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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    unwelcomed visit

    Thanks so much! When I go hunting with you we are hunting on horse back! Even then we'll probably run into a buzztail and your horse will buck me off right on top the Dang snake! I don't hate all snakes just Rattlesnakes!!!! Maybe you watched "The Canyon" you are describing the one minute mark in the trailer ... LOL
  2. Str8Shot

    unwelcomed visit

    Wow .... Know that feeling of being caught a little off guard ... Was doing repairs with my cousin on his motor home going down Valentine when an AZ Black decided to come right between us .... having one moving feet from you and frozen is not a fun feeling , as soon as he cleared we got out and took care of him since there were children playing all around area waiting for us to finish .... I do not mind snakes either but when Rattlers get to close for comfort it is time for them to become a belt or hat band !
  3. Str8Shot

    daughters opening morning buck

    Way to get it done! Congrats to you and especially your Little Huntress ... I am betting she has the fever and this is the first of many more to come!
  4. Awesome Footage!!!! Your son's adrenaline had to be pumping when that second bull was right there looking at him... That is what it is all about right there, and I am sure he is going to be asking to get out to do it again !
  5. Str8Shot

    17b 19a/b 20a Youth hunt.

    Congrats to all the young Hunters and Parents... Looks like you guys did an awesome Job with the camp... I am hoping to see my Son punch his first deer tag in the upcoming General hunt , will try to get it done on Halloween !!!
  6. Awesome stuff right there... Looks like you had a heck of a good time and the weekend was perfect for it !
  7. Str8Shot

    Monday Check in

    No loss this week , but from what I hear, that is somewhat common when starting creatine and upping workouts.. Was a good weekend out hiking the hills and putting eyes on several nice bucks for the upcoming hunt !!! Do not think I will hit my target before the hunt, but endurance and strength is well improved... Should still be able to hit my 195 goal by the time Spartan comes around. !!!
  8. Str8Shot

    Garmin Astro 220 GPS/Dog Tracking System

    May want to PM the OP on this thread... http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/52559-lf-toyota-tacoma-and-other-hound-hunting-stuff/?hl=toyota... He seemed to be on the hunt for this kind of gear ...
  9. Str8Shot

    AZGFD Lic Scam?????????????

    Got that hate list going on???? I guess when ya stepped in the pile of stupid poo poo in the wall tent post. It must have stung to have so many members recognize it for what it was. But relax here is a cure. 10377377_979342895412767_8376010779434396163_n_zps0c3ed38d.png Have a wonderful day!!! Take care, Willie Only stupid poo poo I stepped on was the likes of you and the other arrogant members who do not like the truth... Nice thing about that is I can wipe my soles clean and see you laying on the ground left behind... I am not surprised by the stupidity in your posts and your not liking truthful opinions being shared by others... I am not trying to join your clique of Dee Dee Dees ... I stick by my words and as far as the wall tent post , heck it looks like it was a little less than PRISTINE... I think with all the views on that post plenty of others see the OP very much the same... I do not care if you like my opinions or if you like me... Your mental capacity is shown by your ignorant postings that only rival that of an upset kid on a the play ground calling names. Have fun in your ignorance, because at least in that you find your BLISS
  10. Str8Shot

    Border units

    I have hunted 36b a half dozen times in the last 9 years... there are some parts that are worse than others and I am often close enough to the border That I make it a point to Piss over the fence line at least once a trip.... We have seen everything from your run of the mill migrants to drug mules to a group of 8 Bandidos with AK's .... We have also never had an issue with Border Patrol and carry their number in speed dial, we have made close to a half dozen calls to report drug mules and Bandidos, that were always acted on promptly. Twice we had helicopters over the given coordinates within 10 minutes, other times we have been met by agents on horseback and in vehicles. We have, one several occasions, had tactical night crews push through ore camps at night coming back later with illegals in tow. IN all the times down there we have never had an altercation with any or had anything damaged or taken from our camp... If you get out and actually hike the hills you will be surprised how many sensors and cams they have in the remote areas and how often you will come out of your hike to a road with a BP agent waiting literally right there for you. Do we take extra precautions when hunting down south, of course, but nothing will keep us from hunting down there except the years we get drawn for a our first or second choice... To those hunting down there this year, all I have to say is be vigilant and aware, stay safe and communicate with BP and put their hotline # in your speed dial and keep phone with you at all times. p.s. the rougher the roads, access and terrain the more you will see the Bad side of what is coming across our borders... The worst elements like working areas that do not get traveled as much by BP do to the harsher terrain.... Tend to see more drones and helicopters in these areas and far fewer BP trucks leading back.
  11. Str8Shot

    AZGFD Lic Scam?????????????

    Not surprised by some of the comments and those lacking any common sense .... It is a little scary to think,that these guys are even carrying around loaded weapons. Here is a tip I tell my kids, when reading something that you do not fully understand and comprehend go ask for help from a teacher or a person who would know to help you understand. The only scam I see here is ignorant people blaming others ( the G&F) for their own lack of intelligence and common sense. Remember Wdenike, when it comes to sheep, stupid often follows stupid and often so close that their nose is buried in the stench of the others butt!
  12. Str8Shot

    Remington 700 BDL Mountain LSS

    Sorry to hear about your AC Casey , that sucks... I wish I had the funds free to take this off your hands it is a very nice rifle... I do have 2 friends looking , not sure if they are want 30-06 but I will let them know. Good luck...
  13. Str8Shot

    Bow for Sale !! Not really its my back up :)

    Actually this is pretty awesome and Funny , I take no Offense at all .... you may even understand more if you had deal with what I have the last few days trying to purchase from another poster...
  14. Str8Shot

    10x14 Montana Blend Montana Wall Tent

    Calling a Spade a Spade ... Your words above are even more reason that the humble offer of Seldom should have be sufficient IMO ... I am sure saying foolish Boy made you feel better but I do not get so rattled by words ... Have fun and Good Luck to you !
  15. Str8Shot

    10x14 Montana Blend Montana Wall Tent

    Not questioning your Faith Just saying you are greedy... Of course you could have offered to your church your help in posting it here and giving them all the $$$$$ made from the sell. But then what would there be in it for you ? Good luck on your Sale though... Love the clique mob attacks ...
  16. Str8Shot

    10x14 Montana Blend Montana Wall Tent

    Seldom made a very reasonable offer without even REAL pics, and one that would not still being considered if there was no profit in for him.... Do not think I am messing up any sale as in OP's own words he does not have to sell it .... Not very Church like in my opinion to make some one wait like that .. SO I AM just putting options for Seldom out there ... As far as a frame goes anyone with a little know how can build one for less than 50 - 100 and with little know how can buy welded brackets and make for less than 200 ... Floor ... nice but not too hard to find alternatives and same goes for a fly ...
  17. Str8Shot

    10x14 Montana Blend Montana Wall Tent

    No not the same tent ... but if he is dead set on a wall tent he can get a New Cabela's by Montana Canvas in 12x14 new for about what he is offering ...
  18. Str8Shot

    10x14 Montana Blend Montana Wall Tent

    Seldom Just go with the 10x14 Kodiak at Bass Pro for $650.00 and save you some money and the Wait !
  19. Str8Shot

    10x14 Montana Blend Montana Wall Tent

    Still have not seen real pics of the Tent in current condition to try and gauge what is worth... I have a sneaking suspicion that the $1000 offer would still be netting you a decent profit !
  20. Unless there has been a change that I am not aware of , you can legally retrieve game that crosses onto private property, what you can not do is cut fences and such in order to retrieve game. IMO the proper way to handle such a situation of course would be to inform the property owner and ask in their assistance. Crossing onto the Res you Must notify a tribal game officer and show that it was legally shot on non Res land and crossed over, and if you are hunting right on the Border of that Mexico Fence and it goes over Leave it for the scavengers!
  21. Str8Shot

    Elk Season Finale Rifle Hunt

    Very Nice Bull, Congrats to your Friend !
  22. You think it all takes place below the I-10 .... It is a growing problem in Arizona and we are not even the worst ... There are over 4 million acres of inaccessible public lands in New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana ... Everyone should have the ability to get to these lands and if you look at the HUNT act if it passes it would be a good start... That still does not mean that State governments should not insure easements when selling or trading TRUST or BLM land... Anglers and hunters as a whole should demand more when it comes to access. There are outfitters that have been striking deals with land owners to lock up as well. I know for a fact that the last time I paid the Mercers ( I believe it was the last year they even allowed that paid access to 25 hunting parties through their lands) they were cutting a new road to the west of Sombrero Butte that followed around to the south side and it was going to be for guided hunts only, that came from the land owners mouth at the time. This was also the first year they improved the roads for the new mining that was taking place on their land. That Bunker Hill Road closure cut off any reasonable access to toms of great public hunting grounds. They have no problem using the land for their cattle , and Back packed in on more than one occasion they drove their cattle right through our cold camps in the hills during hunts. Hunters as a whole are getting the short straw when it comes to these situations regardless of the reason things should be done to secure reasonable access.
  23. Str8Shot


    and is it a true 450 yards no Angle to adjust for ? Sounds funny but I have seen guys put a target out at 500 yards a bit up on a hillside and shoot prone putting enough angle that they were constantly shooting high... Used another rangefinder that adjusts for angle and ranged from prone position and all the sudden they were hitting where they expected... But as others have said many other factors that I am sure you will work out by trial and error.
  24. Str8Shot

    Velvet to Hard Horned

    Beautiful Bull and not one I would have passed up on the earlier hunts!!!! Congrats to the Hunter
  25. I can not argue that disrespectful individuals (not always hunters, as the mercers started restricting access due to people from Mammoth dumping on their property and then being hit with a huge fine and clean up fee) do not make it easy for the greater numbers. However, I had been told at one point if the road was ever dedicated, maintained by state agencies, and/or has given access for more than 10 years without having to stop and ask for permission of land owners that and would be cause for a possible prescriptive easement. In reality Game and Fish must have access to be able to monitor and enforce the Laws we all should be abiding by. IMO if private ranchers want to close all reasonable access and close most the hunters out of public lands while profiting from allowing outfitters access to public while also hunting their own private land G&F should make the areas NO HUNT ZONES.... In the last 15 years it is my opinion that more are restricting access to the many while striking deals with outfitters out of pure greed and for the money. Ugly dude says it is not that easy but there are condemnation laws that allow the government to secure easements while compensating the land owners ... You would think the extra taxes we have been paying for all these years when purchasing anything and everything to do with Angling and Hunting would be able to help pay for not losing access. S.1554 HUNT act ( which was introduced late 2013 seems to be stalled in our non moving government) is passed would be a good first step and getting access to Publicly owned National forest lands. However, the state should also be making similar legislature to secure access to all our public lands. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCg3EYV2DXo#t=13