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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    I found the Hybrids again...

    According to everything I have read in regards to hybrids only 100% Mule deer can Stot or Pogo. I found a great write up years back, Actually a Thesis by Roy Lopez if you want to read about the genetics of Coues and hybrids( chapter 2 ) here is the link .... My link
  2. 193 5/8's ... stud of a Buck
  3. After reading some statements on another thread I started wondering about easement rights for our public lands. I have a limited knowledge of real estate law, but figure some on here may have the answers to the questions on my mind. If tax dollars are being used to maintain an easement/road would that not constitute a public easement restricting any private owner of land that the easement crosses from denying access? Has anyone in our hunting community researched the actual easement classifications of the deeds on the private properties that have put up locked gates to shut the public out of Public BLM and Statetrust Land we are all legally entitled to use? Last thing I was thinking was, does not the legal use of Public land via access of easements maintained by public funds with a long history of public use both constitute an easement by necessity and an easement by grandfather rights based on length of use of said public land? I understand the many reasons ranchers and such try to close out the public, but where is the law on this and how gray is the area on easements and the right of access? I guess I was always under the impression if it is maintained by public dollars it is a public use easement and it is unlawful for any private land owner to prohibit use of said easements. Would be great to hear your feedback and maybe hear from someone that knows a little more than myself and the laws as it it pertains to this issue.
  4. Str8Shot

    find the deer

    A little left of center ... not sure I would say the side ... without being able to zoom can't really tell but she seems to be looking back in your direction or behind her
  5. Str8Shot

    Vortex Viper 15 x 50s'?

    I Use the viper 15X50 and really like them, though after checking out the Viper HD I want to upgrade... The quality is excellent but the size is the biggest factor I like ... used with a Harness easy to use freehand, and I use a mono-pod for longer slower glassing. I would recommend a two piece tripod adapter like the Outdoorsman or Vortex (not the one piece)... The HD's are my next pair. I have also used the Minox (my brothers) which were a tad bit brighter allowing more light in and a little larger viewing area, My preference to the Vipers is based on side and liking to have the one bino with me and using a Mono-pod...
  6. Str8Shot

    Acessing Public Land through Private Property

    That is how the laws work and the courts were right. I am not talking about you buy 100 acres and build a road to your land and continue out the back of the property ... I am talking roads that have long been there and used by many generations getting gates locked keeping people from accessing.... Right of way and easements do not change ( without courts) if someone buys a ranch that is 150 years old 5 years ago and the previous owners gave ingress and egress to public land the right of ingress and egress is expressed and would be upheld in the courts. Again we are talking roads that have given access for many years not private drives ( well some have become that)
  7. Str8Shot

    Acessing Public Land through Private Property

    I find it funny how people start raising heck without reading everything that is being stated or asked... This question is in regards to existing roadways that have historically been used as the primary ingress and egress that all the sudden get gated up... This is not about having free run of private property and all property is subject to the laws and rights of easements. There are already laws in place that seem to be pretty clear as to if a locked gate on a road is legal or not and it would seem there a fair share that are may not be. This is not talking about private roads that are maintained by private ownership. The laws also would not seem to limit access to maintained roads but primitive roads as well, if the history of ingress and egress is validated. All I can say is from what I have found out from a couple real estate lawyers so far is" Fellow hunters Use your BLM maps ... look at the road designations and the private parcels... If they are shown as county,state,public,or federal and you run into a lock gate by a private individual the locked gate would be in violation of the law. Using BLM maps you can also request the information on the parcel that you can see what the actual deeds state, in many cases of state trust land and federal land that has been sold where roadways exist the roads legally remain as an easement for the state or federal government. IF you could drive through the private property using a public road 40 years ago, 30, years ago, 20, 10 and then find yourself locked out to accessing the public land in your future the laws of easement and right of way are there to help open gates, just takes a few motivated individuals to make sure we don't start seeing locked gates at the entry points of most of our Public Hunting Land.
  8. Str8Shot

    Acessing Public Land through Private Property

    If a road goes through a ranch to public land and it is expressed,prescribed, or dedicated as a public use roadway and maintained by public funds, sorry to burst your bubble but locking access would be a violation of law. I am not trying to start a pissing match but get information as it pertains to Everyone's right to access public lands. Being rude about the situation with the majority i.e. the guys and gals that want fair access is not the best way to work out solutions. Working with the hunting community, and AZGFD is most likely a better way to find solutions. As more blocks of state trust land go up for sale and boundary lines go up using historical roadways that close up sections of public use lands, more and more individuals will be buying these properties with the intentions of limiting access and profiting from the exclusivity of the Public lands they Gate. For those who think it is not happening now and will not happen more in the future of our state and sport. THINK AGAIN!
  9. Str8Shot

    Acessing Public Land through Private Property

    Audsley ... I am aware of most of what you were stating and my biggest question comes from the use of Easements/roads as a right of way as it pertains to the History behind such road. It has been a while but I do believe that an easement by prescription could easily be enforced by a party (i.e. Arizona residents/taxpayers) on the majority of Tax dollar maintained roadways that have been used for decades as ingress and egress to the public land blocked by a private parcel. If I recall I remember this to be the case as stated here "To establish a prescriptive easement in Arizona, a party must actually and visibly use the alleged easement for the requisite statutory period of ten years and commence and continue the use under a claim of right inconsistent with and hostile to the owner."(Jay C. Jacobson,http://www.sandersandparks.com/CM/Articles/Prescriptive-Easements.pdf.) I seem to also recall that there are grandfather clauses as well as expressed right of way easements based on public dedication (as stated earlier) To me, it seems that any roadway/easement that has been shown to historically be the primary ingress and egress to public land with out any other reasonable means of ingress or egress, as well as the history of public funds used to maintain such roads would easily constitute a easement of right of way to public lands by prescription. Searching records it may be found that such use of easement already exists as expressed or enacted through public dedication. Either way it would seem that the law would be in favor of opening up gates or creating new public access right of ways to allow access to the historical public lands of our fathers and grandfathers in many units, if pursued by the right individuals representing Arizona sportsman and women. To those that think I started this about access to public land read again ... It is about accessing land that is for all and was once able to be accessed by all. I also stated that I understand the reasons some ranchers lock up gates, but IMO locking the majority out of our right to use public land is far worse. To think that any individual can act as the gate keeper to a public hunting ground and let who he or she decides($$$$) access to large chunks of Public land to hunt areas once open to everyone is also wrong. I personally do not want to see no tax dollars spent maintaining any part of a road that ends at a locked gate where a once/currently maintained road still goes 1 - 5+ miles past the private property to Public land, and I think the majority of Sportsman and women feel the same way. Sorry if any feathers got ruffled but the fact about private lands are easements can be imposed for numerous reasons that a landowner can do little about (look up utility easements), but the majority of right of ways/roads/easements I speak of have had a long history as public use and maintained.
  10. Str8Shot

    Acessing Public Land through Private Property

    There seems to be a lot of broad information when searching on line... I was more interested in Arizona Specific and Right-of-way easements for Public use lands. I know many roads/easements to public land are maintained by Tax dollars and as mentioned in another post many get gated locking out hunters access to the lands they are entitled to access. I also know that any public dedication of a road/easement (usually by naming and filing not necessarily by an event) constitutes a legal public use easement. SO, While I understand tax incentives for use of private land and even for access have been granted in some instances, there are laws on right-of-way easements that may be overlooked by many. I want to find out more about the legality of gating roads either deeded as public use easements, or through grand father rights could be determined to be easements of necessity... My concern comes if tax dollars maintain and the history of a road shows the use as a primary historical corridor to public use land, that any locked gate denying access would seem illegal and in violation of laws. Searching around the net there seems to be a lot of general information but nothing very specific.
  11. Str8Shot

    Unused Bivys

  12. Str8Shot

    Unused Bivys

    I am posting for my cousin who is looking at selling his two unused Integral Tactical military Bivys. They are the Crysallis models in woodland camo and retail for $250 and up. He is looking for $150 each but will listen to offers on both to one person. This is the same bivy used in the military. For details here is the link... http://www.integraltactical.com/product_detail.cfm?id=695&CFID=4258294&CFTOKEN=29962388 The Crysallis bivy has a unique wire-stiffened dome shape over your face which provides for comfortable usage and total protections in foul weather. A rear facing tunnel vent in the hood allows for good air flow and ventilation when the Crysallis is fully zipped up. A continuous zipper with two sliders allows the top fabric to be unzipped and peeled back from the top of the head to waist level on both sides. The top is fully backed by no-see-um netting for a refreshing bug-free sleep on dry evenings. The Crysallis is ideal for trips where you will be sleeping fully stretched out. There are no skyward facing zippers. In wet weather the rain drains off the dome hood, perfect for drizzly conditions. Length: 90" fits to 6' 7" Width: 30" at shoulders tapering to 22" at foot Girth: 74" at shoulders tapering to 52" at foot Weight: 2 lbs 4 oz (1,055g) Packed Size: 14" x 5" diameter Woodland camo with black 200 D floor(1,070g) $250
  13. Str8Shot

    WTB Rem 700 ADL LA stock

    How is the condition... Anyway you can send me a pic or two and a price you would like so I can take it to him ?
  14. Str8Shot

    Unused Bivys

    My apology seems I missed part of the link .... I updated the link and added the wed site details... The weight is 2 lbs. 4 ounces
  15. Str8Shot

    Find the deer pic

    Rag Horn .. Not saying it is a Buck ... just the first thing that jumped out when I looked at the pic not zoomed ... I think we all have been surprised my the illusion of mother nature when trying to find these little grey ghosts. When I zoomed in a little it actually looked more like a bedded buck but then looking around the does in the middle a little higher popped out pretty good. I understood the limitations of a phone pic but pointing out that they are there just tougher to see. I highlighted what first thing that popped at me ... maybe you recall from the glassing what was really at the edge of that bush ... Might be one of those little Buck chollas!
  16. Str8Shot

    GPS Marking System

    Yes, the Sight-n-go on the Garmin Rino 530HCX and I believe the new models allow you to line up looking across the face at eye level and lining up between the sighting marks on each side of the toggle... You then use the compass and can way point the approximate distance to navigate to the spot. http://static.garmincdn.com/pumac/Rino520HCx_OwnersManual.pdf Look under basic operations then using sight and go.
  17. Str8Shot

    Find the deer pic

    Hunter11 look for them browsing a little lower in the pick (look in the green areas), But it almost looks to me, as there may also be a small buck even lower and further left bedded on the downward edge of a tree, unfortunately the pic quality does not hold good to zoom and tell for sure.
  18. Str8Shot

    Two big desert MD bucks....

    Way to kick off the New Year... I would not have any problem waiting another year after sticking one of those studs !!!
  19. I think the posting of even a partial license plate on the forums is Wrong... Is it possible that the said archery hunter maybe has spot, blind, or stand down a path that leads to the hole and he is doing what he has done in the past? Is it possible after seeing three guys with shotguns that he thought you were out for quail and he may need to double time it back to where he wants to be before the thunder sticks start booming? Was your buddy standing by the road or actually waving him down? I can see how you feel it is rude, but it is public land and dealing with all intrusions from the likes of hikers, recreational people, and other hunters is just part of the game. I would be surprised if that was the only water close and if you couldn't find those pond jumpers on one of the other tanks in the area. I would also think since it has happened several times in the past that a plan b and c would be in place for such instances. Maybe next time the three of you should walk the middle of the road causing him to slow down so you can share your plans
  20. Str8Shot

    Last day buck

    Awesome way to finish the year on a high note with a nice buck!
  21. Str8Shot

    This one has both horns....

    Nice buck all the same even shy of that 100 mark ... Way to keep going at it !
  22. Str8Shot

    Opinions Needed

    +1 not usually too hard to get the approval when she will be salivating over a new one just for her
  23. Looks like a Lone Gray Wolf has moved into California via Oregon looking to start his own new Wolf Pack... Bet he would make a nice hand bag to sell on Rodeo Dr. http://news.yahoo.com/biologists-lone-gray-wolf-crosses-california-001920271.html
  24. Str8Shot

    Eberlestock F3H halftrack Max-1

    PM sent