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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    How far would you go/ Ethics ?

    I have to second this question ! what do you consider a spot ... On several occasions I have been in a spot before sun up, not a light in the dark to be seen, only to have bullets flying over my head from long range shooters shortly after sunrise. Last year almost had it happen again when on the hunt with my son. I spotted a truck well over a mile and half away glassing into the area I was waiting on a bedded buck 300 yards from me. I stood up to make sure I was seen ... 15 minutes later I hear rocks rolling and hunters approaching , I stand up and wait 15 more when 3 hunters continued to push to me and tell me their spotter stopped them from taking a 1000 yard shot ( that would have gone right over me and my son ) when I stood up .... They did not even know the orientation of the buck ( a decent Fork ) is in his bed... He was azz back quartering away with a rock blocking his vitals... I told them I was only going to take him ( my son had passed at this point) if he had fed down the draw like I figured he would once he got up, but if they wanted to take the shot I was fine with it , but highly suggested they wait for a better shot. Oh no, they said this gun is a 1000 yard tack driver. Well 3 shots at 322 yards all misses for the first time hunter using his buddy's tack driver and me and my son packed up and headed out to hike another mile deeper in the hills. I think with big glass and so many looking for the long shots too many hunters think they own every square mile. If I had been in that group and knew a hunter was between me and a buck bedded I would have been headed back to the truck and moving on. I do at least appreciate that they did not shoot over me as it has happened way too many times in the past... If I was dealing with what the OP was and had cell signal I would have been placing a call in hopes that a LEO would be able to make it out there before the guy could leave the area...
  2. Str8Shot


    Thanks for sharing an awesome read and congrats on a great buck !
  3. Str8Shot

    SD card reader in the field

    You may want to look at the Sony Experia Z3 compact tablet... The lightest smallest 8.1 inch you will find ... Water and dust proof to the highest specs reviewed to be one of the most rugged tablets ... USB and Micro SD ( up to 128 GB ) .. personally I would use with a USB adapter for card and transfer to a 64 GB or 128 GB card to take with me home.
  4. Str8Shot

    There's still deer in 24B

    Shhhhhhh .... No deer in them Hills Congrats on getting it done!
  5. Str8Shot


    You sure did! May as well pack up and head home JK.... with 2 days left and nice weather if you get out there sure you will get a chance for at least one of those spikes if not better
  6. Str8Shot

    3a/3c hunt

    Nice buck.. congrats and good luck on the rest of the hunt ! How bad have the winds been up there .... That hunt can be tough when it is blowing like a hurricane 24/7
  7. Str8Shot

    DUB - T is down!!

    With a nick name like that all he is missing is his gold grill... Seriously awesome Buck congrats!
  8. Str8Shot

    36B Right Now

    Nice Buck Kaz ,, Shrinkage happens
  9. Str8Shot

    In Camp Drinking Beer Right Now

    Nice Buck ... Just has to make it through a few more hunts and archery ... if you are going to get a shot next year
  10. Str8Shot

    36B Right Now

    some people do not realize how tall that grass can be down there in 36b especially on the wet years and in OCT... take your time and maximize your opportunity
  11. Str8Shot

    36B Right Now

    Hope to see Pics once you seal the deal !
  12. Stud Ram .. Congrats to the hunter and job well done for all that helped.
  13. Str8Shot

    Colorado Colors

    Doug, What kind of camera do you use for you landscapes. Are you using a Digital medium Format ?
  14. Str8Shot

    Colorado Colors

    Amazing Picture Thanks for sharing !
  15. This be the world we live in .... However, it is their right and freedom of speech and it is up to those of us who do not agree with the Anti Hunters to chime in and drowned out the nonsense. Also a good teaching tool for parents to help kids understand there will always be haters so it is best to ignore them. If I knew my kid was going up on Facebook with a hunting pic, I would dang sure discuss the opposition that will come from it before posting.
  16. Str8Shot

    Rain Gear - Brag about yours!

    Stalk in the rain the noise will be flooded out , like you
  17. I took one just like that guy in the past ... The meat will be the best tasting you have had from a buck!
  18. Str8Shot


    So I can use grand dad's old blunderbuss.. sweet ! I never really thought about it until this post..
  19. Str8Shot


    I thought that Montana did not allow muzzle loader as legal method of take for turkey.... I guess raises a question I never thought of ... Is a muzzle Loader with shotgun barrel considered the same as a shotgun ... My thought is No, but could see where some could get confused.
  20. Str8Shot

    Stolen F250

    Keep in mind that Binos and other gear are not paid out by Auto insurance ... A persons Homeowners or Renters policy covers personal property that may be in the vehicle, and more times than not Hunters do not add on enough additional coverage for all their gear and guns... Always a good idea to know values on all your gear and guns and get that additional coverage in such instances.
  21. Str8Shot

    Wanted: Outgrown Boy Scout Shirt

    http://www.scoutstuff.org/bsa/uniforms-insignia/youth/shirts.html you may want to try here ... seems to be a lot less than $60
  22. Big Bertha a.k.a Stinky Pinky with her kin Daryl and her other Brother Daryl
  23. Str8Shot

    Backyard feeding

    nice buck ... maybe he will be feeding in December( if he makes it through the hunts) when you can use that stick and string again. From the pics I would say close to 110.... main beams look to have some decent mass.
  24. minus the forced holiday break and a few other Holidays .. that is over 180 days straight you say she would be working . Unless some days are very short or on call, I doubt that will fly salaried or not. Also, many state jobs have Unions involved , if there is A union involved hard to believe they would even let such a proposition begin.
  25. That is a long way for the cornbagger to carry his corn ...