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Everything posted by Str8Shot

  1. Str8Shot

    PROP 123???

    This lawsuit started 5 years ago and here is where we are at. If Prop 123 gets voted down, the government has another 5 years to come up with another type of settlement. So, if it doesn't pass, that means we could potentially wait 10 years total to get money we should have had years ago. Many teachers who are close to retirement deserve to have their share now. A strike would be great, however, it is May and many of us are preparing students for AP and IB exams; not to mention graduation. I am not sure if I feel comfortable spoiling seniors last weeks of high school. We did strike prior to 301 passing and I do believe walking out had a major impact - class was canceled for 2 days at the high school I worked at. Unfortunately we have 2 weeks until election day - a strike will not happen in this time period. Sam That is BS smoke and mirrors ... Prop 123 is wanted by politicians because it is in essence getting them off the hook for the Millions they are to pay up that should have been going to schools period. Let me Dumb this Down for you Sam I steal $10,000 a year from your paycheck for 5 years You catch me and take me to court .. and the court says I have to pay you back all the money I took. Then I take you out , get you drunk and strike a deal to repay you the 50K by taking it from your own 401k and tell you it is the only way you can have it any time soon ... Now you are out 100K and none the smarter There is a reason why the governor is behind this , there is a reason that Millions have been put into the coffers By Land Developers and Builders to market the bill and push it as a good option ... READ THE dang THING ... There is no allocation of funds , the school administrations can do what they want with the $$$ , and trust me when it comes to raises it will be them and not teachers that get a raise .. Any person with a 3rd grade education, that actually reads the bill, can see how bad this is for schools, taxpayers , and those who want to preserve as much of our state trust land as possible.
  2. Str8Shot

    My teen needs volunteer hours

    I recall a time when it is was simple to get community service hours if you got in trouble as a teen, not so much anymore. My Teenage Son got his first moving violation and was given 20 hours of community service, which means 20 hours with a 501 c(3) non profit. The big issue has been age most non profits seem to require you be 18 and/or commit to a time period of 6 - 12 months. I am hoping some of you guys out there might have some ideas and or know of any non profits where he could give 20 hours of his time... Located in Gilbert, so the closer the better.
  3. Str8Shot

    My teen needs volunteer hours

    Thanks Everyone , and Steve with AES on the quick call back .... Looks like we will be signing up and getting out there to help... Cant see a better way to fulfill your obligation to the court then getting out in Mother nature and Helping our Wildlife !
  4. Str8Shot

    My teen needs volunteer hours

    That is what I was hoping to find out ... Do not know if any are 501 c(3) put a call in to AES to see since they have a water project a couple weekends from now.
  5. Str8Shot

    My teen needs volunteer hours

    Thanks , he is filling out the form for them , will see how it goes No problem.. I'm not trying to be nosey but they gave him the option of volunteering for a moving violation? I wish I had that option when I was a teen driver lol.. I had to pay the ticket and go to the drivers ed class and back then you had to actually sit in those all day classes and listen to that one guy who made everyone late because he had a driving story to tell every hour. It is all good , and I thought it was a blessing too until running into all the road blocks of getting him the hours... He would have been better off taking the Defensive Driving School , which according to almost everyone the judge should have offered being his first offense. He was going over 85 on the freeway ... The ticket would have been around $600 so community service seemed fair... Then you find out that he has 3 non removable points ( 1 falls off each year ) on driving record, he had to go to TSS ( the other driving school ) and that was $130 were they try to talk about emotions and how it affects your driving. and they tell you any 501 c(3) but most now days, ask you to be over 18 and commit to 6 - 12 months , some you have to pay for back ground checks and start up fees ... community service just does not seem as easy as it was when I was a teen.
  6. Str8Shot

    My teen needs volunteer hours

    Thanks , he is filling out the form for them , will see how it goes
  7. Str8Shot

    My teen needs volunteer hours

    Contacted a bunch of the rescues and they want over 18 and 6 - 12 month commitment
  8. Str8Shot

    Trout Experts: Wild Tiger Trout in AZ?

    There are actually several locations in both AZ and NM with Gila trout, which have been stocked since at least 2000. All of them are not opened to fishing yet, but Frye Mesa has been opened since 2011. New Mexico also has waters open to Gila trout fishing. In addition to the WM res, the Little Colorado near Greer has Apache trout fishing, as do several other streams on state controlled land. On Apache as I said Not many and Most reside on the reservation, did not say you could not catch them on state controlled land ... I have caught and released dozens off the little Colorado and Lee Valley (also caught quiet a few grayling there) ... As far as Gila , it has been a while since I have looked into them and did just see( according to a G&F article ) that they did in fact transplant a surplus from NM into Frey Mesa on February 27, 2011 and a 1 fish limit was set on the lake. They say they are on closed waters but I know the previous attempt ( I believe around 1990 )50 grew to about 150 fish and By 92 they were gone. Wonder what the numbers in the reservoir versus the creek are like. thanks for the info on the Gila
  9. Str8Shot

    Trout Experts: Wild Tiger Trout in AZ?

    Big Browns ... NONE OF THE GAME FISH WE ALL GO AFTER ARE NATIVE SPECIES ... as far as Trout go The Apache and Gila are the only ones that were Native to Arizona .... Gila Trout never that populous have not been reported in AZ for several decades, and there are not many places (most on the WMAR) you will catch Apache trout and even then it is rare you would catch many.
  10. Str8Shot

    PROP 123???

    TOBY what needs to give is cutting away all the FAT from the top (The School Board and Admin) ... The concept behind 123 and use of State Trust Funds IMO is not the problem and not a bad one ... but too many other sneaky provisions written into the bill, plus History shows we can not count on our government to execute such a plan and not abuse it costing Future generations of students and schools lost funding ... If it were to pass, I doubt even 2% of the $$$$ would ever make it to the teachers and classrooms.
  11. Str8Shot

    Trout Experts: Wild Tiger Trout in AZ?

    Where you seeing a Brown ? I only see a Cutthroat and rainbow p.s. Vowell, both great looking fish
  12. Str8Shot

    Transmission shops

    Family has had 5 Rebuilds done by Trail Transmission (East Mesa) over the last 23 years or so .... Last was about 5 years ago and still running strong. Back then it was good prices and great service doubt it has changed.
  13. Str8Shot

    Looking a book about Camping spots up north

    You can Always use recreation.gov or reserveamerica.com and find most established public campgrounds and freecampsites.net for a little more primitive dispersed camp sites.
  14. Str8Shot

    Drew the 27 early archery bull tag

    Good Boots and Ankle wraps/braces make a world of difference in that unit or any rough country hiking area .... break them in good and put some mole skin in your pack just in case.
  15. Not having picked up a bow in 20+ years (soon to change), I have spent a lot of time in that unit during that time of year. IMO opinion it is one of the few Units you can count on the peak Rut happening around the time all the experts say it should 5 - 10 days before or after the Fall equinox .. That gives you a window of Sept 13 - Oct. 3rd for peak ... Sure you will see smaller bulls running cows in late August and Early September . The later into September you go, you will start seeing the bigger guys slip in chasing the small guys away. Great Unit and Hunt sure you will have a blast.
  16. Str8Shot

    Alone II

    Probably ... and I would be betting the show was required to have at least one Black contestant and one Woman .... He must have been the best of the Black applicants
  17. Str8Shot

    Alone II

    Wow ! that guy was pathetic ... Did not even try, three women worked harder than him .. How did he not know what he was getting into or terrain... did he not watch the 1st season? Bad named for our Armed Forces and ARMY especially ... Guy does not represent AZ IMO
  18. Str8Shot

    SOLD SOLD 52 in straight LED Eyourlife light bar

    CREE is the manufacturer of the LEDs in the light bar ... But not a manufacturer of the light bar ... was wanting the Brand of entire light bar as 100's of manufacturers Build light bars with CREE LEDs
  19. Str8Shot

    SOLD SOLD 52 in straight LED Eyourlife light bar

    Any Brand Info ... is it just the bar or have everything needed to hook up ?
  20. Str8Shot

    What's with all the clowning on cyber scouters?

    exactly this ... Helped out many and only a couple never gave feedback .... I find it much easier to share with those who contribute to the site. As far as starting Points the "where to Hunt " on AZGFD website has all you need to start for any unit.
  21. Str8Shot

    Guess it's time

    I am still a little upset they changed the name of Squaw Peak ...
  22. Str8Shot

    Guess it's time

    I see no issue with it other than I am sick of the focus of politics being on social BS and trying to appease Those who choose to fly under a banner of being a Minority ... You are American or You are not American seems pretty simple... As long as the label of minority keeps getting them handouts, attention and the power of the few to change the will of the many with our corrupt PC government ... They will never realize that they are just American. Social Politics needs to end and our elected official should be working on the real issues that can make substantial change in the quality of life for all Americans ... You can put who ever you want on a bill and it does not mean a dang thing if at the end of the week you do not have any left. p.s. Harriet Tubman would make 90% of the so called men in the last couple generations look like little girls ! Brain Surgery while Biting a Bullet !
  23. Str8Shot

    Cell Phone Coverage Unit 23

    Betting you will have to do like most .. Drive up the young road and pull off the side by the 260 ... Verizon and a booster will give you some areas with good reception but still limited in most of the unit.
  24. Str8Shot

    What's with all the clowning on cyber scouters?

    I look at what I share like clearance levels ... Joe Blow post one - Go to AZGFD where to Hunt ... Start There Newish active member - may post local start points outside what G&F offer that are really no secret. Active members that have contributed for a couple years plus - PM with a little more specific info to Very specific info and ask them to keep it close to the cuff. The reality is. Any Hunter using G&F "where to Hunt" info as a starting point + google earth, a couple tanks of gas, a couple weekends, and some decent miles on the boots should find opportunity for a fun and possibly successful hunt. Have not been down to 36B for a few years and This year will be a big group of us hitting it hopefully .. So will see if much of the info I have shared for down there has led to spots being overrun. The funny thing is I find myself more tight lip about my fishing spots than hunting.