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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    A few rifles for good homes

    Well buyer on RUM has been no show twice ... 300 RUM and Savage still available ... Lowered prices in original post
  2. I have two Trolling motors I am looking to sell, Both are in good shape and work great with good props, both are bow mount with 54" shafts ( will double check this ) 1 - 12 volt 50lb thrust for $175 2 - 12/24 volt 60 lb thrust for $275 price is for mounts, motor, controls ready to hook to battery and go Will try to add some pics later PM for details or text me at (480) 262- 0409 with questions and contact info ... Can be hard to answer phone at certain times but with text will contact you back
  3. Str8Shot

    Pipe feeder?

    You, really going to compare natural food sources and water to dragging out bags of sweet feed, corn, deer cane or what ever you flavor is, that is one of the dumbest pro baiting arguments I have heard. . It is the same thing... an attractant. food is food, acorns or corn, salt or water, whats the difference? If baiting is illegal. is there any difference in the two. The laws can be read different ways, depends on who is reading them. Well, then you just answered the argument of why baiting for big game is not necessary or needed ... they all ready have the attractants out there and the hunter just needs to find it ... Seriously sweet feed, deer cane , peanut butter , none of these exist in nature and are nothing more than a candy to get the game addicted to come back to where the candy has been placed. If food is food, why not just let your kids grow up eating nothing but snickers bars and soda pop? You are using a stupid argument and I feel it is dumb to argue semantics. Game will already be in areas that have food water and shelter, baiting is adding something desirable ( like candy ) that does not exist in the natural habitat to lure game to a specific location ... Not the same thing as the natural food supply, and whether you bait or do not bait, to try and say different is as about as ignorant as a person or hunter could get. p.s. I stated before it is not illegal to bait deer but the process of hanging pipe feeders could constitute other laws being broke ( such as leaving personal property in National forest or damaging trees in the hanging process) , this constitutes a gray area as does the regular sign of bear being at your feeder... That is all that is being said, but my opinion is I do not care that people do it as it is currently a legal practice, but I do not care if it is made illegal, and with all honesty I know many other hunters out there who would like it to be illegal to Bait Big Game in Arizona as I do. Like you said they have what they need in nature why change the Game before changing ourselves ?
  4. Str8Shot

    A few rifles for good homes

    sent reply
  5. Str8Shot

    Pipe feeder?

    You, really going to compare natural food sources and water to dragging out bags of sweet feed, corn, deer cane or what ever you flavor is, that is one of the dumbest pro baiting arguments I have heard. .
  6. Str8Shot

    Pipe feeder?

    Baiting seems to be a big gray area that G&F is trying to still define (which I am all for) , and methods ( which include leaving feeders on NF land and bears) seems to cross the legal lines from state to federal, Born and raised in AZ, growing up baiting was not allowed for hunting for many years and I could not tell you exactly when things were changed, but many old timers still think it is not legal to bait even though it is, excluding Bear. I do not agree with baiting but as long as it is legal many hunters will look for the easier way to insure they get more opportunity and that is their right, but I do not think that doing away with it in AZ is a bad thing... Many states with far more viable populations of big game have outlawed hunting over bait and it does not stop the hunters in their quest for doing what they love... I would be careful when it comes to baiting and Bear, from what I understand if you know bear are coming to your bait frequently and you continue to bait that area, you are breaking the law, but that too seems to be a gray area where it may just be a matter of luck if something bad came of it.
  7. With a state like Oregon getting a $5,000,000 bonus from the Obama entitlement machine , there is no doubt that the Liberals are buying votes by upping Americans involvement on Entitlements ... http://nation.foxnews.com/president-obama/2011/09/29/obama-gives-oregon-5m-bonus-boosting-food-stamp-rolls
  8. Str8Shot

    Military Bivy for your hunt?

    Unused Integral Tactical military Bivy. Crysallis model in woodland camo and retails for $250 and up. looking for $150, but will listen to resonable offers. This is the same bivy used in the military. For details here is the link... http://www.integralt...FTOKEN=14238990 The Crysallis bivy has a unique wire-stiffened dome shape over your face which provides for comfortable usage and total protections in foul weather. A rear facing tunnel vent in the hood allows for good air flow and ventilation when the Crysallis is fully zipped up. A continuous zipper with two sliders allows the top fabric to be unzipped and peeled back from the top of the head to waist level on both sides. The top is fully backed by no-see-um netting for a refreshing bug-free sleep on dry evenings. The Crysallis is ideal for trips where you will be sleeping fully stretched out. There are no skyward facing zippers. In wet weather the rain drains off the dome hood, perfect for drizzly conditions. Length: 90" fits to 6' 7" Width: 30" at shoulders tapering to 22" at foot Girth: 74" at shoulders tapering to 52" at foot Weight: 2 lbs 4 oz (1,055g) Packed Size: 14" x 5" diameter Woodland camo with black 200 D floor(1,070g) $250
  9. Str8Shot

    A few rifles for good homes

    Marlin sold pending funds
  10. Str8Shot

    A few rifles for good homes

    PM sent Glenn
  11. Str8Shot

    Locked gate on state trust land

    That points out the Grey area in the law. The sign only states a hunting/fishing license is required for permission to gain access. It doesn't state you have to be actively hunting or fishing. The sign says written permission. Check the state website. All the information is there. You are absolutely right, when you have a hunting or fishing license in hand you have written permission. This post was about locking gates not whether you have permission anyway. A hunting license and gun in hand hunting gives you permission , but state trust land is not public land and is explained in the last post I made... You all need to go to the official Az state trust land web site if you want to educate yourselves on why some gates may be locked ... not saying it is fair or right but it is what it is
  12. Str8Shot

    Locked gate on state trust land

    That points out the Grey area in the law. The sign only states a hunting/fishing license is required for permission to gain access. It doesn't state you have to be actively hunting or fishing. The sign says written permission. Check the state website. All the information is there. From the official web site http://www.land.state.az.us/support/faqs.htm "Q: Why do I need a permit to go on State Trust land for recreation purposes and how do I obtain a recreational permit? Arizona State Trust lands are not "public lands", as are Federal lands under the management of the U.S. Forest Service or the Bureau of Land Management. Federal "public lands" are managed for the benefit and use of the public, while State Trust lands are managed for the benefit of 13 Trust beneficiaries, which include the public schools and prisons. The Land Department's trust management responsibilities include requiring a permit or lease and charging a fee for use of Trust land. Exceptions to this requirement are licensed hunters and fishers, actively pursuing game or fish, in-season, and certain archaeological activities permitted by the Arizona State Museum." So this means if you are scouting state trust land you better be hunting coyotes too
  13. Str8Shot

    Locked gate on state trust land

    I have seen many state here that our Hunting License is our permit for State Trust Land Use, and this is a half truth... While out in state trust land 2 years ago my brother and I were stopped. According to the officer and confirmed by talking to state trust land officials the permit is valid when actively hunting. This simply means if you are on state trust land you better have your license and your gun and state that you are hunting (at least coyotes). If not you can be cited for trespass. Just figured I would share this reminder since the subject is state trust land.
  14. Str8Shot

    What Happened to Gino's thread

    Looks as the thread about poaching tree stands went bye bye before Gino could even answer the questions last asked of him. I think that the questions asked were legit based off of his rant and believe it was wrong for Amanda to kill the thread before he answered them. Gino, I know you recall the questions, so why not answer them here in a new thread that I will not ask to have Nuked. I find it funny, that you waste no time making comments on others and pointing out everything everyone else does wrong (at least in your mind), sharing your opinions openly in the forums. Then you cry foul when the majority are not giving you the support you wanted and/or expected. So what is the Deal !!!
  15. Str8Shot

    WTB Rem 700 ADL LA stock

    My dad is looking for a replacement stock for his Rem. 700 ADL 7mm Long action. He has a preference for a wood stock but depending on price may consider synthetic. IF anyone has any floating around they need to get rid of let me know so I can tell him... We are in the mesa/phoenix metro area
  16. Str8Shot

    Anybody been to roosevelt?

    this is still a good time of year if the water is a little choppy to get on those rocky points and fish craw style baits and tubes across the bottom and working various depths... Depending on which end you like, I have always done well this time of year (especially with this kind of weather) drop-shotting in 20 - 30 feet of water finding the edge of the trees and drop offs out at goose flats. Just the thought of this has me fixed on having to get up there real soon.
  17. LOL... It is about how you shoot your gun and I use to carry my S&W 686+ 6 inch barrel in the field(loving it) before I had to let it go due to hard times. It took several yotes out to 70 yards while trotting. It was a fun gun but a bit big to carry around. The last couple seasons I have carried a small frame .357 revolver and can say it is nice to lose the bulk... A 22. mag can be a bit more fun but I think I need to get a new XD this year to carry down south.
  18. For reliability in an auto I would tell you H&K but your not wanting to spend that much (though they never really seem to lose value). I know a lot of guys use the Glock 30, but after range time I think the Springfield XD or XD sub compact in .40 will be my next pistol if I don't end up going with the H&K. You can find Springfield in that $500 range I recommend going to a place like Caswells in mesa and trying all the ones you might like out and find what feels right for you
  19. Str8Shot

    What Happened to Gino's thread

    Desertdog I was not surprised by his not wanting to answer many legit questions on that thread, I also know that he read them, since he was on and replying to others not long after I submitted a couple of them. If you look through his various threads and not just on this forum he seems to like to throw out insults and names often before the conversation gets heated. I have done my share of making sarcastic and witty statements as well as stating things some may consider rude or insults, but usually I like to look outside the box and see the bigger picture, hence asking the questions. Gino chose not to answer the questions and tried a generic answer for them all when he stated and I am paraphrasing (this is not about the laws it is about ethics and respect). Now, we all think many laws are BS but the majority buck up and follow them anyway. I believe that Ethics and respect in our hunting community is just as much about what Gino stated as it is that we all respect the laws as well. If 10% choose not to follow the same rules as the other 90% how is that being ethical and respecting your peers? The same peers that you want respect from. These were the answers I was trying to get from Gino, but knew I never would. I will not PM him, since I know he read what I asked, and he can choose to let me know his perspective if he chooses. I have no ill feeling for Gino, and From what I have seen and read he is a heck of a hunter and has a passion that myself and most do respect. However, I find it hard to have a genuine like for people who seem so self absorbed that they can not step outside their little box and try to see things from a different perspective. Gino, may have been right about the guy, but there may be more to his behaviors than being a lazy poacher, and maybe it has to do with what he perceives as some not following the same rules he does. The fact that the thread was nuked with so many valid statements and questions unanswered does not agree with me. I also think that by doing that to a thread is a slap to the face to those of us that asked legitimate questions.
  20. Str8Shot


    Bear grass is on the sport fish stocking program with AZGFD, I believe they have stocked it for sometime, but when I was researching a few years ago I found this PDF that has been scheduled on the 2009-2019 SantaCruz watershed stoking program ... I attached the PDF link My link
  21. Str8Shot

    What Happened to Gino's thread

    Shane, I agree with you about being surprised that it went so far before being nuked. However, I find it strangely suspicious that it was Nuked at a point when the tone of discussion was not at the highest point of bedlam when I asked Gino some very easy questions, and for his interpretation of the Laws as written today. I Have nothing against Gino, kind of a hard thing to do not knowing him personally, I also know that asking the questions I asked, had nothing to do with disrespecting him personally. I feel that considering the rant that was started the questions were fair and deserved his answers and interpretation. If he wants to do that in Private I am cool with that too, but I have had no such PM's. I think the entire situation should have been handled in private between the parties involved and some matches should stay unlit when it comes to the WWW and forums like this.