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Everything posted by azbugler

  1. azbugler

    2021 Rut Activity

    I was fortunate enough to spend almost the entire month of September in the woods in 4b and 3C. I’m not sure I ever experienced an overall stronger rut in the over 30 years I’ve hunted elk. There were peaks and valleys through the month but overall it was just solid. The craziest rutting activity I observed was from 9-7 to 9-14 or so. I had multiple bulls broken up by opening day from fighting. Things slowed down after that first week for a few days and then ramped up again. I got greedy and came home empty but it was worth the price of admission.
  2. azbugler

    Quiet on the Kaibab

    Thank you!
  3. azbugler

    Quiet on the Kaibab

    Best of luck to you!
  4. azbugler

    Quiet on the Kaibab

    Thank you! Ya there were some great deer available this year thanks to the low success rate of last years late hunt due to snow.
  5. azbugler

    Quiet on the Kaibab

    Thank you sir!
  6. azbugler

    Quiet on the Kaibab

    Thanks all! I’m still grinning. You never know what can come out of the Forest in Kaibab.
  7. azbugler

    2020 archery buck

  8. azbugler

    Quiet on the Kaibab

    I’ll bite! I was fortunate to take this great buck last Friday on the Bab. It was a tough year but there were some great bucks out there. This was the last night of my 14 day hunt.
  9. azbugler

    Popcorn thread

    It literally makes me sick to my stomach. What a prime example of greed and stupidity! Not only do you organize and plan to poach, but then you head out with spotlights and rifles during archery season and then take the time to pose and photograph the poached deer. Oh and then don’t forget to send your story and pictures to Eastmans and enter them into BIA and Pope and Young.
  10. Justice has been served. This had got to be one of the most impactful poaching cases in the state. I’m surprised it hasn’t got much coverage outside of online forms. Good article in the AES magazine. Fact is that these are only the animals he got caught with and/or admitted to. Who knows how many others. It’d be interesting if Easton’s did a story on this....
  11. azbugler

    Popcorn thread

    Justice is a beautiful thing! That’s Four trophy mule deer and a bear! Unbelievable.
  12. azbugler

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    https://www.azgfd.com/bull-elk-poached-northwest-of-heber/ Lets string him up! Shot with a rifle prior to archery season and not recovered. If you have any information about any suspicious activity in the area, please contact AZGFD.
  13. azbugler

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Murdered jaguars............ Oye .
  14. azbugler

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    No, no, and no. I don’t mess with other people’s property. Just how I was raised. I fully support the AZG&F and am hopeful they will solve this one. It’s tough to see this kind of crap happening in the area. Never had these problems 20 or even 10 years ago. Recently poaching, theft, criminal damage, tire spikes in road, and on and on. There’s a few law abiding citizens who’ve had it.
  15. azbugler

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Oh boy...... ya the plot thickens. Truth is we’ll hopefully find out soon. Who killed the bull and who spent the entire summer stealing other peoples trail cams because of the bull. Obsessed over the bull? He was nice and I’d have loved to have a crack at him. I’m more concerned about catching a scum bag. People like that don’t belong in the woods.
  16. azbugler

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Now there’s where you’ve got it wrong!
  17. azbugler

    Loren McReynolds Goes Down

    Wow! And now you know “The REST of the story”!
  18. azbugler

    Elk loading 101

    That’s so cool!
  19. azbugler

    CHAMP Hunt.

    This is awesome! Amazing job! Took my dad out last year in the champ hunt. I couldn’t get him to see through the scope! This contraption might just be the ticket. That’s amazing. Congratulations!
  20. azbugler

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Yes sir! That was EXACTLY the point!
  21. azbugler

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Two separate issues as far as I’m concerned. The first step is finding the poacher. As far as I’m concerned, we all have a duty to report out on what we know, if anything, to make sure people like this are called out. From there we can argue and fight for the proper punishment. Most of these guys, it’s not their first rodeo. Making an example would be great!
  22. azbugler

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    🙄 I guess we’ll find out when those horns go to auction.
  23. azbugler

    Giant Muzzleloader Bull

  24. azbugler

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Here’s another
  25. azbugler

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Anyone ever seen a $6,000 reward for a 350 bull?? 😂