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Everything posted by jdown

  1. jdown

    Stevens 22/410

    I have a Savage 42 https://www.savagearms.com/content?p=firearms&a=product_summary&s=22440 that does select the barrel on the hammer.
  2. jdown

    Burris Black Diamond 4-16x50 PRICE DROP

    I'll take 2nds for $200 Thanks
  3. jdown

    Swarovski X5 5-25x56

    $1800! Beautiful optic
  4. jdown

    Swarovski X5 5-25x56

    Price drop
  5. Just do what people do now for their instapost picture and take him to the taxidermist and build a bull.. you can make any size bull you want.
  6. jdown

    Swarovski X5 5-25x56

    Price reduced
  7. jdown


    I have one just like it..love that stock and shoots great - fun gun and GLWS
  8. Very lightly used unit. Its first 5-7 years was the typical 4-5 hunt/camp trips a year. The last 8-10 is run every other month for an hour in the garage. Annual oil changes, new battery last year. Only damage is to top cowling as shown. Gilbert Josh 480-369-4923
  9. Hey all. I have a low low mile EU3K that gets run in the garage every 2-3 months and oil changed every year but hasn't done anything more in 10 years. Thinking about seeing if anyone would be interested in trading for a 2200 that I would use more. I put a new battery in the 3k last year and like I said yearly oil changes and probably has run 10 hours a year for the last 10... just to keep it alive. Let me know any thoughts - thanks Josh 480-369-4923
  10. jdown

    Sold Honda EU 3000 IS $1100

    Updated price