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Everything posted by jdown

  1. jdown

    San Carlos success

    We were up there 4 weeks ago.. you will not believe the water. Every tank is literally overflowing however it made many roads impassible. I'm assuming it's calming now. Saw birds everywhere and more toms that typical.
  2. jdown

    Layout Blind for Sale

    Hump day bump for a great guy!
  3. Primos Drag strip, Lil Hook up, and 7 diaphragms. All never opened in box. Call or text Josh 480-369-4923
  4. I would consider selling in two lots if someone wanted, I realize that's a lot of mouth calls. Say the slate and 3 diaphrams for $40 and the box and 4 diaphrams for $40 or you can have the whole lot for $60.
  5. jdown

    DISH portable system

    Looks like it.. The only think I didn't see in the description was HD and satellite switching... does it go from 110 to 119 without having to re-scan? All very much first world problems...
  6. jdown

    DISH portable system

    I think this is the set up I got, but they were running a sale for $349 and I had a $50 off coupon--I think it was a 4th of July thing. Still too much, but it's been nice on a few family outings. https://www.campingworld.com/king-tailgater-satellite-antenna-with-dish-vip211z-satellite-receiver-110134.html
  7. jdown

    DISH portable system

    Correct, power from the cable and I've run it on a 100' chord with no problems. I try and put mine on the roof to just keep the honest folks from walking off with it or it getting broken, but have left on the ground too. As mentioned clear view to the south is all you need. Mine is the smokey round one with a carry handle, but I imagine they all work about the same. I think some only are 1 channel though, so if you want both satellites at one time, you need one that supports dual. I think that is how it works anyway.
  8. jdown

    DISH portable system

    Mine did come with a free receiver too, but I never took it out of the box, I just steal one from the house as I'm walking out. I think you are right on the 211Z.
  9. jdown

    DISH portable system

    Might be the newer and improved version.. I'm not sure. Mine says something like Dish King Tailgator. I got it from Camping World, but I'm sure available everywhere. It receives both 110 and 119 (or whatever the HD ones are now) at the same time.
  10. jdown

    What do you carry with your 15x's?

    Love my 8.5x42 ELs
  11. jdown

    DISH portable system

    I use to have just an old dish that was set up on a PVC and a tripod that worked great, but was sometimes a pain to set up, find the signal and tie down etc. I broke down and bought on of those Dish tailgaters and it is fantastic. Just set out in an open area or on top of the trailer pointed in the general direction and it does the rest. I just take a receiver from the house--it works every time. Not sure why you would have to have a dedicated one.
  12. jdown

    Rifle for my wife

    Both my wife and daughter have killed 2 elk each with the same 270wsm with a brake. They both are recoil sensitive and with no muzzle flip or recoil, it makes it really easy. I do like the 7/08 though. My son killed his first elk with that round.
  13. jdown

    Model 7 in 7mm/08

    In case it helps...I used to own a seven 7/08 and started one of my sons with that rifle. Not sure if you are looking for a youth or if you have shot one, but she's a muzzle flipper. If I had it to do over again (well I did with my daughter) I would have definitely broke it. I started her with a 270wsm with a brake for elk and she was very comfortable. I really like both of those calibers.
  14. jdown

    2019 Mexico hunt

    In Az that’s just another dead head laying in the desert. Long range shooting is awesome for our deer! congrats on a dang nice buck!
  15. The pig was just a young female I would guess by its teeth. Stuck out like a sore thumb. As opposed to the one I shot this year. Not the best dentile hygiene or really old male.
  16. A couple other mounts. The double is my wife and daughters first one
  17. Sons blonde from a years ago
  18. I feel like it was eliminated for cash prizes, however the work-around was for anything but cash... or maybe it was just eliminated all together.
  19. jdown

    5B info

    Hi all. After spending the last 2 out of 4 years chasing goats in 10 (Rifle 2015, Archery 2017), my son drew an archery tag in 5B this year. Looking forward to spending some time up there this summer looking at the Raymond (before it closes in April and once is opens back up) and that whole Anderson Mesa area getting to know the country and some of its goats. Having said that, if anyone has any learnings from 5B and/or would like to swap some 10 for 5B goat lore, I'd be happy to have the conversation. Thanks!
  20. jdown


    If falls through, please let me know. Thank you.
  21. jdown


    PM sent. Thank you.
  22. jdown

    ISO Cobbler

    I have used Ed's Shoe repair a couple of times with fantastic results for boots, shoes and sewed up my Double Bull flap. Little eastern European guy that seems to have that old world touch about him. He is near Warner and I10.
  23. jdown

    Ticks and javelina

    I posted this in another stream one time, but after 20+years shooting these things and I couldn't count how many pigs out of our group I still can't figure out why there are occasions when they are some of best tasting meat or some of the worst. We pitted a few one time along with just about every other game and I swear melted in your mouth and gone before anything else was, did it again a few years later and just horrible. Last year we cut and grilled some fresh backstraps for a buddy from out of state the day he killed his first and they were fantastic. I got excited and did the same thing for my wife and daughter after they killed their first last year and just not good. All taken care of relatively the same way. So I typically use for summer sausage, jerky, b-fast sausage and chorizo and it always comes out good with the mix and about 15-20% pork shoulder or bacon bits and pieces mixed in and save my deer/elk/antelope for steaks and burger.