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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    Draysen's First Hunt

    Awesome .. Well Done Draysen .. Way to get it done to all those helping!
  2. Str8Shot

    Help a college student with his class

    age - 40 male 1 Speeding Ticket ( when 17) felony speeding going 107 in 55, judge reduced to misdemenor and no fine had to go to traffic school believe it was $75 2 - photo radar tickets for speeding , but was not me driving , charges dropped 1 illegal right trun on red ticket - trafic school all over again $100 that is all my tickets
  3. Str8Shot

    3a/3c roll call

    Public land, but maybe you should inform eveyone to the actual amount of area you are hunting. Is it 2 square miles you have claim to or maybe it is just 1 ? Maybe put up some road closure signs sayingTHIS IS MY HUNTING AREA STAY OUT ... and if you busted your butt hiking and are still close enough to roads to be bitching about road hunters you should have hiked off the roads and into wilderness. If there are roads you will find road hunters nothing new there..
  4. Str8Shot

    Border Stories

    There is barbed wire in some of the rough areas in the mountains down there clearly marked interantional border .... I make it a point to piss over onto the other side ... he last time down a BP copter came overhead as I was watering the desert across the fence .... becuase there are also sensorsout there that have them showing up in the damndest places when we are hiking out and they say they just needed to make sure we were hunters ... Never an issue even when hunting with my Mexican frend
  5. Str8Shot

    Border Stories

    Too many to tell , but in every situation when able to call out to Border Patrol and give coordinates or talk to one close to where we were, they were right on the situation...Our group has helped BP locate and take out over a dozen groups of illegals ranging in size from 5 - 30 ... Have helped them locate and take out 4 different drug mule trains, 3 were groups of 5 with one spotter carrying a gun and one was much larger, as we would later discover. We had only seen one of the mules and the black hawk was on top of him within 5 minutes of us calling it in ( thank god for even weak cell signal)... In that last case it was a group of 20 mules and they let them walk out to Arivaca road where they had probably close to 50 agents from horse back to helicopters as well as two drones ... The Tumacacori range gets most of the drug mule and Banditos traffic due to the rougher terrain and a bit less patrols on the roads and it was heading to a honey hole(4 years ago) in that range our trip was cut short by a group of masked banditos with AK's that were beating down a mule and taking his load... If not for the red bandannas we probably would have drove right into them. Instead I was able to catch it moving as we dropped from the top of the well covered canyon taking time to stop and glass through the cover. Watching it go down and with no cell signal we assessed the situation (2 of us and 2 pistols with 6 clips,) and we decided that we would not go back to our spot today. Took an hour of rough driving before we ran into an agent and we gave him the details and locations and his response was that they have been trying to get on this group and another in those mountains for the last couple weeks ... Those Samaritans in my opinion are working with cartels or coyotes or both as we have watched them take out water and supplies several times to caches that would be found only by someone using gps. little to say those caches were not left in tact. despite all the craziness we all still love going down there as plan B and usually go in a group of 6 - 8 guys .. plenty of extra sidearms and ammo, and not once have we had anything damaged or taken from our camp... Have had them bust deer we were stalking and jump out of bushes like fool's quail while out hiking... Have had to refuse helping them and made many calls to BP ... All in all it makes for a fun time on scouts and hunts!
  6. Str8Shot

    Unit 10 Bull Tags to Increase

    We will see in a couple years when those 500,000 Florida strain Large mouth Bass start hitting the 10 lb range as they have been used in other hatcheries in the country to take care of those dang gizzard shad .... though in all the years fishing that lake and casting to catch regular shad for bait, when with kids and family, I have only seen one and it was about dead !
  7. Str8Shot

    Unit 10 Bull Tags to Increase

    I am not going to assume anything as I nor you have all the information that they are using to feel an increase is needed... I do know though based off other management models used by other states and used on The WMAT res that the best way to reduce the quality of bulls( especially in a Unit so many look for trophy bulls) is to let the Bull population rise to far.... You know, you may be right, those 15 bulls extra will not make a big difference, but you may also be wrong ... Maybe those tags would not be needed if more hunters were willing to cull Rag horns from the population ... Killing off the biggest best bulls over 5 years while not culling lesser rag horns will turn that unit into just an average unit with more under 300 bulls coming out of it over next decade... Still I will respect those that actually get paid to do the job and are privy to a more focused education as well as all the information to try their best for quality and longevity of the herd....
  8. Str8Shot

    Unit 10 Bull Tags to Increase

    Again so many hunters seem as the are arm chair wildlife biologists and know how to manage the herds in our state better than others... Some hunters seem to think that ratios are the only possible reason and that it is all about money, but they do not take into account that total #'s of all elk within a range are also a factor... I will not say that G&F does not make mistakes and always make the right moves when it comes to tag numbers, but they often correct them quickly when seeing a negative impact or results not to what the intentions were. If it is all about the money what is better for a business .. Taking more money for a shorty duration or taking a little bit less money for a much much longer duration ... The real answer IMO is following the formula that the WMAT uses at limiting trophy Elk tags , making Rag horn tags ( to cull the bulls) and then cow tags that balance with the numbers to insure higher fawning rates... I know plenty of hunters that would pay a little less to harvest a rag horn in units where many are passed up by all the trophy hunters... Oh and to top that off the quality of trophy bulls will go up over time by such a system ... ( look at Colorado for a good example of what happens to quality bulls when you do not manage the ratios properly, Not too many 380+ bulls coming from there in the last couple decades) ... That being said I think hunters as a whole should stop the BS when it comes to G&F and what they are trying to do to insure a sustained herd for future generations... Some on here just cry way too dang much ! p.s. Do not work for any government agency and despise most as much or more than any of you, but G&F(as a whole) is not one of them I do despise!
  9. Str8Shot

    Sold-Sold-Browning SA-22 Takedown Rifle-Sold-Sold-Sold

    If i only had the funds ... My bro has one and they are sweet little guns
  10. Str8Shot

    Hiking socks- what do you use

    Smartwool for most seasons... But for cold look at the JB Icelandic http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0049HMMNI/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0049HMMNI&linkCode=as2&tag=thesav02-20 Oh and Always keep Moleskin in your pack and use at first hint you may be getting a blister .... If boots keep giving blisters after more than a few trips and several miles look at the size probably wrong...
  11. Str8Shot

    KYB vs. Bilstein vs. Rancho

    BILSTEINS .. NO Questions Asked
  12. Str8Shot

    youth hunt of a lifetime!

    Awesome Job and great experiences for all your young hunters ... Good luck on your next hunt, looks like the pressure is on!
  13. Str8Shot

    This is why you should buy Vortex optics

    Japan, Phillippines, and China on some models
  14. Str8Shot

    Beanie Question

    Condition yourself with some Polar bear swims .. then head out in shorts and a few light layers
  15. I like how she says just a few .... Nice looking pelts Of course your Buck speaks for itself ...Thanks for sharing
  16. Amazing Pictures and great read on your experience over there. Good to see, that despite the tough time retrieving your doe, you are not giving up and using it as motivation. I am sure everything will come together and Dec. and January you will be out for redemption. Good Luck on all your future Hunts!
  17. Str8Shot

    Deer Hunts

    which hunt number I see none saying the 25th and using the find for all the regs typing Oct 25 gives 0 results found... just look at your tag The PDF from G&F is what I checked .. now if you have paper regs in from 2013-2014 the dates would show the 25-31 and you would be holding the old regs
  18. Str8Shot

    Unit 36A

    Just kidding ... go hang out with locals a couple days before the hunt ... May make some friends that will help point you in the right direction ... Always a friendly bunch down there!
  19. Str8Shot

    Unit 36A

    Liquid nitrogen, Heavy Center punch and 5 lb. Sledge
  20. Str8Shot

    3a/3c roll call

    That 300 road can get out right sloppy up there never a dull moment when it is wet... Hope the winds are nice on you all while on your hunt , nothing slows things down in that unit like Wind ( they are there just have to usually change your area and tactics on glassing them up)
  21. Str8Shot

    3a/3c roll call

    Wish I was there to get a second chance at the toad I missed 2 years ago .... He was still running around before the hunts started and would make any of you guys with the Tag very Happy! I will be in 23 come Halloween but 3c still remains my first choice when wanting to go after Mule Deer ! Good luck to those hunting !
  22. Str8Shot

    AZGFD License "Simplification" Bull****

    What is so hard about reading the regulations especially the information that is put in BOLD like this... Enter your Arizona hunting license number that will be valid on deadline day for the hunt in which you are applying. p.s. This topic has been brought up at least on a few other threads all through the application process...
  23. Str8Shot

    ASU "Forward Thinking"

    what is stupid about these idiots making it a race thing is that traditional Black face was not just an all black face ... it usually was accompanied by white/ and or red around the lips during minstrel shows... These students are not wearing wigs , nor outlining their lips in red or white... so the context of painting their face black would be nothing other than the support of their team... To many ignorant people always trying to make mountains of Mole hills...
  24. Str8Shot

    ASU "Forward Thinking"

    whats next , covert ops and special force night ops not being allowed to use black face paint for camouflage ... Society is turning into a bunch of weak minded idiots that cry about everything
  25. Str8Shot

    Happy BirthDay Amanda!!!

    Happy Birthday Amanda.... Hope this new year is filled with great memories, experiences , and and Hunts !