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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    Scrambled quail

    I bet that was cool to see! Too bad no pics, but I know the feeling of wanting to have pictures of something you may never see again ... Seen a conjoined twins quail hatchling a few years back maybe a week or two old and was blown away that it was getting around, but no cam to take a shot. I came back to the area with a cam every day for a couple weeks hoping to find it again and never did. Mother nature can do some crazy things.
  2. Str8Shot

    for sale

    Looks like a RMEF issue Redhawk 44 ... Not Super or Super Alaskan
  3. Str8Shot

    Giant 5x5 bull hit dirt

    What a Brute ! ... awesome Job!
  4. Str8Shot

    A couple nice Early rifle Bulls !

    Awesome Bulls ! thanks for sharing
  5. Str8Shot

    2015 Off to a good start!!!!

    Awesome bulls , the mass on that second Bull is amazing... Congrats on a good start to the season !
  6. Str8Shot

    3C Camping for Turkey Hunt

    I agree 100% .. My suggestion was based on the OP coming in on late on a Friday night with no prior scouting for camps ... a lot of good spots off the 146,125, and 50 but the best ones I am betting will be taken by Friday. I guess also depends on the type of camp he is setting up
  7. Str8Shot

    3C Camping for Turkey Hunt

    Lot of camping all down the 300 south of the 260 ... All the other spots I would suggest will most likely be taken by Weds. or Thurs if not already
  8. Str8Shot

    WTB Ruger 10/22 takedown

    Looking at getting a 10/22 take-down soon and just checking to see if anyone in the east valley out there is looking to unload one, may also be interested in non take-down ... PM me if you have anything.
  9. Str8Shot

    My buddies muzzy elk

    That bull is a stud ! Thanks for sharing and a congrats to your buddy !
  10. Str8Shot

    Let's Make a Deal if you have 12 or More Bonus Points

    Looks like they need a new Match Making site ... "Elk Hunters Only"
  11. Str8Shot


    As far as I know trout in most the lakes with no running tributaries or rivers do not spawn ... In the the rivers and creeks rainbows I believe spawn in the spring while Browns and Brooks spawn in fall to late fall.
  12. Str8Shot

    So I found something

    What is the saying ? Those who usually get the most defensive are most often the most guilty.... Yeah ! tends to be accurate. We all know there are plenty of Master Baiters still dumping in the woods despite the law and I see no issue policing law breakers .. Stick to salt and your safe
  13. Str8Shot

    Rain Gear - Brag about yours!

    I do not think for the $$$$ you can beat FroggToggs.... In any unit, in a compression sack , attach or put in your pack and use when needed. Great for the storms when fishing too http://www.froggtoggsraingear.com/CamoProAction.shtm
  14. Str8Shot


    Will Never happen ... PETA is so azz backwards on their thinking
  15. Str8Shot

    Let's Make a Deal if you have 12 or More Bonus Points

    Nice Bull OP !!! But I was thinking 290" before the break.... Just not seeing over 300 from these pics... I know they say the camera adds 20 lbs did not think it added 50 inches ... not much to reference off of in the pic , but man I am trying to see 340 .... just cant ... Field Pics ?
  16. Str8Shot

    Let's Make a Deal if you have 12 or More Bonus Points

    I am guessing it would have been better if the thread was started more like this .... Looking For a New Hunting Buddy!!! Someone who can kick back some Beers around a campfire Someone who likes Archery hunting Elk in 3c, and unit 5 N&S Someone who is cool riding around in my Ranger Someone to Be my #2 on next years App Someone who has at least 12 bonus points
  17. Str8Shot

    One week's growth

    Nice !!!! Should be rubbing in the next couple weeks , I would think
  18. Str8Shot

    Pines or Lower?

    As already said , depends on the unit. I say transitions imo... and if you are lucky to see any running with cows the night before find the closest water and the thick stuff between , in case you do not catch them in the open before 8 am, there will be a good shot they are hanging in the trees through the mid day.
  19. Str8Shot

    rut timing

    Depends on what you consider the The RUT ..., I grew up learning and looking at it in phases and the bulk of sparing and herding of cows taking place pre-rut and the actual Rut or What most consider PEAK is the first estrus cycle.... I think that is starting to happen now in some units and will in most by this next full moon IMO.... I can tell you on several occasions night fishing big lake mid Sept. watching bachelor groups of bulls fighting up a storm until it was clear who the Alpha was. The equinox was on the 23rd, the Full Super moon Eclipse is in 5 days ... I have a feeling some of the early rifle guys will be happy by the time their hunts are finished. To be honest after the last 10 years of friends who shoot archery and forum guys complaining that the rut is not going during their hunts, I am surprised so many got upset about the possible pushing archery back and putting a rifle or muzzy hunt prior... this time a year a lot can change in a week or two.
  20. Str8Shot

    7e tactics - bull down

    Sweet .. He has a gnarly left side ... I like those freakish bulls
  21. Str8Shot

    Peaks Hunt 2014

    The OP is sharing his 2014 limited opportunity Peaks hunt in 7 east ... Most those hunts takes place in Oct. and by what he said I am assuming that he was on one of the ANY Elk hunts... It does help to read versus just looking at the pictures. Nicely Done OP on a limited Opportunity Hunt !
  22. Str8Shot

    Unit 10 early rifle hunt

    As others have said, those Nomads will travel for the cows, the archery hunters did not bust them up, It is Sept. They are breaking from Bachelor herds and rounding up cows ... From what I have seen and heard from others in many units is that the Rut is not in full swing yet... Find the cows and the Bulls will not be far from them, you should be able to find them on your rifle Hunt.
  23. Nice Buck and much Respect for your faith even if not my cup of tea.... I will say, that after reading your story, I was definitely looking at the name Tunachaser, wrong and in a whole other way my BAD
  24. Str8Shot

    Anyone have the 22 early archery hunt

    Yes it is.... but he is asking for info leading up to his 22 south muzzy hunt that he is helping a friend with.