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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. When he was talking about scratches from a couple creosote trees I couldn't help to think " Why all the Fuss ? " My grandma made us pick our own creosote limbs that were to be used as our switch when we misbehaved ... Lord how the World has Changed!
  2. In the works. Not looking to sue anyone, well at least not me but then again my kid was not in back where myself and another guy were rescuing kids. Just looking for some safety practices to be put in place for future paying customers of that death trap. Side note, We also did not see 1 rattlesnake warning sign out there which was very suprising at a place that caters to tourists and elementary schools. I am all for trying to fix something that is wrong and make sure it does not happen again, but anyone who lawyers up over a bumpy ride with a few minor scratches IMO would be the very representation of what is wrong with this country... This is Arizona WTH do there need to be rattle snake warning signs? My kids have been aware of watching for rattle snakes since before they were in school, not to mention I would think Teachers and Chaperones would be doing their jobs and making the students aware of all possible dangers including rattle snakes.
  3. My question is why are you doing this yourself ? Why are not all the parents along with the school taking action ? If it is the Pioneer Living History Museum on Pioneer Road in Phoenix .. a simple lookup shows it is part of the a Non - profit .... http://www.nonprofitfacts.com/AZ/Pioneer-Arizona-Foundation.html .... I would think the school has the means to facilitate action on behalf of parents and students ....
  4. Str8Shot

    Mobile battery charger

    Optima Batteries are good But The only thing that really matters is the Reserve capacity of the Deep Cycle , The Draw of you Trolling Motor and How you are using your trolling Motor ... If you are trolling a lot and dealing with waves and wind an Optima will drain just as quick as Other deep cycles. The main things to think about ... Make sure you use Marine batteries ... Built to take the vibrations and abuse of running a rough lake. Two Deep Cycles For those who Troll a Lot with separate Starting Battery Good Trolling Motor 12/24 or 24 volt Newer digital Trolling motors are way more efficient and get you more out of your batteries DC alternator Charging system So running your Outboard keeps all batteries charging and topped off Maintaining and charging At home and off the lake via traditional charging ( an on-board AC charging system makes this easier as well) A good Emergency Jump pack ( just in case )
  5. Str8Shot

    Just want to vent

    Happens with every Draw ... Tends to be a little more so for Elk and Antelope !
  6. Str8Shot

    Country Thunder Campsite FS

    Price dropped to $ 150 ... She would really like to sell it SO if you know anyone
  7. Str8Shot

    Country Thunder Campsite FS

    If any one is looking or knows another looking for a campsite for Country thunder, my daughter is selling one of hers due to a change in plans. It is in Encore section C ( family friendly camping) price dropped to $150 ... Does not Come With Rights Shoot me a message Will honor in order that Messages ( not Posts ) are received.
  8. Str8Shot

    Mobile battery charger

    Here you go ... http://www.amazon.com/MinnKota-MK-3-DC-Triple-Alternator-Charger/dp/B001PTHKK8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1459958902&sr=8-2&keywords=marine+dc+charger#Ask They also make a 2 bank for a little less ... If you run with your outboard enough between trolling spots it will keep them up around 100% ... As coues32 said I would get a second battery for trolling as well.... We also carry on the boat with us a Noco jump pack, just incase for emergency starting of outboard.
  9. Str8Shot

    Just want to vent

    Elkaholic it was the Hunters who Chose bonus points versus a waiting period after successful draw all them years ago... I agree with you though that # of tags versus apps these days combining the two could possibly shave down the number of years , but there will still be quiet a few waiting 8 plus years due to how the lottery system works
  10. Str8Shot

    Just want to vent

    kind of like a guy drawing Bull Elk 4 out of 5 years with 2 of them being for 23 North .... Always asked him who he was blowing
  11. Str8Shot

    Country Thunder Campsite FS

    Price Dropped to $180
  12. Str8Shot

    Has Anyone Got a Call to Update Cards????

    Just got off the phone today with my dad and he was called today to fix his card and finally got an Antelope tag after 20 years
  13. Str8Shot

    White Mountain Apache elk

    The December Hunts for Cow/Spike on WMAT are cold but very productive .... If you are looking to put meat in the freezer it is a good way ... The archery Raghorn can be excellent as well but unlike 5 years ago when getting one of those tags was almost a sure thing, the secret is out with a lot more competition for the tags.
  14. Str8Shot

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    WOW... JLW your panties are riding high aren't they ... A poll does not need to be ran to know that they help and that is why they are being used by so many Hunters and almost every Guide. Plenty of threads on CWT that speak to the fact that the majority of hunters using them are trying to gain an advantage .. some with more success than others but all hoping to have that type of success.
  15. Str8Shot

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    This is such a BS comment ... If trail cams did not help improve the odds of harvesting Quality Big game they would not be being used by 80 % of the guys using them .... What coues32 was stating is ... Greater # of tags than 20 years ago , + new Technology (like Game cams though not the only thing of course) makes for a greater # of big game taken ... I agree the seeing nature via a web cam is cool and I appreciate the pictures as much as any other person ... But to imply that they have ZERO impact on harvest odds especially when it comes to trophy game, you may as well try selling us on you all spending the money and time to catch pictures of Yeti, Big Foot or the Chupacabra .
  16. Str8Shot

    Draw is on

    Don't trust anything on April Fools
  17. AZGFD added News today .... Here is the meat and Potatoes ! "Meanwhile, the random draw process remains on schedule and should be completed by mid-April. The department is aware that applicants are eager to learn whether they will be receiving a hunt-permit. The department will post an announcement on its website and Facebook page when results officially are released. All permit-tags and refunds are expected to be mailed by April 22." Here is the link http://azgfd.net/artman/publish/NewsMedia/Get-draw-results-sooner-with-AZGFD-Customer-Portal-account.shtml
  18. Thanks PRDATR .... Honestly have not looked at that thread in a few days ...
  19. Str8Shot

    Credit Card Charge Contest for Raffle Tickets

    looks Like there is 3 Left in It ... Good Luck to the remaining and hopefully Hits come before April Fools !!!
  20. Str8Shot

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    Pretty dumb comment here ... Assuming just because some do not like trail cams and would not care if they were banned are thieves is ignorant. Fact is that a good % of trail cam users break many laws in the process of using and placing them. No matter how dumb or mundane a law is they are there to try and maintain and protect federal and state lands that everyone is entitled to enjoy. I personally hate going into areas I shared with my grandfather and dad 20 - 30 years ago where you would see nature untouched and game all around to find a dozen plus cams bolted into trees and quad tracks way off any road or trail ... That being said ... I disagree with people who do take cams, while at the same time not being empathetic to the guy leaving them out in the first place who lost it. If very one could do what they wanted with no rules or laws , we would have no big game to hunt and out public lands and forests would be 100 x's worse than they are. I can see it from outside my box and it is why I do not care either way... maybe you should step outside your own box and try to see why some may not agree with YOU !I said SOME... and I grantee it is some that feel strongly against cams with holier than thou attitudes that are stealing the cams.. if you think not you are naive. I don't own a quad nor do I litter, in fact I pick up other people's trash up often. I don't destroy trees putting my cams out. I also rarely put on water and never put them if there is another there. James Look at your context .... You did not say that some of those that disagree. You implied those who disagree are responsible for SOME of the cams stolen ... In your context, I can argue and find it difficult for many to disagree, that SOME and Possibly a bigger QTY of the SOME stolen cams are taken by the very cam users who do not care about any of laws and go about driving quads off roads and trails and chopping up trees to place them. Like I said, I do not care either way, but just as you feel you have the right to place personal property on public land, many Hunters also feel they should be able to Hunt the land without seeing cams hanging all over the unit or having their hunt disrupted by guys blabbing their jaws while making a racket to go check their cams during active Hunts .
  21. Str8Shot

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    Pretty dumb comment here ... Assuming just because some do not like trail cams and would not care if they were banned are thieves is ignorant. Fact is that a good % of trail cam users break many laws in the process of using and placing them. No matter how dumb or mundane a law is they are there to try and maintain and protect federal and state lands that everyone is entitled to enjoy. I personally hate going into areas I shared with my grandfather and dad 20 - 30 years ago where you would see nature untouched and game all around to find a dozen plus cams bolted into trees and quad tracks way off any road or trail ... That being said ... I disagree with people who do take cams, while at the same time not being empathetic to the guy leaving them out in the first place who lost it. If very one could do what they wanted with no rules or laws , we would have no big game to hunt and out public lands and forests would be 100 x's worse than they are. I can see it from outside my box and it is why I do not care either way... maybe you should step outside your own box and try to see why some may not agree with YOU !
  22. Str8Shot

    Country Thunder Campsite FS

    You may need to put more effort in the type of women you hunt ... kind of like the deer ... then you would not need any penicillin, not to mention your trophy pictures you are not embarrassed to have seen.
  23. Str8Shot

    Country Thunder Campsite FS

    I had to ask the same thing muledeer ... I guess you can for a little extra $$$$ buy the rights for campsites for following years ... Kinda like season tickets for sports teams . It is one of the reasons why they are always sold out completely the first day ... people then sell them that year for 2 - 5x's what they got them on day one.
  24. Str8Shot

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    I would not mind it one bit for public land ... but use on private land IMO should not be restricted
  25. Str8Shot

    Water damaged i-phone (need help)

    Do as DUG said ... DO not try to power up .... Put it in a bag of Rice.... For future use save any of the silica packs you find in new electronics and throw them into the rice as well .... waiting 24 - 48 hours before powering on will give you a 50 % chance of saving the phone.