the walk .... I know some do here and I have had PM's from them stating feelings the same as mine .... My tone in my posts while some may say is harsh is also filled with passion and mixed with a lil sarcasm.... But for to many the sarcasm is hard to understand if you took something personally from what I wrote the let me tell you I am sorry I hurt your feelings.... With that being said My point of view remains the same when it comes to baiting and feeders I don't agree with it .....
  16. Str8Shot

    Feeders in AZ

    I find it funny when you disagree with the masses of this site ...you all want to gang up and sling names and threats .... you say stand up for your fellow hunters and be one not divided...but when a guy is needing help and asking for hunt help in the forum he is shunned by the majority on here and made fun of usually in the process with only a certain few usually only giving much help... You are so afraid of mentioning units or areas you spot or harvest game ..... I think the clique of guys on here that seem to try to speak for everyone is a joke .... Let it be said now if I find your cams in the field .... if I find your bait hole ... or see a CWT vehicle scouting a certain spot from thi stime forward I Will publish the exact GPS cordinates on every hunting forum up..... I may just start my own site specializing in giving away this info and I alrerady have plenty to share .... I will never Steal or damage your hard earned gear ... but I will share the info freely to all the e-scouters who want it ..... you want to be that much of asses to others who do not agree with your opinions .... I can show you what a butt can be back .... Happy hunting I know I will
  17. Str8Shot

    Feeders in AZ

    Coues n Sheep you really think I care what you think .... or anyone else for that matter .... the straight truth is people do these things because it benifits them and guess what I call it like I see it .... you want to lable ANTI then I can gaurantee you would be putting that lable on many old timers that have hunted this state for generation after generation .... SO I do not conform ... and I do not buy the BS the guys try to shovel about trying to help the game ...... If hunting wild game was ment to include a more domesticated form of animal they would have open seaon on the Cattle running the hills .... I don't care who does it ... but I do have an issue with those trying to say that they do these things to help the deer and not themselves that is the biggest crock of BS and if you want to swallow it then enjoy the taste cause I won't ..... You have a problem with my opinion good for you.... I have a problem with yours
  18. Str8Shot

    Feeders in AZ

    Wow.... AZTROPHY ...you must be right with all the tanks that have been dried up the last few months including many many man made tanks the deer must just be dying out .... They must not be smart enough to find water somewhere other than a tank with a road leading to it.... what a shame it will be with so many deer just dying cause we have not put out enough feeders and water sources .... Shame on us .... you have me almost convinced to become a MASTER BAITER.... na not really
  19. Str8Shot

    Feeders in AZ

    Think I will have a big laugh at all you .... Spell Check ... I guess your so used to seeing misspelled words when they are right you think they are wrong .... I may have one every now and then but not a fraction of the misspellings that are on CW.... Steven For your Question do I hunt over water .... the answer is no .... DO I hunt within the 1/4 mile of slopes surrounding water yes as any would .... But not over a tank .... and as far as this year goes I can tell you that I too have seen plenty of dried up tanks ... I have also seen little pockets of water(smaller than a large pot) where the springs are bubbling up and with 100X's the fresh track than the large butt tank that is still full ...... I am not against any of you in hunting the way you want to hunt knowing that it is legal .... but that does not mean that I have to agree with it ... that does not mean when the topic comes up I Should just stay quiet ..... And if you want to look through the past post you will see who starts slinging out words like ANTI's and others before I even coined the term MASTER BAITERS....... The fact is the truth hurts with you guys ,that is why you get so defensive .... BAIT Is your friend feeders make it easier for you .... I understand it and it is legal so do it .... BUT I DON"T HAVE TO AGREE THAT YOUR DOING IT FOR THE GOOD OF THE ANIMALS WITH NOTHING TO GAIN FOR YOURSELF ....
  20. Str8Shot

    Feeders in AZ

    SO your saying that deer don't adapt and they all use man made water holes and trick tanks ..... The reason for the need of any water catchments in az and most other places is do to MEN changing the surrounding areas... divirting water, tapping springs and last time I looked water fell from the sky and bubbled from the ground.... Don't try to sell the fact that it is needed... nothing is needed ...The animals will adapt and have way before the practice of feeders and man made water sources ... water sources that most were never put in place with the thought of wild game in mind but to support the herds of cattle free grazing the lands througout Arizona .... AS HUMANS WE WANT IT and WE WANT TO CONTROL IT... AND AS LONG AS IT IS LEGAL IT IS RIGHT .... well remember one thing most of the actions taken by mortgage companies and the banking industry that screwed everyone in this country were legal .... SO DOES THAT MAKE IT RIGHT ....
  21. Str8Shot

    Feeders in AZ

    Wow a 100 yard no hunting cushion from a feeder ..... that sound like it must help the deers chances a bunch..... I think it is all BS our wild Game not just in AZ but the entire country have everything they need in MOTHER NATURE .... baiting, using a feeder or dumping in a canyon is just MEN trying to gain more control over their own odds .... and in my OPINION it is the work of lazy hunters .... you metion twin fawns well in the last 2 years scouting a southern unit I Have seen well over 60 doe and more than 80% of them had twin fawns along side them .... So you can state that your doing it for one reason but the reality is that Feeders and people that use any type of food source that is not naturally occuring in that area is always for the benifit of the MAN .... WE ARE A GREEDY SPECIES .... WE WANT MORE .... WE WANT THEM BIGGER ....... AND WE WANT THEM TO COME TO US , CAUSE WE ARE WAY TO LAZY TO FIND THEM ON THEIR TERMS.... JUST MY 2 CENTS
  22. Str8Shot

    Salt licks

    My bad, your right on KOBE ... but the process is correct ....lol
  23. Str8Shot

    Salt licks

    Several years ago, I spent a lot of time ballistically mapping my 300 win mag out to 1000 yards. Opening day I glassed up a small carp at 765 yards. I dialed my turrets according to my chart and dropped him on the first shot. (no wind) Somebody please tell me, was that HUNTING or was that CHEATING? Please tell me, I gots to know! Why is shooting a lion treed by dogs considered "fair chase"? Maybe because lions eat "your" deer? Mark Bowsniper was that off the arm ... a bipod or the CLAW .... not that it matters which one.... it would still be an awesome shot and one not to many have the time with their gun and calibrating to make ......
  24. Str8Shot

    Salt licks

    I agree on Ice cream... and I get the sarcasm.... wish others would get it even when it is written right on the next line .... I have alot more sarcasm on the subject but think I will tone it down for a bit ..... I am digging myself a grave as some might say
  25. Str8Shot

    Salt licks

    I love the defensivness and the threats .... Oh no I dug My Grave!!!! What am I to do ..... Not practice my 1st Amendment rights ... Not disagree with the masses of clique hunters here .... I don't think most of the users of the site are that shallow .... but seems like you may be able to speak for them