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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    Effects of so many monsters killed on the strip this year

    Yeah cut the # of tags and no more harvesting little guys and in 5 years when the # of deer keeps increasing see how many fewer truly huge bucks are being harvested? culling small bucks can be just as important as harvesting mature bucks , especially if followed by a year or years of lower than average vegetation growth. Total # of deer or elk to the size of a range directly impacts the quality of bucks and bulls as well as does and cows and birthing rate.
  2. Got my son a new .22 for Christmas and am trying to find a fair deal on a brick or two of ammo.... if anyone knows anyplace in the East Valley or has some at a fair price myself and my son would appreciate it..
  3. Str8Shot

    Trail Camera Guys

    Those that have been around a while know I am not big on Trail cams and do not feel sorry for those who leave them and loose them... With that said though, I do hate the idea of good people losing $$$$, so figured I would share a killer deal on amazon right now for you camera guys... http://www.amazon.com/b/ref=lp_13194836011_gbps_img_s-3_0842_9e1c1b6d?rh=i%3Asporting%2Cn%3A13194836011%2Cn%3A13194836011&ie=UTF8&lo=sporting&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&node=13194836011&lo=sporting . Merry Xmas and good fortune on all upcoming Hunts !
  4. Time to start boycotting all things NBA and any sports leagues that follow in the future ... Someday that may only leave NASCAR maybe I should start watching now!
  5. DCAguy ... As someone who enters many raffles, the comment "seems worded funny" was specific to the point that almost every if not all raffles I have seen have a maximum # of entries. People like to know their odds. I was very specific in the way I worded the question and being skeptical was based on me believing that I read it as worded and that their were not a maximum # chances. If those representing your drawing were unsure , it should have been communicated with you from what I am reading. Regardless of the cause, and I do feel like yours is a good one, communication and integrity go a long way. There is no doubt that individuals purchased tickets believing that at bare minimum they would have a 1 in 300 chance and to check it off as people not taking the time to understand what they are reading is a cop out. Your response IMO did you no favors in showing your organization in a positive light nor did your method of communicating the # of chances vs draw date. That is the reason I wrote it specifically out in my original response. I will make sure that myself and friends look at donating to other organizations in the future but yours will not be among them.
  6. Str8Shot

    anyone else...

    We can only hope it comes back! and maybe they create a sticky thread to teach people like the guy who suggested the change in the first place how to use the New Content Filters to achieve what he wanted and we could always do since the forum switched years ago.
  7. Str8Shot

    Looking to buy some .22LR for Xmas ...

    Don't blame you rossislider ... good tamales are like gold this time of year !
  8. I am not trying to be a scrooge, But when asked if 300 was a minimum and if so was there a max # of chances ... it was said that 300 was the max # of chances that would be sold. It is disheartening to see that this was not true and your video proves that many more than 300 were sold. You had 16 entries in the 20 ticket purchases drawing for the gift card and that total alone is 320 chances and I am pretty certain there were a lot more people buying just a few chances... I was skeptical from the beginning and glad I did not purchase any , but I do feel bad for those who did purchase based on the idea that every $5.00 gave them a 1 in 300 chance as that clearly was not the case. Congrats to the winner
  9. Str8Shot

    Looking for a firearm collector.

    If I recall right the .45 colt was only done during a run around 2012 , certainly not an original 1892 made before 1945
  10. They need to start making examples of the repeat offenders ... Does not matter where fences are or if it is private property or not ... The wildlife belongs to ALL and G&F as stewards of this resource should think about every hunter that spends $$$$ every year hoping and praying this will be the year I get drawn... When people with tags or outfitters feel they are beyond the laws they no longer deserve the right to Hunt or guide .. JUST my 2 cents !
  11. Str8Shot

    Looking to buy some .22LR for Xmas ...

    I need a few dozen Hatch Red Chile Pork Tamales ... any suggestions
  12. Str8Shot

    Looking to buy some .22LR for Xmas ...

    Brian, I really Appreciate you being able to meet up and selling some ammo ... Nothing says Xmas like sending some lead down range and I am betting he will get through most of it that weekend!
  13. Str8Shot


  14. Jennnnny ! “I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is...” and I would have loved to win Jenni Congrats and Merry Xmas to the winners
  15. Str8Shot

    Looking to buy some .22LR for Xmas ...

    You forgot the Post Office in your list
  16. Str8Shot

    Looking to buy some .22LR for Xmas ...

    Thanks for all the replies ... I will be working it out to get some before the holiday ... A big Thanks to Healy Arms for Service I received getting his new Gun !
  17. Str8Shot

    "View New Content" button

    It is already there , That is why I did not see any issue with it the way it was ... if people do not want to see classifieds or any forum for that matter they could customize it for the forums they want to update through new content and save it ... leaving out the ones they don't want to see such as classifieds.
  18. Str8Shot

    Family camping tent??

    Black Pine are good tents .. But I still prefer the Kodiak
  19. Str8Shot

    Family camping tent??

    Kodiak Cabin tent with wall enclosure for the canopy side ....
  20. Str8Shot

    "View New Content" button

    I prefer to see everything the way we always have on this site.. classifieds along with everything else ... I understand the suggestion, and why someone may like that idea. I just would have liked to have seen a thread where the ideas on the many were expressed instead of just making the change based on the suggestion of A Member .... I like the idea of CouesPursuit of at least having a direct link in the header so all the guys looking at classified do not have to always go all the way down the forum menu to click and up date... I am betting most members were in the same habit as myself in just using the new Content and paging back a day or two... p.s. with this change you can not even filter by forum, choosing classifieds and seeing new content within that forum ... something that anyone could have used to filter to only hunting related and canceling out the classifieds ...
  21. Str8Shot

    FS Ford Super Duty Wheels and Tires

    TTT .. Price reduced
  22. Str8Shot


    I know right ... you can find em new for under 900 a set
  23. Str8Shot

    My Dad's first bull story

    Way to get it done .... Never to old to keep making memories !
  24. Str8Shot

    Water Purification

    How do you boil in a plastic Coke bottle without melting it? It's actually very simple. I also won a bet because the guy with me said it was impossible to do. I used bailing wire around the neck of the bottle and suspend it above a good fire/bed of coals. (Above the fire and not directly in the flames) Bring it to a boil slowly and then just barley boil it. The key is you need to keep the bottle topped off. The water in the bottle keeps the plastic at 212ish and below it's melting point. You also want to watch the wire so it doesn't get too hot since it's not being cooled. It can get too hot and melt through the plastic. Then it plops into the fire.. And after looking at the pic, it looks like a water bottle and not a Coke bottle. Maybe in an extreme survival situation ...( you can hard boil an egg in a paper cup too ) but I personally would not boil anything in plastic and contaminate the water with BPA or the Alternatives used in non BPA plastic that can be just as toxic... unless it was an extreme survival situation and my only option.
  25. Str8Shot

    Water Purification

    Figured that those watching this thread and interested in filtering may want to take advantage of today's Amazon deal on Sawyer filter system at 40% off ... http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FA2RLX2/ref=gbps_img_m-4_4302_95869a73?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=2321164302&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-4&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=5550343011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1R7FA8RBKBQBEXKESQ8Y