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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Can not agree more with Healy's post above.... I was well overweight and humping up and down the hills and keeping up pretty well with some of my skinnier friends... It took getting my butt kicked on a hill last November that made me do that hard long look and make the the changes I am to focus on my overall health.
  2. Str8Shot

    WMAT Elk Hunts

    I know many that hunt the cow/spike on the res for both archery and rifle... they do not usually have any issues getting a tag... For a little more you can also get the Archery Rag horn DIY hunts( $500 + $5 ) ... A good friend has been able to do this hunt 2 out of last 3 years and harvested on both trips... I think their group of 6 got 5 last year ... If you are going for the meat in the freezer and want to hunt , the WMAT cow/spike hunts are the way to go. The late affiliate hunt is first come first serve, I believe it is sept 5th this year at the Hon Dah Game and fish office. That late hunt is fun and can be very rewarding but be prepared for the cold and varied weather. As for what El Diablo said on the scouting, the hunt is plenty long and the Elk are not that hard to find, I have assisted my dad and his friends on this hunt 7 times and they have about 80% success, but also had opportunities on every hunt to harvest.
  3. Please note - I did say that the Doc provided for big frames and lots of muscle as a way out of BMI top end calculations. He just challenged that most people use that as an excuse when in fact they need to lose more weight. As I stated, he said come back at 180 ripped and hard and he'd call for an exception. I understood all you wrote, and am not bashing the use of BMI. I am saying it is a good starting point and visual for people to see where they may fall, but a person should also know what their body fat percentage is. BMI charts can not differentiate the difference of muscle weight(weighs more) and Fat weight, or water weight for that matter... It is just weight! Know your body, work hard to find a place where you feel great, can do all the things you want to do and are happy with your self looking in the mirror. Those who say that there are a few narrow exceptions would be completely wrong, there is a large percentage of people who do not fit under the definitions the chart provides. If you follow the BMI numbers 50 - 65% of all professional athletes are over weight. Like I said BMI is a good starting point to talk about where you are and your goals, but in no way is accurate for most people who strength train to build muscle.
  4. Str8Shot

    Healthy recipes?

    Chia Seed Pudding is an excellent quick morning meal , Low Cal, and boosting with Nutrition and is easy to make ... There are many recipes on line but I usually go ... 1/4 cup Chia Seeds 1 cup Chocolate Almond milk 2 Tsp Local organic honey 1/2 tsp vanilla extract and sometimes 1/2 tsp cinnamon Just mix all together and refrigerate over night ... stirring occasionally the first couple hours Top with 1 ounce Shaved 85% or higher Dark Chocolate and fresh Raspberries
  5. BMI graphs are nice and all but far from accurate... there are many , many people who are in outstanding physical shape and have below 13% Body fat Which is the high side for athletes, but if you go by BMI they are all obese. Look at Body fat percentages to gauge in contrast to BMI and you may fall somewhere in between Essential body fat for men is 2 -5% .... Being a Wrestler in high school I can tell you I seen first hand how lacking a body can be under 5% and know some guys as low as 3% who had no essential fat protecting organs. Athletic percentages are in 6 - 14% range This is the range that most pro athletes fit in ... I DID SAY MOST A fit Man , the gym guy on average falls between 14 - 17 % Average healthy Male 18 - 24% Anything over 25% +'s OBESE I am 5' 11" and know that at 185 I was measured at 13.5% body fat and would still be considered Overweight by this chart... I can tell you starting at my highest on this Jan 1 of 310 lbs I know what feeling the extra weight does and the difference physically between that amount and the mid 230's I am at Now ... I am just saying BMI charts are not always the best indicator and do not factor in many things.
  6. Str8Shot

    Where do you store your tag before hunting season?

    I was thinking of vacuum sealing it and then geocaching it during an earlier scouting trip at least a few miles in the middle of nowhere, forcing me to get up early and put boot leather on the ground opening morning...
  7. Str8Shot

    Training For Hunting Season

    I do not know about Steven, But I have always done strength training/lifting before cardio... And for people that are overweight or obese the idea of Carb loading for workouts is not necessary.. Simple carbs ( like sugar, white flour , pasta, No grain breads) metabolize and are quickly turned to glucose, becoming the energy for your cells. Energy is good, it feeds the cells, but when you have too much for the kind of activity you are doing the body does not go to Fat as much to get the energy/calories needed to maintain the activity and excess glucose can easily be converted to fat if consumed at periods of little energy use and activity..A high Protein diet that includes High Fiber Slow releasing carbs ( non starchy carbs like leafy greens, onions, broccoli, onions, asparagus, some fruits and much more) allows a person to maintain a balanced energy level throughout the day. With the proper amount of calories and right carbs for fueling just your basic activities, when you ramp up the activity the body will go from using the current metabolizing sugars for energy to burning fat ( stored energy ) for being able to fuel the cells during the process. The high protein protects the muscle giving it the nutrients needed to maintain, rebuild and strengthen. After a workout where your body has pulled from its fat reserve, the worst thing you can do is intake a large amount of simple carbs, because much will get unused and stored as fat. After a workout I have been using creatine and a slow digesting protein, a couple ounces of turkey or chicken after a workout and about 30 minutes before you put your body to rest will help in muscle recovery as well as keeping the metabolism burning more while you sleep. Playing football and wrestling I knew all this, and still let the convenience of or modern life to weigh me down on in actual pounds.... You do not need to hit the gym right away if overweight, look how you can change your eating lifestyle first... For me , Limiting all sugars, no fast food, no processed foods, I took it a bit more cutting out gluten an and limiting dairy ( mainly cheese, which was hardest of all) and lost my first 30 lbs in 2 1/2 months without doing anything but my daily routine. Adding the gym and increasing the jogging and hiking in the last few months have kept the process moving while getting mack the strength and condition I once had. The absolute hardest thing though was cutting out Alcohol... Not a beer in 8 months
  8. Str8Shot

    Eberlestock Pack for Sale-SOLD

    PM sent
  9. Str8Shot

    Monday Check in

    Wow! Congratulations on already losing 74lbs....that's awesome. And I like the idea of a CW.com team for the Spartan! Maybe you could start a different thread about that and see who all is interested? Thanks ... Not been easy cutting a lot of things out and some harder than others, but started Jan 1st and the goal is 8.5 lbs a month .... I Was seeing the payoffs in late February hiking the mountains helping my Bro find some javelina ... My son was there to push me higher , longer, and harder ... Hoping to restock up on venison with our Hunt in early Nov. Will make a good addition to my new High Protein eating lifestyle... I may just start a thread and see how many may want to join in on that 3 mile obstacle run ! As for my eating changes I kind of did the nutritional research and came up with the changes that I could easily do and would work with me , months later I was told about the Paleo/caveman diet .... looking things over it is the closest published diet to what I am doing , though several things do not meet the Paleo rules... Lots of proteins, good carbs, low sugar ( any used all natural) , no processed food, and gluten free .
  10. Str8Shot

    Monday Check in

    Well, I think I should be good for my hunt in 23 this year. After helping on my dads Elk hunt last year and having my butt kicked by a mountain I should have had no problems with I decided to make this year about getting back in peak shape.... I set a goal of losing 120 lbs. and Running the Spartan Race ( doing the sprint for the first time out) when it comes late Feb. 2015 ... I have not hit the gym as much yet as I would like, but through changing my ways I am down 74 lbs and well on my way. Eating right , Daily Push-ups and staying active combined with a few days of gym work is paying off. Maybe Coues should get a group going for the Spartan !!! http://www.spartan.com/events/?event_id=300/arizona-sprint
  11. Str8Shot

    Mexican fan tail myth?

    I have found an old lion kill with one of those 3x3 with guards that was just as you say about the size of a cupped hand with fingers fanned out, that was in unit 32 and I have never seen one on hoof... I do recall watching a hunting show a couple years back that they were hunting those little fan tails, and the racks they showed were about identical !
  12. Str8Shot

    mathews switchback bow

    I have an unused Switchback Soft case in all camo that I would let go at a good price if any are interested ...pm me Great Bow , sure some one will snatch it up !
  13. Str8Shot

    $37,000.00 Appendix?

    Without Tort reform and Keeping laws that limit any real competition with insurance companies ... this is how it is ... That and the additional 40+ % on the new Obama Care which were actually Medicade/welfare ... Lawyers... Lobbyists and Politicians and the Bad Laws they create are what kills many and why so Many that work and pay their insurance still can not afford to get sick !
  14. Str8Shot

    H450 Powder

    He is talking about H450 ... made by Olin and discontinued By Hodgdon was a spherical powder... very similar to H4831 in burn with slightly better velocity... was a very popular slow burn high velocity powder, and I knew many guys that preferred it for their .30-06 loads.... there are still guys out there reloading that would probably like to get their hands on some so they can bring back to life some of their older loads... As far as price that is a tough call , popular powder for many that can not longer be bought ...
  15. Str8Shot

    Heck of a day at Saguaro!

    Nice Job, think it may be time to get out the rain gear and hit the water !!!!
  16. Str8Shot

    Unit 32 Cell Phone Coverage

    If you have Verizon you are good to keep your phone on your person either off or in airplane mode.. Turn it on when up high and there are many places you will get service in the Galiuro mountains and the Winchesters ... Reception will be spotty in most areas !
  17. Str8Shot

    " Coues " Pronunciation

    cows is correct but I think most stick to the Coose pronunciation as a way to not confuse others ... No big deal IMO
  18. I also got my daughter a couple pair of the guide series pants ... not a lot of stuff but some good prices http://www.gandermountain.com/Apparel/Womens-Hunting-Apparel#filters?do=json&i=1&nav=1&q1=501&q2=501AN&q3=Womens+Hunting+Apparel&q4=Apparel&q5=1&rank=Rank14&x1=cat1&x2=cat2&x3=t2&x4=t1&x5=isOnSale&cat_depth=2&matched_cat=501AN&is_refined=1
  19. I am pretty sure I seen that boat and motor up at big lake this past weekend ... p.s. if you want to catch fish at BIG Lake Right now stay away from the flies and lures.... Have to go deep with power bait.... The ones being caught are all nice and in that 14-17 inch range and fat, but they are certainly feeding by smell
  20. Str8Shot

    advice on unit 28

    Had to edit .. wrong link ... The best place to find where to start for all big game in all units is on the Game and Fish Website... http://www.azgfd.gov/h_f/hunting_units.shtml
  21. Str8Shot

    Outfitter Standardization and Restrictions

    I'm confused. . When has it been illegal for someone to set up spotters and act like they are there with a hunter? I also don't think anyone has a right to try and force someone to show you their tag. If an outfitter has 100 guys surrounding a hillside with a buck on it I'm pretty sure there is nothing azgfd is gonna do about. I am speaking from an experience a couple years back where 1 hunter had about 6 others camping out and spread about the unit... My friend knew they were spotters and not hunters and when he got to his planned spot one of them where there. My friend told the spotter that he was going to hunt the spot since he knew the spotter did not have a tag. That is when the bullying and threats started coming from the spotter ( lets just say patting your sidearm followed by gripping it while telling a tagged hunter if they know what is good for them they will leave is not very ethical) . G&F was called and basically told the spotter that the hunter with the tag had every right to stay and that if he continued to stay and try and intimidate / threaten that he could be opening himself up to criminal charges for his actions. None the less the G&F officer recommend he left and hung out until the guy did. If you know the guy is a spotter for a group with no tag, then take your seat in the spot , first come first serve during and active hunt is for tagged hunters, not 1 hunter and their goons spread out in several spots.
  22. Try overstock.com and use hunting apparel for search ... they will have a bit of women's clothes mixed in and is where I got most for daughter ...
  23. Str8Shot

    Outfitter Standardization and Restrictions

    I am not sure they need any new restrictions on outfitters in general. I do hate seeing numerous Cam Security boxes lag bolted to live trees and live trees cut up for stand placement and camera placement as well. However there are laws for that already that just need enforced more and maybe with a little more sever consequences. I have no issue with guides and outfitters using tech that can help them without altering the natural habits and behavior of the game ( i.e. Baiting) .... I do think that some (Not All) push the limits of the law, some going over, while trying to balance on a thin line while coming at it as ethical. I do not like those who think that Legal = Ethical... It is usually those types that get so vocal when new laws are needed and necessary... As it stands now, just enforce the laws out there. Most outfitter try to do their best and should not be grouped in with the few that create issues in the field... If anything, they need to work more on giving decent access and easements to all the land locked public forest land in many units in our state. p.s. If you run into an outfitter using spotters without a tag trying to make it look like a hunter is on a spot or several spots, ask to see their license and tag, and if they refuse give a call to G&F.... may take away a little time but feels good seeing them escorted away and see G&F out there finding their buddies doing the same thing.