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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    Hopefully not your cam!

    No trphy I let the cams I see rest as is, I feel it comes down to morals .... see dozens every year in 23 and 3c and not all are bolted to trees anyways... Gino I am not saying a bolt hurts a tree or if cutting a limb is going to kill it ... But our federal representatives have and thus the law ... Playing devils advocate and pointing out hypocrisy seems upsetting for many , it may be their panties that need a new size ... I do wonder though, how many of today's hunters would even be hunting if they did not have the aid of things like trail cams , i am betting the number is a bit higher than most would expect. 25-06 if knowing the rules and laws to make the right choices is stupid then I am happy being stupid ... but if stupid can get your GOAT then what does that say about you ?
  2. Str8Shot

    Over the counter Elk Tag

    August 1 - Dec 31 for the general any elk for the Winslow Holbrook hunt area could be decent at times ... Back doing work up there 8 years ago when the snow started packing in we seen a few respectable bulls up towards those hay fields as well as several herds of cows
  3. Str8Shot

    Hopefully not your cam!

    Some well placed cams in the Naegelin area working all the way back towards Haigler creek in the Lost Salt canyon area .. Some Nice Bulls in the area too
  4. Str8Shot

    24b December wilderness hunt

    Cold and Wet but well worth it with that tag ... Watch Alone may get you mentally prepared
  5. Str8Shot

    Hopefully not your cam!

    I am free to speak my mind as an American ... sorry if talking about the Truth and Issues that divide Hunters upsets you ... I will keep speaking my mind, as I dang well please .... No internet police here that would seem to belong to those who know they justify the rules to appease themselves and try to knock others for not saying atta-boy keep up the good work. dang may get to 1000 posts on this thread
  6. Str8Shot

    Pay to Play?

    The snake was around a Boat ramp at a lake that was almost empty of people in a time of year it is not busy ... The first 2 were women who were too afraid to mess with it ....
  7. Str8Shot

    Hopefully not your cam!

    I don't hear a whole lot of whining out of everyone? I hear one person indirectly accusing trail cam users of deforestation by trimming a branch or putting a screw in a tree. LOL... Every Year there is a slew of whining over taken cams ( wont call them stolen since you can not steal abandoned property ) and the fact remains the laws I speak of exist and I do not make them... You know even the worst criminals try to justify their actions in the same way a guy driving lag bolts into a live tree does .. Sorry I do not see much difference... no matter how petty of an act you may think it is. The talk about cameras disappearing is getting redundant after so many pathetic posts year after year... I honestly do not care, and hate to break it to you ... Like I said Karma comes and goes both ways .. keep justifying however you want , but IMO you should keep your rants, whining and complaining to yourself.
  8. Str8Shot

    Pay to Play?

    Desert Muley and do not forget that worm was taxed about 4 - 5 different ways before he even makes it on your hook
  9. Str8Shot

    Hopefully not your cam!

    I see a bunch of whiners crying foul who do not like the truth .... Quit crying about things you are not going to change accept the fact that you take a risk leaving anything unattended in a public forest ... Maybe your cameras getting stolen is Karma for you screwing trees ... Wow could it work both ways ?
  10. Str8Shot

    Ultralight 50 bmg

    Sweet rifle ...Kind of a lot of $$$$$ per shot for prairie dogs but I bet it would be fun !
  11. Str8Shot

    Hopefully not your cam!

    GG just so we are clear I think thieves are the lowest form of scum out there. If you think what I am saying is about down playing the fact that people should not take what is not theirs, you are wrong... I am stating the facts about the laws that I feel we all should follow no matter how petty we feel they are. You say they do not enforce it, then start sawing a live tree where an officer can see you , or leave the head of your Axe buried in a live tree at camp, I have seen citations given for both of those. In the context of the rules/laws of USFS ... If you abandon personal property ( and unfortunately the way it is defined that is what cam users do) under the law the Morally corrupt person is not legally a criminal as much as you would like him or her to be, however a guy cutting and bolting boxes on trees is a criminal ... I do not write the laws, but do not feel ignorance to them is any justification and why I do not empathize with those who lose things, like cams, they leave out in our forests. I know plenty of guys that use cams and do not use bolted on boxes or go cutting away limbs some that leave them out long periods of times in many of the same units and do not lose them, but they also know they are taking a risk and accept that. You cam guys want the Rules changed , group up and talk to some representatives and see what can come of it... As far as not doing damage. in a state with forests dealing with Bark Beatles leaving holes and exposed cut limbs can be equivalent to killing a tree...
  12. Str8Shot

    Tonto Pass?

    Very little on the North side of Roosevelt that requires a PASS ... as others have said only around the lakes and where posted...
  13. Str8Shot

    Pay to Play?

    Yeah ... The Tonto pass and changes at Roosevelt imo were a Joke and while I am not a fan I help fund those jobs .... I once seen it take 4 different officers all in nice Brand new trucks to deal with moving a rattle snake ... so the $$$$ are not even going to the most capable people... I see no issue with the OHV program and to be honest when it comes to cost and access Arizona gives much more for less than many other states ... majority of states you can not even make your OHV street legal... As far as Booths in the White Mountains ... do you have a link or info on the proposed bill ... Minus an Obama order it will go through the house and senate .. and the only way to battle is reaching out to the right representative and senators to battle it in the process ... Wouldn't it be nice if the people that were affected got to actually vote and voice their real opinions ?
  14. Str8Shot

    Glassed these 2 bucks up while scouting for elk

    That first one is a STUD .... will make some pronghorn hunter happy if he wanders their way during the season !
  15. Str8Shot

    Hopefully not your cam!

    See it is this ignorance that divides us ... Does not matter what you think ... it is against the law to cut or screw into live trees in OUR national forests ... IF you can justify the breaking of law no matter how small you are no different than then what you call thieves breaking the law ... funniest part is these so called thieves are not actually usually breaking the law when taking what the law defines as abandoned property ... I think it is wrong that any person takes what is not theirs but it is also as wrong for so many hunters to turn a cheek at actual laws and even funnier when they do not see their own hypocrisy ! You assume this is on USFS lands ........ are you sure? If you want to troll, go to the lake. Being that the majority of hunting as well as cam placement in Arizona takes place In OUR national Forest lands , I feel it is a very safe assumption ... plus I kind of doubt that the OP was scouting private land and even if he was I have seen plenty of hunters ignore the laws when it comes to USFS lands to still view My opinion ... Many may claim ignorance to such RULES so why do you see issue in educating possible law breakers? Being ignorant of a law and breaking it does not make it right , no matter how you try to cut it ... OH and this is not he first time I have stated my opinion , or not having empathy for people leaving cams out .. My right as an American to voice my opinion and point out hypocrisy when I see it ... Usually when it comes to Truth those whom take the most offense and argue to defend and justify are usually the most guilty .... I do not make the rules/laws, I may not agree with many Rules/Laws, but I do not need to respect those who choose to ignore them to serve their own purpose ... and in time these kinds of hunters will become their own worst enemies and yet they will blame those like me who do not agree with their way... Want to use cams or tree stands knock yourself out ... there are ways to do it that do not require cutting and bolting into trees !!!
  16. Str8Shot

    Hopefully not your cam!

    See it is this ignorance that divides us ... Does not matter what you think ... it is against the law to cut or screw into live trees in OUR national forests ... IF you can justify the breaking of law no matter how small you are no different than then what you call thieves breaking the law ... funniest part is these so called thieves are not actually usually breaking the law when taking what the law defines as abandoned property ... I think it is wrong that any person takes what is not theirs but it is also as wrong for so many hunters to turn a cheek at actual laws and even funnier when they do not see their own hypocrisy !
  17. Str8Shot

    Hopefully not your cam!

    Worse are Hunters breaking the law and cutting and screwing into live trees ... We should be stewards to our forests and follow the laws regardless of how often they are enforced or not ...
  18. Str8Shot

    Hopefully not your cam!

    Sorry ... I do not feel bad for the criminal that hung it in the first place ... screwing into and cutting live trees for placement of cams, tree stands or anything for that matter is against the law ... I wish they would start enforcing those laws more !
  19. Str8Shot

    Anyone seen this bull? 436" velvet

    I do not agree often with coues 'n' sheep that often ... but I do agree pretty much on every point he made... If this was Unit 23 he looks like a big 6x typical that we have seen the last couple years ( not going to say where just in case it is not ) ... I am not big a big fan of most guides and that is from personal encounters over the years .. But I do not mind a guy that has the money taking full advantage because as C 'n' S said it brought revenue to our state in many ways... If it is the same guy then several had had cracks at him the last couple years and if not the rest can be assured there is still a huge typical 6x6 running around in 23 somewhere .. So good luck to all that have Tags this year... the bar may have been set high in 2015 but some tag holder always has a shot of topping it , even the resident DIY guys !
  20. Unfortunately My Mom went back into the hospital last Friday and I am starting to go through stuff to stay on top of her bills ... $100 Oakley Gift Card for use in O stores or Their website - $70 Not open to trades ... pm me if interested Located in east valley and work in Tempe ..
  21. Str8Shot

    THEFT, yes THEFT!

    Did not know there was a too far NORTH for illegals
  22. Do you know if it is modular with ar10 accessories? Looks like the mags are similar? Definitely an awesome entry level long range tactical rifle. I'm bettin it would kill a coues just fine too!! The video spoke of a new patented magazine system that took the Ruger Magazine that came with or AR mags ...
  23. Str8Shot


    The regulations tell us all that
  24. Str8Shot


    Junky AZGFD has always had a mail by date for tags .... As far back as I recall it has not been missed ... It use to be that the week prior to that date Dads across the state, like mine, were sending the kids out to the mail box all day every day until they were satisfied that the mail had come or the kids returned with a Bright Pink Card , saying unsuccessful or with an envelope containing a tag... Now, mail is not all delivered at the same speed so as progress they created the Draw Line and about a week or so prior to the tag mail deadline , hunters could flood the phones all day until they got the inevitable results. I am sure there were many broken phones through the years based on what that digital voice said.... When credit Cards started being used , Hunters could even tell sooner that they drew some kind of tag just like today , but still had to wait until they were up by phone or they hit the mailbox... And now it is much the same, except we also now have the ability to look up on-line... You may not be happy with the wait , but the high- strung rants by you and other like you , just show that all to familiar entitlement mentality that is so widespread in the newer generations. You somehow found the Developers page ... it is nothing but a template that will be merged with the main site once they are done with the process... I kind of wish they would go back to the pink slips and tag system and take out all the convenience of Credit Cards and see how those feeling entitled adjust to having to wait ...