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Everything posted by azbugler

  1. azbugler

    Map obsessions.

    Map and google Earth and GPS. I'm now 100% certain that I have every water source pinned and logged! And glassing ridges, and fence lines, and well trees for that matter. But I should probably go over it again tomorrow just to double check!
  2. azbugler

    Card Hit

    Bring it!
  3. azbugler

    brownies come hard...

  4. azbugler

    Keep up the Stoke!

  5. azbugler

    Keep up the Stoke!

    Found a nice brownie last Sunday. But this was all after 2 days of looking.
  6. azbugler

    Iphone Video, big fronts bull, score?

    Nice bull. Definitely above 320 and maybe as high as 350. Narrow spread will hurt him some and I'm not sure of his mass. I'll give him 340 as a best guess.
  7. Already got my four tickets
  8. azbugler

    new addition to trophy room

  9. azbugler

    Bowhunting in Arizona Record Book

    I've never entered a turkey either but may do so with my next.
  10. azbugler

    Thought I would introduce myself.

    Thanks for your service! Welcome!
  11. Bought my tickets earlier this week! Looking forward to it.
  12. azbugler

    El nino

    Agreed we've had a good winter so far but we definitely need another couple of storms to round out the season in Feb/March. If not, we'll be dry as a bone in early April. Hopefully this infamous made up fable "el Nino" shows back up!
  13. azbugler

    Bowhunting in Arizona Record Book

    Great book for hunting AZ! I've got mine coming any day now!
  14. azbugler

    Same hunt for first and second choice?

    Hunts like the early rifle/muzzy fill on the bp round? Particularly the early 3B muzzy hunt as I put that in for 1st choice with only 5bp. :-( No, what they're saying is that the second choice doesn't do you any good at all if it's the same unit. Only 20% of the tags are drawn in the BP round, so you always have a chance! It used to be that all non resident allocated tags were gone by the end of that round. Now it is not that way as only half of the non resident allocation can go in the BP round.
  15. azbugler

    Last Day Folks!

    We're all in and I should be elk hunting this year!
  16. azbugler

    Who's in?

    Put my dad in this morning with zero problems. My three boys and I put in (all separately)on Saturday with no problems.
  17. azbugler

    Same hunt for first and second choice?

    This becomes a double edged sword as you start to creep up in points. You have to decide if you are going to hold out, or burn the points on a less premium guaranteed hunt. But yes, be cautions of that second choice hunt as your points start to creep up. The position I was in this year exactly. Points burned! Life's too short.
  18. azbugler

    Dates, Moon Phase and Archery

    Lol, I thought I was the only one to build graphs and spreadsheets on elk data! It's an illness.
  19. azbugler

    What Elk Unit to Apply For and Why?

    with 8 points?Yep! The unit I applied for took 7 to draw last year.I'd venture to bet it's a unit that starts with a 4 and ends with a B Lol. You don't know! It could be 19a or the 6's.... Haha
  20. azbugler

    Dates, Moon Phase and Archery

    Left my response on your other post lol. Yes they are factors to consider but no they don't keep me from applying for a hunt. Pluses and minuses to both.
  21. azbugler

    Who's in?

    I forced myself to take the plunge and make a decision. I feel so much better now!
  22. azbugler

    Which Archery Hunt

    Me too finally
  23. azbugler

    What Elk Unit to Apply For and Why?

    with 8 points? Yep! The unit I applied for took 7 to draw last year.
  24. azbugler

    What Elk Unit to Apply For and Why?

    I'm in! Tough decision this year. Guaranteed to be hunting elk this year.