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Everything posted by jdown

  1. jdown

    Pronghorn Hits?

    I totally agree.. too many people in this state and too few quality hunts. I would sign up for that in a heart beat if it meant I had a legitimate chance at a quality hunt every 4-5 years. And I know wrong forum, but if you are going to have 1200 tags for deer, we need to not allow spikes to be harvested or something.... at least in rotating units.
  2. jdown

    Pronghorn Hits?

    My son drew rifle 10 with 9bps in 2015, Archery 10 in 2017 with 3 bps and now either 10 or 5bs archery with 3bps again in 2019. Apparently odd years with odd number of points has something do with it. I'm at 19 now- too few for rifle and too many for me to put on an archery tag. At least I get to hold the decoy and range--I keep telling him that I signed a few tags over to him back in the day.. time to let pops pull the trigger. G&F should have a youth payback option!
  3. Used very gently. In perfect condition. My favorite archery pack. Super comfortable, versatile and easy to navigate with. Easy to strap bow too as well. I added a couple of thumbnail pictures of how the bow and rifle platform looks. Capacity: 900 cu in Dimensions: 11.5" x 16" x 5.5" Compartments: 21 Holds: Rifle - Yes, Bow - Yes Weight: 5 lbs The Eberlestock G29 Tailhook is a unique pack. An amply-sized lumbar pack, it has many of the capabilities of a full-scale pack, and a great deal of versatility. As used on the Eberlestock Tailhook Backpack, our patented Ripcord Tether™ completes the Quickdraw System that we pioneered with our Backscabbard™ rifle packs. The small upper bag provides a platform for a bow or a rifle to rest on, and makes the pack carry them with exceptional stability. The upper bag's internal pocket incorporates a spacer pad to keep the bow or rifle away from your head.
  4. jdown

    Wtb Gooseneck hitch

    that's too bad, I have a never used ford bolt on trailer hitch/receiver for a ford that I was going to try and use as trade bait for something from him.
  5. jdown

    Wtb Gooseneck hitch

    Not sure if he is still there, but there used to be a guy with a booth at that swap meet in east mesa. I swear he had every hitch ever made the last time I was taken hostage and had to go out there.
  6. jdown

    Crawfish Advice

    Can of cat food with some holes punched in it is our favorite. Easy to keep fresh and transport vs liver or anything else perishable and works better than anything else we have tried. We typically soak for 2-4 hours and pick up or leave overnight if we really want to (traps need to be marked with ID and license number). I'm not sure it is legal to transport them live, we always just pull tails put on ice to boil and dispose carcasses (not into the whole sucking the crap out the heads or whatever people do). Good catching all summer long in almost every northern lake. I've never tried in southern lakes. Don't overlook any smaller water way, stream or bog. We pulled over 1000 'keepers' in 2 days out a little nothing stream a few years ago and I'm sure could have kept going and going. They get big and multiply quickly.
  7. Gilbert and work in Tempe (I10/Warner).
  8. jdown

    Archery Lope how many BPs

    I'm in that middle ground.. I hate to give my 16 points away to an archery tag now, but I also hate the idea of waiting another 10 years. I wish I could cash in 1/2 my points for an archery tag and keep 1/2.
  9. jdown

    Cactus Bounders!

    could be overall, I won't argue with you. We've killed pigs out of the same 4 herds now for the last 10 (mostly archery, but a few rifle hunts sprinkled in). We did see all 4 herds this year, but I would say herd sizes are 2/3 what they were over the last year or two. Maybe just a cycle. I'm just not a fan of adding more tags and more hunts and more opportunity in general (Deer/elk/goats and Pigs).. we are up to what, now 5 pig hunts year with the 2 youth hunts, Archery, HAM and General? Same with Deer in most southern units (4-5 hunts per unit). Just seems like a lot to me and I would assume will take a toll at some point if it hasn't already (not sure when these animals get to be animals). We know it has on Deer and Elk (quality and quantity) in those hardest hit units.
  10. jdown

    Cactus Bounders!

    Like everything else, G&F's goal appears to wipe all game animals off the face of the earth. Add more hunts and hey, let's shoot 2 as well, what the heck. I just don't get it. I guess at some point we all we be applying for permits to glass up some condors, black footed ferrets and maybe watch some hump back chubs swim around.
  11. jdown

    *price drop* Firstlite Kodiak & More

    Hey Richie, I'm interested in the 3200 rain cover. I'll pm you. Thanks!
  12. jdown

    new to shed hunting, advice?

    We got lucky and found 4 sheds in 4 trips archery hunting this Dec/Jan + 1 we glassed up but haven't gotten to them yet a decent 4pt mulie that I think the glassed up one is the match and nice little 4pt coues in the mix. a couple of decent elk sheds in Oct bear hunting including one glassed up that was just way to big of canyon to even think about. I have never done the spring thing, but sure see some full loads coming down 60 once in awhile. I assume reservation guys?
  13. jdown

    Arrow tree

    Has to be $2000 worth of arrows in that tree!
  14. jdown

    Need New Mexico antelope tag

    what's the going rate these days? I would be interested as well.
  15. jdown

    Dual pig mount

    Another shout out for Troy at Authentic Taxidermy. After he did the dual antelope mount for us, my wife and daughter whacked their first pigs, so we asked him to do the same. I think came out pretty darn good.
  16. jdown

    pig videos

    Just thought I would throw this up.. kind of a cool video.. not sure if she was prego or just eating right, but at about 12 yards gave us a several woofs. Other one is a bit dark, but another close encounter of the pig kind-- started at about 15 and got to about 8 I would guess.. Fun season, went 5/5 of 4 different herds so that was fun too. Pig.MOV pig II.MOV
  17. jdown

    Gun safe recommendations

    I sold safes for a dozen years.. I think my biggest piece of advice is get one size bigger than you think you need. Just like garages, it fills up. Interiors can be tricky--ez outs generally don't work for scoped rifles without taking out the spot opposite to it, and non-ez outs are hard to get anything out without removing half the guns.. just have to take that into consideration in terms of how many long guns it holds. Fire ratings are typically all good enough- house fires generally don't burn nearly as hot or as long as the UL requirements. I don't like digital key pads personally, but to each his own. Cheap dials work, but are definitely not as nice as the better S&G ones in terms of accuracy and smoothness (tumblers can get off a 1/2 to full position for each number either way... can be frustrating). A good dolly with set back wheels and straps, a pick up and 2 guys is all you need--don't pay the expensive delivery unless you just have to. They lay down in the bed of a pick up with cardboard just fine. Other than that, just about every gun or safe stores has all sizes and price points.
  18. jdown

    Swarovski EL 10x42 PRICE DROP

    Do you have a price in mind?
  19. jdown

    Green Chili Javelina

    I'll have to try this. We have used javelina strictly for summer sausage, chorizo, b-fast sausage and jerky the last couple of years because in my experience sometimes it is the best tasting meat and sometimes it's horrible and I can't figure out why. We had 3 pig hunts last year, on hunt two, we cut back straps that night and grilled them and they were unbelievably good, then did the same thing on hunt 3 and they were hardly edible. Several years ago we pitted a couple of them along with Elk, Deer, Bear and Antelope for a party and the pigs were gone first.. crazy good. Did the same thing a few years later and I wouldn't have given that pig to my dogs.. just horrible. I can't figure out why so inconsistent so kind of gave up and just use for sausage. All have been killed and taken care of in the same manner--nothing extravagant, but typical field dress, wash and cut. Going to try this recipe though.. thanks for sharing.
  20. Just an FYI for all, Archerytalk.com looks like a good site, but lots of rules about posting. I can't reply to a post from someone looking for a taillhook pack or post to classifieds until you meet some criteria.
  21. I'll give it a go, thank you!