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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    Furthest south you have seen elk?

    I never seen them, but fishing down at Phon D Sutton had an old timer staying there in his RV, claim he had watched a small herd watering in the river for the last week... I thought maybe wild horses and he needed new glasses, but I think it could be possible
  2. Str8Shot

    Furthest south you have seen elk?

    Roosevelt Lake Salome Canyon ...
  3. Str8Shot

    rut timing

    The big guys are smart ... eating and saving their energy ... let the smaller guys wrangle up the cows and then as they get ready to ripen swoop in and chase the others off.... should be interesting to see how well the early rifle guys do versus the upcoming archery.
  4. Str8Shot

    rut timing

    Still think we are looking at the last week of Sept for the Rut to really start kicking into gear most places.... and that is if night temps keep cooling and no Heat Waves come pushing through...
  5. Str8Shot

    Big Antelope Down!

    Going to be hard to top that one ... Amazing Lope ... congrats to both Has to be pushing over 91 inches unless the pics are deceiving me
  6. Str8Shot


  7. Str8Shot


    I would take up archery again if I had Eva Shockey as a partner
  8. Str8Shot

    AES Swaro Bino Raffle right now

    Who are the other three winners .. could have sworn it said their would be 4 winners
  9. Str8Shot

    Fantasy Football League

    It was only a 4 game suspension and he went in the 6th round ... ( crazy ) ... Rumor is the Judge that got him out of the suspension had him on his Fantasy Football Team too
  10. Str8Shot

    AES Swaro Bino Raffle right now

    I am in ... Good donation either way.
  11. Str8Shot

    Lee's Ferry Birthday

    I little rosemary, thyme, butter and squeeze of lemon ... Fish are Gods gift to feed the hungry
  12. Str8Shot

    Need a Bow for my Elk Hunt

    You just need to get you some of those exploding arrowheads the good ole Duke boys used ... combined with that bow, they should give you a little bit of relief on your aim. Oh yeah... And make you a CD loop of the intro to Jay's podcasts and crank up the truck speakers ... they will come running at you , you just need to be ready
  13. Str8Shot

    Using a heater in tent...

    What are you clearing up .. All the current Mr. heater Buddy models have the ODS and the only ones not indoor safe are the Massachusetts/Canada models ... and no one said that a portable co2 detector is not a bad idea or to seal up your tent air tight ... again what are you clearing up ?
  14. Str8Shot

    Anybody use a Thermacell for bugs?

    crazy out of 3 never had a one not work in 3c ... and always used Thermacell cartridges ....
  15. Str8Shot

    Using a heater in tent...

    As for using it in the kodiak, do you keep the vent on top of the tent open or a window slightly open?? Always keep the windows slightly vented at the top ... Like a little fresh air mixing through the night and once in my bag I am comfortable down below freezing anyway ... Dec. 3c with the bigger heater buddy, in the 12x9 kodiak cabin tent, it would take about 30-40 mins to get the temp nice and warm in the whole tent for crawling out of the bags
  16. Str8Shot

    Using a heater in tent...

    Heater Buddy's have an Oxygen Depletion Sensor , and Auto Off, if Knocked over.. work great in the kodiak . As stated if you want added piece of mind get a small battery powered low co2 alarm ... We use them to warm up before getting in the sacks and then turning on about an hour before wake up to warm tent in morning ...On a few occasions in real cold and hooked to a 5 gallon we have run them all night, never an issue. I only wish they would add an electric ignite with a timer So I do not have to wake an hour before others to ignite it... One can only Dream
  17. Str8Shot

    Sick of hearing about you missing

    +1 I've never wounded a dove in my life. Or missed a dove, because he's against that too. No! when he misses it is intentional
  18. Str8Shot

    Sick of hearing about you missing

    It is Ethical to police yourself ! It is Ethical to state your opinions and debate your stance on any topic including legality... It is unethical to try and force or impose your will on everyone else. A good number of laws are unethical in a free society and why so many ignore or break them... those that do are doing something illegal are not always unethical, and the reverse can be true as well (just look at all the laws the wall street guys hid behind) . To think that misses and injured game is always the product of a persons ability, or lack there of, is ridiculous. I have yet to meet a hunter (hope I never do ) that misses and lost injured game does not weigh more heavily on them, than any successes they have in the field.
  19. Str8Shot

    2015 Coues Deer

    The thought of tender venison is making my mouth water .... going to be some good eating there, nice job getting it done.
  20. Str8Shot

    It finally happened!!!

    Bruiser of a Buck .... Awesome accomplishment ... All you archery guys have me thinking Of picking up a bow, something I have not done since I was a teen.
  21. Str8Shot

    rut timing

    Seems Pre-Rut is gearing up smaller bulls starting to chase cows who will be taken from them in the coming weeks .... I would expect full on rut conditions to kick in 3rd and 4th week of September if temps keep dropping at this rate could see that first overnight freeze by the Third week of Sept. and you have the full moon on the 28th ... If I recall a few years back it was similar but then a heat wave seemed to put a stall on it.
  22. Str8Shot

    One week's growth

    He is growing nicely and should have a couple more weeks before that testosterone kicks in and chokes off the blood to the antlers... My experience and what I have learned ( of course always exceptions to every rule) Bigger Bucks shed first and rub a bit before the small guys ... Upper plateau Bucks finish and start rubbing mid to late Sept. the Desert Boys tend to fall 2 to 3 weeks behind.... I have seen a few Big guys still with a little velvet hanging on the early hunt, though more the exception. I have seen little guys still in velvet on the late November Hunt down south
  23. Str8Shot

    Anybody use a Thermacell for bugs?

    IN Arizona I have never had issues with them over 6,500 ft. elevation , they do take longer to start and stay lit sometimes but I was always able to get them to go and stay once going. They do make a lamp model that uses matches to ignite they recommend for High elevations ... you can also look up HACKs for thermacells in google/yahoo and learn how to refill the butane (higher quality butane they say lights and burn better especially in high elevations) ... you can even save money by re-coating your own pads.
  24. Str8Shot

    unit 32

    The whole Unit has access problems .... One Unit if I were to ever go back to hunt it would be on horse back . Been some years and not sure if there is any access through the Mercer Roads anymore ( last time we were there they were talking of working a deal with some outfitters and even plowing some access around Sombrero Butte ) the Cake Mountain area always held good Bucks ... Access is the big part and if you are going to hunt it you best be up for Packing in ... even minus access through mercer you use to be able to get most of the way by going south and around on tom Rhodes Ranch Road .. weather washes the roads out a lot so not sure how close you can get to the east side of Sombrero... There are good bucks just have to work for them a little harder.
  25. Str8Shot

    Anybody use a Thermacell for bugs?

    I thought you duct taped your pants at the ankle