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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. On the phone now with them ... I guess the draw technically is not finished and from what I was just told is that some seeing in the portal not drawn may technically be drawn.. I was not seeing anything but the lady said they had a temporary result but could not tell me if I was or wasn't drawn, and transferred me to the draw ... The next lady was not able to give me the info and She stated that all results and leftover list should be out by end of work day , today.
  2. Str8Shot

    AZ law

    Never cut a fence ... but many years ago, used an upside down can of compressed air and a hammer to remove a lock that should not have been there ...
  3. Cabelas has the 610 for 319.99 and the 650t for 369.99 on their website right now .... Not sure you can beat those deals
  4. Str8Shot

    Found a new area looking for veteran advice.

    North Facing slopes are a good start to glassing but there are a lot of factors in my experience especially during the Dec. and January Hunts .... If there is any cold northern winds above 5 mph I have found more bucks on the south east facing slopes .. first to get the sun while breaking the wind... If I were in your shoes I would find the closest 2 or 3 known sources of water and as one shot said strap the boots tight and work out from the water searching for signs of activity ... walk the low cuts and then get high to glass, If you are seeing good sign then glassing can help you find bedding areas, if there is good sign, you can bet they are bedding within 1/2 -3/4 of mile from the water.... I am all about glassing, but when getting to a new area ( and one like this with good draws and cuts ) I think in the long run leather on the ground will pay more dividends over time...
  5. Str8Shot

    custom rifles,and handguns.

    can you post more pics of the the S&W pistols .. maybe in better lighting and some with cylinders open and showing serial and Mod. also do you have the factory checkered wooden grips ...
  6. Str8Shot

    Random Question...

    you can get 5's for dirt cheap to free through carriers .. they have the 6 out now
  7. Str8Shot

    Random Question...

    if it just the glass as is the case 90% of the time, then do it yourself .. you can find the kits all over online for under $25 and plenty of youtube videos to walk you through .... these glass, digitizers, and screens on smartphones, GPS units, and laptops are not that difficult to replace on your own if you are patient and careful... the kits have all you will need .. if you want to find someone local to do it for you, try Batteries Plus ... I believe they still do glass changes as well as batteries on iphones
  8. 208muley .. it is not just tag holders paying the fee , any over 18 ... For instance The last time I was in that unit years ago it was 4 hunters 2 kids and 6 other adults ... Camp was left cleaner and in better shape than arriving. A group like that now will pay $602.00 to spend that 4 - 8 days out there ... If you have a second tag, like deer you will be paying again ... It adds up pretty quick ... So if you have the tag and a couple buddies go along $180 , If you are a guide $300 and proof of your license ... the $$$ would add up fast when there are almost 1500 Bull, Antlered Deer, and Antelope tags in unit 10 .. if only half of the tag holders buy a permit that is $45,000 and before they invite a buddy or take the wife along with them ... I am betting that the number of permits and total $$$$ is much much higher than that
  9. Steve there is no doubt that hunters and sportsmen affect the land and some bad apple hunter cause even greater issues... Still G&F and Hunting organizations have poured a lot of money into that area for over two decades. Since 2013 and the change has all that previous work been privatized? Is the Navajo Nation and the lessee picking up the tab on everything? Or are ranch roads still being maintain by state $$$$ is there no more money being spent to upkeep and improve tanks ... are there no longer any mass clean ups by hunting organizations going on? A price can be added to anything but at $60 a head for anyone over 18 hunter or not , I find it hard to believe the costs of cleaning up after hunters is not being covered... I do not mind the fees and actually think the rules they have are fair and right ... but it is hard to believe hunters are costing them more $$$$ than they are making and without some pretty substantial proof and transparency when it comes to the real $$$$$ I am not just going to take the word of a few that their maintenance is not more than covered...
  10. Steve, Half the Unit and #'s and I am wondering as it stands what percent of tag holders are already paying the permit of $60 for access and why that is not enough? I would think that more tag holders than not pay just so they have the ability to hunt the entire unit.
  11. Do not think for a moment that if the ranchers restrict hunters that it means All hunters ... it just means Hunters not wanting to pay a big premium ... The only way to keep that from happening is for the state G&F to designate the are as non hunting. Lark, i know what ranchers have to deal with and understand the need for them to make an extra buck, but many have and are going way to far and as you said probably due to someone whispering in their ear... heck, I would not mind seeing fair toll easements for access to our lands if it would help out the rancher while still allowing hunters access. I guess I miss the days when ranchers not only gave access but begged for the hunters to take out a mountain lion and some coyotes while on their hunt to help with the predators.
  12. You are right, but they can control if the land can legally be hunted by anyone.... I say close these ranches off too any hunting for a few years and the greedy will find a way to make it fair for all hunters. Taxpayers are being denied access to public lands that are landlocked and to hunting game that belong to all the people of this state. We are not talking about High Fence hunting ranches who pay a lot of $$$$$ to build herds and then profit from hunting, we are talking greedy ranchers who are trying to get in bed with a few greedy guide/outfitters to profit a lot of $$$$$ off of game and land that belong to all Arizona taxpayers.
  13. reason to have a gps on your person and set a way point ... Hope someone honest finds it and gets it back to you.
  14. Str8Shot

    GPS recommendations

    Cabelas had the Rino 650 last week for 329.99 have never seen it that low anywhere hopefully it will drop again ... Now they have the 64st for 279.99 which is a real good deal on a solid GPS
  15. Str8Shot

    Anyone else see the 290 from the Strip?

    Insanely AWESOME Buck.... I am betting his gene pool is littering the strip waiting to grow up big like poppa !
  16. Str8Shot

    A Disgusting 40%

    I know many people who have encountered them and several that have shot them ... With the exclusion of my idiot ex brother in law who fired from a vehicle all the rest had done so legally and none of them were cited... I am not quite buying that they were citing people for looking because of a release on their wrist during a open hunting season... I do not see catching poachers and unethical hunters breaking the laws as a waste of time or resources.
  17. Str8Shot

    Nothing Else Matters

    I think This guy is Their Hero !
  18. Str8Shot

    Nothing Else Matters

    I just saw these guys doing Thunderstruck by AC/DC .... pretty cool covers
  19. Str8Shot

    A Disgusting 40%

    ^^^ LOL, that is funny ^^^^ .... the guy I know got caught was an ex brother-in-law and was told had he gotten out and stepped away from the road and shot it he would have been fine.... That was over 10 years ago ... I do not think they were doing it enough because every year we see plenty of road hunters and often see guys shooting right out the window.
  20. Str8Shot

    A Disgusting 40%

    Do not think they only use them out of season ... I know someone pretty close ( never hunted with him) that lost his license during a Hunt he had a tag for because he shot from the vehicle on the road. He was told that he was the 5th person that day to shoot that decoy from out the window of a truck.
  21. Str8Shot

    A Disgusting 40%

    LOL ...I had a similar experience in 3c around 95 ... but it was a big Tom in a meadow .. I grabbed the camera and headed to the only tree between us and the turkey decoy to try and get a good picture and my cousin ended coming up behind me. As soon as I zoomed to take the Pic I could tell it was a decoy and started laughing as I turned and waved around, knowing someone was watching. As we headed back to the truck, a blind dropped, and two LEOs drove out in their truck stopping to meet us as we got to the road... Similar response from them, about passing, but emphasized if my cousin had pulled his pistol and shot it would have been a different story. Me being a smart azz said, well once we know it is fake what if we decided to sight in on it , the guy laughed and said people have done that in the past and they were cited for destruction of State Property... The LEOs were both cool guys
  22. Str8Shot

    A Disgusting 40%

    They do not use Kia cars for the bait car program... They use nice cars . I do not see how the entrapment can be argued based on the size of the Rack ... A deer illegally shot is a deer illegally shot ... and yes the should use ugly women for their prostitution stings
  23. Str8Shot

    A Disgusting 40%

    Arizona has done this in the past and think they should do it more, but using trophy caliber decoys to really gauge the dishonesty and lack of moral compass of some individuals, who choose to call themselves Hunters.
  24. Str8Shot

    You ever see rutting in November?

    Trphy Back when the 3c tag was the first 2 weekends in November 2 out of the 3 years I helped my dad and then his friend the bucks were swollen that second weekend and sparing .
  25. Str8Shot

    24B behind pinto valley mine

    there are quiet a few tanks that are not Toxic mine ponds around the mine as well ....