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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Hey, when it was below freezing in 3c on our hunt a few years back I had my cousins buck strapped atop my jeep.... by the time it was field dressed the temps were already in the 30's and being hungry we drove with that bad boy strapped up top to the DQ for dinner ... that drive cooled that buck down quick !
  2. Str8Shot

    Monday Check in

    Amanda I am glad you are enjoying the Chia Seed Pudding .. there are many variations to how you make it and you can really customize it to your likes... As for the week it was one of those standard gym and daily workouts... scale shows I lost nothing but my belt says my waist shrank as I had to punch another new hole in my shrinking belt .... I did start using Myfitnesspal.com Great site and app to log and track and monitor all your food intake and not just calories, it also allows you to log and track your exercise and the nutritional information for personal recipes.... It is a social format as well so if you need that motivation from other or help it is there...
  3. I have seen a few between 25 - 27 inches caught out of the black river before the fire ... think it will take some time to see many even in the 18 - 20 inch range coming out regular .... Awesome video BIG female Brown !
  4. Str8Shot

    Lost 12 X 50 Swarovisions?

    Not everyone tries to get 80% of retail when selling their used stuff... Swaro or not I would buy new before paying what some here try to sell used stuff for. If you are all so worried about it pool together and buy them and do a serial number check and then be upright people and get them to their rightful owner if they are indeed stolen... I find it shameful how so many on this site sit in judgement and assume always the worst...
  5. Str8Shot

    First Archery Kill!!!

    Nicely done ... Great Buck !
  6. Str8Shot

    Monday Check in

    Dealing with Family things spending more time in Hospital than gym the last few weeks, find doing laps and walking stairs just to get a little activity combined with daily push-ups and core exercise has at least kept the weight from going up. Down only 1/2 lb. this last week the smallest drop in 7 months. Healy I get exactly what you are saying and the main reason I only step on the scale on Mon. and Thurs. Mornings. Amanda I am glad you like the Chia Seed pudding , so many things you can do with them and they pack a lot of punch!
  7. Str8Shot

    Legality question

    It is legal with hunts overlapping as is the case with Archery deer and Rifle Bear to carry both Bow and rifle and use each for it specific tag.
  8. Str8Shot

    Opening Day Zen

    Close your eyes, and use the FORCE!
  9. Str8Shot


    Nice day to do an update and get everyone chomping at their bits!!!! Good luck to all those hunting this weekend!!!!
  10. Str8Shot

    Opening Day Zen

    Man with holes in front pockets feels cocky!
  11. Str8Shot

    Question on bedding area

    Should not be too far from where you found bedded and this time of year I am betting there were other bucks ( part of a bachelor herd) bedded around him close as well.... usually the norm for this time of year.
  12. Str8Shot

    fresh food.

    I don't eat any of that anymore ... Lettuce wraps all the way ...
  13. Str8Shot

    WMAT Turkey

    I know a few that love the Turkey hunts on the San Carlos Reservation .... 2 fall hunts and 1 spring hunt and $225 If you want to spend a little more money you can try for the Chairman's Trophy Elk Tag for $75,000
  14. Str8Shot


    Very few gluten free beers and I have yet to hear any good response for one that tastes good ! Lots of other spirits are gluten free ... Vodka Anybody ?
  15. Str8Shot


    Did I miss something ... I did not see anyway tell anyone to eat that way ... If people are sharing their experiences and what has or is working for them and gluten free is one of the things they discuss , how is that telling another person they should eat that way? How you eat is a personal choice, and not all people get the same results from eating the same way... I have seen it mentioned, by myself and others while discussing getting healthy but not to the point I would think it was in some way telling the world to eat that way... I did not sign up for any diet .. I did the research and looked at each food group and nutritional values to come up with the things that would fit a healthier eating lifestyle for me... I researched from processed foods to Monsanto and GMO ... Nutritional values to food allergies and everything in between... it just so happens that about 80% - 90% of what I decided to do fit with the Paleo/caveman Diet ( something I had not even heard of until 3 months after making my changes) .... I would never try to suggest a person give up their Beer ( lots of gluten in that and from what I hear no good gluten free substitutes) unless they felt they could benefit from it ... I know 2 people that found their issues were from gluten because of beer drinking and how they felt ( besides buzzed or drunk) after drinking it ... To each their own and there are healthy ways to stay in shape and eat well without cutting gluten!
  16. Str8Shot


    You do realize many pastas are Gluten free , right ? Gluten is only in Wheat, Rye, Barley Triticale....
  17. Str8Shot


    many crops have been naturally cross bred in the wild and in green houses to create new natural strains ...If you want to see how much it can be done just go look at the history of Hot Peppers and ... Most Strains go back to only a few native strains... GMO's are created in a lab with the goal of clonig and modifying actual DNA to achieve a desired effect i.e. a better yield, more drought resistant, more resistant to pests etc etc. With GMO's the change in the DNA strands by introducing a new gene in strings of chromosomes this process is replicated and the gene effect can be random... There is a lot of science behind what goes on in the labs and the only questions is how does the human body truly react in metabolizing the knew gene... All in all cross breeding is very different than manipulating DNA and Chromosomes through gene placement.
  18. Str8Shot


    You are right, but if after eating meals with gluten a person notices signs of celiac disease, abdominal pain to diarrhea it could be very possible that they have celiac or and intolerance to gluten. Any thng affecting your intestines will limit the ability to absorb the proper nutrients from the food you eat and could have an effect on weight, a pendulum that swings both ways. If any suspects gluten to be a reaosn for an ailment there is no harm in eliminating gluten to see if the effects are positive... Diagnoses for any gluten intolerance and even celiac is very difficult and it is often the reason many try eliminating it....
  19. Str8Shot


    gluten intolerance is very much on an individual basis and can have varied effects from digestive issues to migraines(It is a big list) , Celiac Disease is not the only thing effected by gluten but has been the most known concern for some time. If you suspect any issues could be from gluten there is no harm cutting it out of a diet, but often needs to completely cut and done for a period longer than 3 weeks... Averagejoe ... he is saying wheat is not a GMO crop and he is correct ... there are 6 GMO crops in the US ... Corn , Soy, Cotton Seed, Canola, Sugar Beets, and squash ! Natural deviants by cross breeding to create new strains are different the GMO ....
  20. Str8Shot

    Monday Check in

    Non-typical.... hard to beat some good sockeye ... That is what is for lunch today for me along with a spinach salad and half an avocado .... easy to make a good baked salmon too
  21. Str8Shot

    Monday Check in

    Non-typical.... I was thinking about using insanity , I have a friend that has always been ripped who raves about it. Chicken is my number one protein , I can cook it about a hundred ways now , and lettuce wraps for lunch are far better than any fast food .... I make everything from scratch including what dresses my salads... There are several sites that offer Nutritional Calculators that when doing a recipe you can enter all your ingredients by amount and give number of servings and it will give you all the nutritional info just like on the label on the side of your packaged goods. Having some grilled , broiled, or baked chicken always on hand is awesome too ... after evening workouts having a few ounces of turkey or chicken ( slow digesting proteins) can be better than even having a Creatine supplement for muscle healing while you sleep ..
  22. Str8Shot

    cleaning deer - need help please 6A

    Make sure you get air between you and the animal when opening up if gutting... Seen many guys toss their cookies getting hit by the gas that escapes the body cavity. A bone saw will help on splitting pelvis and sharp knives make it much easier and quicker. As all have stated proper handling of meat and getting it cool/cold quick will limit the gamy taste, but so does getting a good shot and dropping them in their tracks! Rutting Bulls and Bucks will always be a little more gamy due to the hormones in the body... Lots of good advice but the best is getting your hands dirty and practicing.
  23. Str8Shot

    Monday Check in

    Hyper .. this is basically what I have been doing since January and down nearly 80 lbs ... That feeling horrible happens, often associated with your body detoxing and adjusting ... it lasted about a week for me but I pushed through it .... doubled my intake of daily spinach, threw in an extra banana at afternoon snack, found a good Multi-Vitamin and kept the water intake high .... for me once my body adjusted there were no more issues.
  24. Str8Shot

    Monday Check in

    Havasu I find hard boiling a couple dozen eggs on Sunday for the next week helps a ton in getting a quick start to your day and having good Protein for a snack or lunch readily available. A couple hard boiled eggs, Banana, 1 oz of almonds along with an ounce of 85% higher dark chocolate is a good start to the day ... of course if you can grill up a steak and fry a couple eggs in olive or coconut oil in the morning ther eis nothing wrong with that either !
  25. Str8Shot

    Monday Check in

    Slow weekend for me, had told sister I would watch her place and do some things she needed done while she was in Vegas... No gym just push-ups and a few miles each night ... Scale has down 2 lbs but did punch a new hole in belt to keep it snug without slipping. That makes 10 ( 5 I had to punch ) holes my waist has shrank on my belt. I find keeping my Belt and punching new holes great motivation. About 20 more lbs to hit my goal before 10/31 and hunt starts 36 lbs to go by end of Dec. Hitting farmers market today to replenish the greens I did not pick up over the weekend !