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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    Who said time travel wasn't possible

    that would may make sense why some here are always debating if Couse is pronounced sounding like coose or cows
  2. It has been a crazy year breeding from what I have seen around my moms ... I pair has hatched 3 broods and after the last hatch was close to 50 birds the other pair we see often seemed to have two last we seen and close to 30 birds .... I am guessing the rain and temps has made for some better hatches this year...
  3. Str8Shot

    Wild Mustangs

    All Horses In America are feral including the Mustangs ... The real crux is that most science shows that any form of domestication in horses is gone after 1 or 2 max generations ... and that most herds achieve a balance with their habitat that is no different than Wild... They have been wandering around out there a long time and really are not as big as an issue as most are making out here.... You could slaughter every horse in the NF of Arizona and it would most likely not make a bit of difference on any of the big game we hunt...
  4. Str8Shot

    question about auto repairs versus buying a new car

    As other have said, Get it diagnosed by a couple other mechanics , but before you do Take the WOMAN out of the equation ( no offense) and find a somewhat knowledgeable Make friend or relative to take it in ... Is it throwing Codes? It could be something as simple as a vacuum leak or clogged or bad IAC valve that would cost next to nothing ... I also suggest Looking at some of the Toyota Forums ( search by year, model and described as you said) You will find people who have had the same issues and see the varied things that fixed them ... at minimum gives you a little knowledge to know how bad they are trying to screw you... Is it throwing out any codes ? i.e. is the check engine light coming on ?
  5. Str8Shot

    Eberlestock Gunslinger Price Drop $100

    Nice pack good price ..
  6. Str8Shot

    Wild Mustangs

    Technically all North American Horses are feral even the the once wild Mustangs were considered feral .. you can argue semantics when it comes too the terms and where they have come from but that herd has been around a lot longer than FS is claiming and has breed in the wild for several generations... They have a mortality rate like any other living thing and die for many reasons... They say they have no Natural Predators but Over the years have seen several lion kills of young colts and seen coyotes eaten the carcasses of fallen horses in that area. I can tell you the ones up North in the Sitgraves NF are much healthier specimens and bigger pains in the butt when hunting !
  7. Str8Shot

    Wild Mustangs

    Hard to give a person who does not know that the Governor is not Senator FLAKE any credit .... I am born and raised in this state and spent more years in total time hunting and hiking the areas north and south of Saguaro and The Salt than most of the transplant hunters that hunt this state now days... Feral/Wild horses have always been in that country since i was a kid and there is still dang good Deer in that country too.... There is so much hypocrisy and ignorance in the hunting community, reminds me of religious people who want to pick and choose the parts of the bible they want to believe while looking past the parts that do not fit in their wheelhouse. To compare the 100 or so horses to feral pigs or other animals in other states is ignorant as well ... This was not sold to anyone as a conservation of NATIVE wildlife (that would be BS anyway IMO) it was sold as a public safety need #1... and they went about it the wrong way at the wrong time #2 ... There are many hunters in this state, just like me, who do not think that just killing and disposing of these animals is the proper way.....
  8. Str8Shot

    Wild Mustangs

    The land these horses inhabit used to be open to OHV's. Not any more. Me, I'd rather encounter native wildlife. Every mouthfull a hayburner eats could have fed a native species. Public land managers can readily manage most species, not so with feral burros & horses. Facebook cowboys now control the range. Every politician in this state has folded like an umbrella on this issue. Where is the Center for Biological Diversity now? I ONLY WISH WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT OHV WERE TRUE! Bulldog Canyon is OHV from any of the entrances .. you just have to get the gate codes each year, no big deal ... These horses are being made to be a much bigger deal by both sides... Horses on this continent may all be considered feral due to the way they were reintroduced to this land by the Spanish but after generations in the Wild and away from Human interference it is a bit arrogant to not consider them as wild... They are not going to come up to you while you hold a carrot out, and will trample the heck out of you if you walk to close to their young, and yes they will screw you up in some places while hunting, been in those shoes many times. However, they need managed properly and not just disposed of....
  9. Str8Shot

    Wild Mustangs

    All those feral Horses may end up being food supply for the Zombie Apocalypse
  10. Str8Shot

    Wild Mustangs

    Illegal in the US. We could sell it to the French tho. Don't Forget the Japanese ....
  11. Str8Shot

    Wild Mustangs

    There have been wild Horses running around in Arizona way before the rodeo fire and yes they are a pain in the butt and left unmanaged a real issue... But what you say is a bit over the top since The ELK herd we enjoy hunting is not native to Arizona ( our Native elk were hunted out) .... I know a lot of guys up north pissed at the removal of small mouth from Rim lakes heck most of our game fish species are not native, and thank god for that....
  12. Str8Shot

    Wild Mustangs

    That is the problem .. There have been groups for the last decade trying to get the bureaucrats to allow for the rounding up and adoption of wild mustangs.... always been met with resistance and mainly due to tribal relations... The population has gone up significantly while nothing has been being done. If there are people willing to wrangle, break and get these mustangs to Homes versus sending them to slaughter IMO it should be done... All I'm saying is I don't care if they remove the mustangs or not! I'm not going to get upset either way. If they stay great, if they caputre them for adoption or dispatch, it doesn't bother me either way. I still don't understand why so many people get so upset about something that does not matter or affect them. There are a lot worse things we can all concentrate our efforts on that can better our society!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes there are better things we can do with our time, but some of us happen to like the Salt River horses. I've been here since 1979 and they've been here that long. I think the Feds did not include them in the 1971 mapping that was done to protect all wild horses & burros at that time. Do they need managed? Yes, but I'm sure now with all the hoopla surrounding the roundup enough people will step forward to adopt them. I personally have spoken to two different people over the years who have taken one home as their own and said they were wonderful horses. Nature Girl ....It has always been deemed illegal to grab any of the horses on national forest land, so you saying you are friends with rustlers? Or are you talking about people going out to Florence and getting a prisoner broke BLM Horse or Mule... the horses in The White Mountains and Tonto National Forest have always been a sore subject in the horse community since I was a little kid, and this is not the first time removing them has been propositioned... as far as some people claiming there are not wild mustangs running in these areas and they are all released horses from the Rez and Horse owners facing hard times... That is BS as well.
  13. Str8Shot

    Pointing in the sun methods

    Not a cam person as all here know ... But you can always locate your spot on Google earth .... Go to ground view where it will be placed and look that direction ... then go through the days with sun movement .. will show each day exactly how the sun will be hitting the canyon and that spot also a good way to scout glassing locations .... good way to see how those shadows will be moving through out the day
  14. Str8Shot

    Wild Mustangs

    very ignorant ... indeed. The wild mustangs are transplants from Spanish missionaries and anyone saying any livestock does nothing to harm the land has no credibility.
  15. Str8Shot

    Wild Mustangs

    This is not the BLM ... BLM has had adoption programs for a while for mustangs and burros though mismanaged and wasteful with money ... These are people talking about the FS and wild horses in National Forest lands that some people feel were neglected by the FS by not assigning a proper designation of a Wild Horse territory .... I personally think they are a pain in the butt but would prefer to see them placed and used versus slaughtered.
  16. Str8Shot

    Wild Mustangs

    That is the problem .. There have been groups for the last decade trying to get the bureaucrats to allow for the rounding up and adoption of wild mustangs.... always been met with resistance and mainly due to tribal relations... The population has gone up significantly while nothing has been being done. If there are people willing to wrangle, break and get these mustangs to Homes versus sending them to slaughter IMO it should be done...
  17. Str8Shot

    Wild Mustangs

    Just name them all
  18. Str8Shot

    AZGFD and Portal for Leftovers

    Between helping on two other hunts and My mom being hospitalized again I went ahead and bypassed the left-overs this year ... Crazy how it has changed in just a few years .. I blame all you guys bragging about your leftover success in the 36's here on CWT
  19. Just be careful about getting the chorizo and egg burritos from the little place on the corner ... Chorizo has a way of coming back and making you pay at the most inopportune times
  20. Str8Shot

    AZGFD and Portal for Leftovers

    after the first draw is complete, there will be an updated list loaded with what is still left ... as in years past ... I do not think they will load what individual left over you drew but as in years past if you can call the main office around mid week and if sweet to the lady she will usually tell you
  21. Sit there long enough and you may just get you a local to drive you right out to the deer ... Or maybe one of the ranchers willing to pay a bounty for any big cat taken...
  22. find the does chewing on the Ocotillios and they will usually have a couple little guys running around with them ... May want to start at China tank
  23. In 2010 the entire first Hunt did not get over 80 Degrees with nights in the mid 40's ... No real rain but pretty windy at times ... I bring up 2010 because it is the last year where we had similar El-nino patterns and they are saying this year is possibly building to be one of the wettest since 98 ... prepare to be warm but also prepare to be surprised it has happened too us on more than one occasion down there on all 3 hunts ... Personally I do not think the weather is ever too bad when you are hunting instead of working ...
  24. Str8Shot

    Coues pics

    Some beautiful Bucks ... No Surprise on the Rez
  25. Str8Shot

    Lake Pleasant or bartlett camping?

    I prefer Apache