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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    English Bulldog Puppies

    Beautiful pups ... have a very close friend that breeds English Bulldogs , great deal here .. good luck
  2. Take the October Hunt every time .... If you want cooler and are thinking November spend thanksgiving Down there and kick Black Friday off with a rifle in your hand...
  3. Str8Shot


    I know several who have went through the process with G&F and never had any issue getting to keep the antlers after G&F inspected the animal.. The officers I know we have spoke too said people get confused with the word fresh thinking meat still on bone, but clearly stated that if the hide was dried and leathered up covering the bone removing it would be against the law. Of course here you will get the guys who only bash G&F making it seem like they do not care, but it has been my experience that even a spike or cow found they come out to inspect to try and determine the cause and if the animal was poached... People like to interpret laws to suit themselves and then discount them because they feel they are not enforced ( kind of like a guy cutting up half alive tree to hang a stand in ) .. to each their own but I will continue doing it the way I was taught and the way I have had it explained by the guys who can actually enforce it. As stated earlier ... may be just a good way to do some e-scouting I am all for trying to help during the open season where a guy or gal may still have a chance to put a tag on it legally, but once seasons close up as Hunters in Arizona I think it is our responsibility to assist our G&F in their efforts by following the regulations...
  4. Str8Shot


    Lance plenty of areas where an elk hit during the late hunt 2014 could easily still be more flesh and hide than dry bone this time of year .... as with all laws it is up to the discretion of the officers that end up stopping you .... I would bet that if you were pulled over by a G&F officer driving out of the forest with a deadhead of a 6x6 in the bed of your truck this time of the year and there is more hide than bone exposed ( keep in mind the amount of dry bone exposed is what determines fresh , not if the hide is dry) you are going to be asked a lot of questions and the head would be confiscated.
  5. Str8Shot

    Two Trojans--slightly used

    Are they AGM or flooded ... what is the warranty on them ?
  6. Str8Shot


  7. Str8Shot


    The right thing is not that hard to do .... If any part of the find has flesh,or hide left on it contact G&F .... if the the parasites and bugs have done their job well and you have nothing but bone take it... It is not like anyone can put a tag on it to claim it this late in the game.... and IMO no one deserves a trophy they did not take the time to recover !
  8. nature girl It can be frustrating when you see those bass and they do not seem to want a thing to do with anything .... In these situations a weightless Tube Bait ( can never go wrong with pumpkin) fished a couple feet behind a drop shot weight ( in essence creating a leader where the weight hits bottom and the tube slowly falls behind ) can be a good way to get them to react... Want to suspend put a little piece of cork inside the tube... Tubes mimic crawdads and that is one of the few things imo that seems to always piss a Bass off enough to react when around a bed.
  9. Str8Shot

    How Big?

    Maybe using the base 200 and math lets look A 350 Bull will typically have 75 inches of total tine length G1- 5 , 50 inches of main beam length around 30 inches of mass per side ... that is a total of 155 inches of bone growth 154 divided by 180 days is about .86 inches of bone per day ... now you add the average of 40 inch spread for a mature bull you have 155x2+40 ='s 350 inches Now a 400 inch Bull will have on Average 95 -96 inches of total length on each side G1-5 average main beams around 54- 56 (use 55 in this calculation) inches and usually a little more spread and mass but will use the 30 here .. 95+55+30= 180 divided by 180 days ='s 1 inch a day 180 x 2 = 360 + 40 spread = 400.... Now of course this is all based on 180 days of growth which can sometimes be longer or shorter by a couple weeks ..... I guess what I have always taken away from it is that 400" + Bulls are rare because everything from Genes to Nutrition have to be ideal for the entire growth cycle to reach that 1 inch a day of Bone Growth ...
  10. Str8Shot

    How Big?

    I guess all the biologists are wrong then ... From what I understand it is up to a linear inch a day measuring the main beams ( remember spread is a part of that 400" score) as each new tine splits off the bone grows under velvet at a little slower rate ... As long as they have the genetics from Mamma and Pappa, and Good nutrition they can keep growing.... I have never heard a wild life biologist dispute or challenge the up to an inch a day number and have seen in published in almost every hunting book on elk I have read since I was a kid.
  11. Str8Shot

    How Big?

    Up to an inch a Day .... Will be a good bull, no doubting that !
  12. Str8Shot

    longbeard today

    I had a group of friends on the Res hunt ... they went 2 for 3 over the weekend ( 1 nice Tom and a nice Jake) and said none of the Toms were with hens .... Day one they were finding nothing but hens and the occasional small Jake, move a couple miles away and were not seeing as many birds, but all they seen were groups of 3 - 5 toms and Jakes in each ...
  13. Been a couple years since being down there in 36b But jumped a lot every trip while out laying the boot leather to the ground...
  14. Str8Shot

    Snowy Turkey Hunt

    Great write up .... Great find for your wife and Way to keep going and tag out even with that walking cast on your leg ! A lot of times it pays to get out of the warm truck in nasty weather....
  15. Str8Shot


    I guess if 20 miles away as the navajo chicken flies is by the country club then yes. We werent sitting waiting to see them walking by we were waiting for it to be a little later as to not screw them up on the way. We were about to take off. I did think of the fact he may have a kid. I dont care what camo he owns just trying to paint a picture of a cheap dork. And for the record he was up there staying at his cabin. WTF? I shouldn't be supprised you guys dont see an issue with this. I can only speak for myself here, but I see a greater issue with a person coming onto a forum and IMO showing no class or tact in trying to (in your words " PAINT A PICTURE OF A CHEAP DORK") judge, demean and make fun of other hunters based on what they drive or wear. I have found it to be a rare occurrence when in similar situations that myself and other hunters could not discuss and come up with a solution as to what would be beneficial for both parties when ones plans may have been interrupting the others. I can guarantee that a good number of guys were up there trying to scout for this upcoming weekend and if I had that tag seeing a couple guys sitting in a truck would not have stopped me from heading out on foot either. I would not have parked right on top of you, but like him would have approached you to find out what your plans were because I do not want to push out and have things messed up by a couple guys that were just sitting in their truck when I left. I would get use to the idea that you will have run ins and have monkey wrenches thrown into your plans when participating in Hunts on public land.... It is how you choose to communicate with others and handle the situations that will allow you to keep enjoying the hunt without crying to be the victim every time you are unsuccessful. I guess it is the new American way (one I will never subscribe too) ... Blame everyone else without taking any responsibility for the choices made that did not turn out in your favor... I will leave that as my final word on this tread... Good luck
  16. Str8Shot


    IMHO it does not matter what the Guy was wearing .... If he was heading out to Hunt versus sitting in a Truck waiting to try and get lucky to catch the Turkey making their way into a KNOWN roost, and he asked the OP their intent, I think it is hard to fault the guy ... One thing about the cheaper camo, is few people are worried about looking pretty and more willing to get them dirty....
  17. Str8Shot

    Tessa's opening day Turkey success

    Congrats to Tessa for getting that Algebra Grade up, holding straight As, and Her successful hunt... WAY TO GET IT DONE! Big Props to Mom and Dad for putting those grades first ... Not the easiest thing to do , but the best ... I know, I was just reminding my son the other day about keeping his grades up if he wants to go on an application for a Deer hunt this year.
  18. Str8Shot

    What species is this?

    Muley !!!! If they spook away and Pogo you now 100% it is a Mule deer.
  19. Str8Shot

    Opening Day Goulds

    Awesome Bird ... hate seeing your camp torn up in the snow like that, but as least it is in prep for another good Hunt ... Good luck up there !
  20. Str8Shot


    Wait .. You are sitting in your truck more than a 1/4 mile from a Known Roost (not sure if your implication means known by many and/or all) and you are going to complain about a guy wanting to push out in an area where you are just sitting? It seems if he came up to you and asked , you did have an opportunity to direct some of how things may have gone down. How Many Square miles Does one reserve for themselves while sitting in a truck ( not really hunting ) ? I know if I have an area picked out, show up, and a couple guys are just sitting it out in a truck, I am going to give them the opportunity tell me their plans and I will adapt and try not to interfere bu that does not mean I am going to just drive miles away ... When you are out hiking and hunting, you are going to come across others often that have similar ideas and strategies, when this happens neither person is wrong but both should try and cooperate... But I am having a hard time grasping how sitting parked 1/4 + mile away from a Known roost ( did you know there were turkey on it or sitting back hoping to catch some moving in from the comfort of your truck?) entitles anyone to anything ... heck, others could come in from a different direction at that distance and you possibly would not even know. It is public land hunting, get used to curve balls being thrown at you and adapt ...
  21. Wow! How on earth did this go 3 pages deep before someone hit up Monty Python?! Im disappointed in all of us. "Of course I'm French! Why else would I speak with this out-raaaaageous auk-cent!" "Excuse me sir! Are you suggesting that a coconut migrated?" Classic stuff! I think Monty Python Quotes + Hunting forum + Gun owners ... may = a NSA red Flag "And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."
  22. "A deer has to be taken with one shot. I try to tell people that but they don't listen." " Every time he comes up, he's got no knife, he's got no jacket, he's got no pants, he's got no boots. All he's got is that stupid gun he carries around like John Wayne." So many good ones out there, but here are a couple of my favorites ... If I have to tell you the movie it would be a shame!
  23. Str8Shot

    Fly fishing noobs question

    Get them some starter sets .. Amazon has a lot to choose from ... if you have some old reels spooled up use them for teaching mechanics... take them out to a park with lots of grass and space , throw hula hoops at various distances and make it fun having them compete trying to land on target. No need to drop a lot on teaching the fundamentals and in most of AZ a good spinning rod floating a leader and fly behind a bubble can produce just as well with less headache than dealing with a fly rod, unless of course you are looking at setting them up in waders and float tubes too.
  24. Because there is no way to use the law to keep her ex out of the honey hole, well at least the one they may both try to hunt in. It is still first come first serve... she should try to make sure she has cell signal and if he harasses her( not the other way around ) then she can call the law and his hunting trip will most likely be cut short, something I am sure any guy would like to avoid.... with today's technology if I were either,I would be running a go-pro at all times just in case I need some evidence of how things went down, if anything even was to happen... like most said, Big Unit ... plenty of honey holes for those willing to hike... and with so many tags her ex may be the least of her worries when it comes to competition ...
  25. Non-Typical I feel the ambush method is the best way to kill a pesky fly... Turn off all your lights so it is nice and dark ( the fly/flies will land) ... grab your camera with night vision ( if you have one ) ... hit record and then show your finger slowly squishing the unknowing Blind Fly... Seriously though. I agree with most that this is an issue you need to discuss with your attorney... an OOP does not usually give the right for the protected to knowingly place themselves in the others vicinity in order to harass and chase off. I would look at it as Hunting as usual, First come First Serve. You walk up on him in one of your shared spots, it is you that has to leave , if he walks in on you, it is him... I am not so sure this is as big as an issue as this thread seems to make it seem , then again I do not feel that some of the dialogue expressed in it does you any favors either. In the end you both should be able to enjoy your own personal Hunts and try to not make it an issue... if You guys do , most likely the Elk will win! just my 2 cents.