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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    Is this worth $1k...fired 5 times

    The 111 LRH has all that including a muzzle break, but not A Benchmark Barrel .... IMO (not saying the barrel is not Benchmark) the Break does not look Benchmark's newer break work I have seen ... Could be wrong just my observation
  2. Str8Shot

    Is this worth $1k...fired 5 times

    you possibly could still find some Savage 111 LRH in .300 win mag for mid 800's new ( maybe even lower shipped to an FFL ) ....
  3. Str8Shot

    DIY skull question

    Like oz said and personally I prefer using Killz in the spray can versus Paint
  4. Interests: cold beer and women can we talk about that? HOW TO IMPRESS A WOMAN Compliment her, cuddle her, kiss her, caress her, love her, stroke her, comfort her, protect her, hug her, wine and dine her, buy gifts for her, listen to her, respect her, stand by her, support her, go to the ends of the earth for her. HOW TO IMPRESS A MAN Arrive naked ... with beer. Snapshot I will stick to just impressing women ... Knock yourself out, if you like to show up naked with beer to your guy friends houses.
  5. Str8Shot

    withdraw my elk application

    It has not started yet ... suppose to start with the fall hunts this year ( deer apps )
  6. Str8Shot

    Antler repos

    Ever Watch FaceOFF ? Pretty much the same process those guys use to make their masks ... you can probably DIY for under $150 and a Day or two of time and waiting ... This video shows you how it is done and there are tons of videos online for making silicone castings with all the different types of silicone.
  7. After an injury my dad built his strength back up by using his old recurves ... He started doing daily reps with a 50 # pulling, holding , and controlled let off. After a couple weeks he bumped to 55# doing the same ... After a couple more weeks he was back on his 65 # compound and shooting daily. probably took him a couple months before he felt no strain and as good as he had before.
  8. Str8Shot

    I just GOTTA

    Good match .... The mustache must have not weighed on him much looks like he was in control from beginning to end. Big congrats to you and Cole and good luck with Virginia beach. It sucks when a health issue changes the course in sports for your kid and takes them out ... My son missed all of football and wrestling his sophomore year due to mono and decided the following year that he wanted to make $$$$ and work versus play sports... could only counsel him, let him make the decision and support him. His choice did allow for a few extra hunts and excursions over the last couple years.
  9. Str8Shot

    Coues Brats

    Not sure I could make myself buy sausage from a guy named Dickman. Well, with a name like Dickman, he should probably know Sausage
  10. Str8Shot

    Coues Brats

    How much Pork did you add .... I have a friend that makes good homemade venison brats .. Do not know his exact recipe but know he uses around a 40/60 blend pork/venison ... also know that he swears my adding ground mace along with nutmeg ... azslims recipe looks like it would be good
  11. Str8Shot

    White Splotches

    What from those pictures cries out Hybrid ? Certainly not the white patches of hair. lots of coues have random white splotches , but like Grey Ghost said, a bit more prominent in this little buck .. does look a little like piebald on his lower half
  12. Str8Shot

    Another Flaw

    Actually It is in the regs and in Bold under Buying Bonus point section .... The only way for a 9 year old who is turning 10 by the hunt date to get a bonus point is through an unsuccessful draw. To apply for a bonus point only, the individual must be 10 years old by the deadline date as specified in the hunt permit- tag application schedule on page 7.
  13. Str8Shot

    2016 Elk draw d-bag award

    Lance that must be one bad azz Prius to be used as an off road rig and haul a 420 bull out ... I want to see the pics of a monster paracorded to the roof !
  14. Str8Shot


    ^^^^^^^^^^ Post of the Day ^^^^^^^^^^^ that thread crossed many thresholds !
  15. Str8Shot

    Online Draw Issue

    Phily apologies if you felt I was implying you specific .. I was not. I was speaking in general terms and from experience in watching how people interact to bogged down connections on computers I am there trying to help fix. However if you think that all problems with the system exist only on the G&F server side, I guarantee that would be inaccurate. Anytime there is a change in code there is going to be a period where bugs will show up ( it could be from something as simple as browser conflict ) As far as testing your internet speeds ... I pay for 100mb connection , I test every 2 weeks to make sure it is running at least 90% of the speed I am paying for as well as look for any other possible issues like latency ... Your Data Company has guys constantly working on hubs and lines that can affect your connection and cause issues that could possibly create packet loss and thus an error in a secure connection for doing an application. People should not always assume the problem is on the other side, because just as often the problem exists on the end users side. Just my 2 cents and Sorry you felt I was poking at you directly , I was speaking in general as to where the thread had gone.
  16. Str8Shot

    Online Draw Issue

    some people never learn to stop pressing the buttons when it seems the computer is taking a long time or not working properly.... Never had an issue using the online system. If 90 % of applicants would wait a few days for bugs to be worked out of the new code and submit prior to the last 2 days of the deadline , 99% of the problems would go away. p.s. always a good idea to test your Data speeds and latency to help avoid packet loss and miscues with the servers ... G&F is always blamed but I guarantee a fair percent of the issues exist on the applicants side of the connection.
  17. Depends a lot on age and how this next year pans out for precipitation and food growth ... If he is under 7- 8 years ( especially if he is more in that 4 - 5 year range) and we have as good as a horn growth year as 2015 I would guess 8 - 12 inches is very possible .... Seems after 7- 8 years some couse can digress in antler size rather quickly... If he is even close to what he is in these pics, with a tag in hand next time you cross his path, I would hope to think your next posted pic is him taking a dirt nap A lot of factors , but great Buck as he stands in those pics.
  18. Str8Shot


    CJohnson ... You, and anyone thinking like you, can not get any Dumber when facts and common sense are beyond your logic and comprehension... please point out anything inaccurate in the post you quoted ... I am sure with your dumb logic, you will try to find a way ... should get interesting since the best you can come up with is an inaccurate rebuttal with a Billy Madison clip... You, SIR, receive NO POINTS and may the devil have mercy on your SOUL !
  19. Str8Shot


    There are Rule regulating traps and trapping, the one Big one is that the Trapper Must inspect Traps Daily ... If you have ever seen Game Cameras From G&F or NFS you will see them in Steel Boxes Clearly Labeled as State or Govt. Property ... They are often on posts in plain sight and I have yet to see a single one bolted to a live tree, if they are on a tree they are strapped. I am sure plenty of douche bags vandalize them as well, the Difference being, we all get to pay to replace them... I am not saying they are not thieves, or people just picking up litter... I am saying that any individual making the economic decision to leave their own private property unattended on public land should account for the possibility of such douche bags and not whine when they disappear. Heck, even the days where you can leave much behind at a camp seems to be long past. We often bring a camp troll , or secure and lock everything of value when leaving camp. It did not use to be that way and sucks that so many douche bags exist and are out looking to take advantages of hard working people, but that is the reality.
  20. Str8Shot

    Worst Super Bowl ever?

    Good Defenses tend to make offenses look bad and sloppy .... And these days almost everything they do is a personal foul ... I liked seeing the Broncos Defense not afraid to get a flag thrown for being a bit rough ... Showed Fig Newton they were there for business. It was the way it should have been...
  21. Str8Shot

    My 2016 Coues!

    Awesome Buck ... Nicely done !
  22. Str8Shot

    Worst Super Bowl ever?

    So many cry babies upset with the outcome because it did not swing their way ... For those not giving the Bronco's defense their due respect, you should give up watching football... Even in the wussified generation of the NFL where defenses can not hit as hard or in the same ways they did 25 - 40 years ago, a great defense can still win games including the Super Bowl .... Manning did not have to be dominate, he just had to be efficient, and he was efficient enough to allow the defensive Machine of the Broncos dismantle Fig Newton and his offense ... The panthers defense was no slouch but not even close to what the Broncos came in with. I will take a Super Bowl with defenses battling in the trenches over a high scoring offensive match any day. Great Super Bowl .. and the best team ( BEST DEFENSE ) Won !!!!!
  23. Str8Shot

    Worst Super Bowl ever?

    It was as I predicted and why I will be at tilted kilt a lot this week with others paying ... Not a Bronco fan, nor Fig Newton Hater ( well maybe a little) but I did expect the Defense to win this for the Broncos while giving lil boy Cam a lesson in humility... looks like he will be needing more lessons in the future after his Press conference cry baby BS ... Maybe his dad will get his entitled azz a participation ring . Congrats To the Broncos and to Payton, who did just what he had to do to allow his defense to shine and punish the Panthers !!!
  24. Str8Shot

    Boquillas new rules / permit structure out

    The guide Fee was not $500 before was it ?