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Everything posted by jdown

  1. jdown

    23 North Early Archery

    I can't seem to locate but would be interested in watching - can you post a link for us that apparently aren't too bright? Thanks!
  2. jdown

    Another one bites the dust

  3. jdown

    LTB Winchester 250

    Looks like the fancier version. I only checked Hogisland and Numrich real quick as I was looking for another part, but others may have the plainer version if that is what yours is.. If not, keep looking back, they buy broken lots of guns all the time and part them out. I just found a rear sight I have been looking for for nearly 30 years for an old savage 101 of my dads...
  4. jdown

    LTB Winchester 250

  5. jdown

    Bass Pro / Cabelas

    BPS is the new "Mall" to me. I used to go the mall 1x per year around Xmas time and now I don't go at all. For the last 2-3 years I go to BPS 1x per year around Xmas time. I would imagine this year or next, not at all.
  6. jdown

    arizona rio

    We saw one flock there in 2022. I’m guessing az will buy some from ut and get them up and running again. Just got behind with the raffle tags
  7. jdown

    arizona rio

    Heard all the auction/raffle tags were shooting rios vs Gould’s the last several years. The cupboard is pretty dry I guess.
  8. jdown

    super raffle big bull

    Might be. Just seen so many of let it sit over nights lately because too dangerous to take out at night or don’t want to take a chance bumping it even though it was very obviously dead with shot. Not accusing here and am probably wrong on this one but again lots of wasted meat out there in the name of long distance shooting and instapost horn shots. All over Tv and here. But you are correct on this one and shouldn’t have accused. Great bull! Would love to see one some day with or without a tag in hand.
  9. jdown

    super raffle big bull

    I don’t disagree with the assumptions comment but waiting until dark to get night pictures is not something I have ever heard of. But maybe was a pretty moon
  10. jdown

    super raffle big bull

    So shot at night left to rot until daylight pictures can be taken (only 100 degrees out) I guess money can buy that too - just like so many tv shows. I hit him (buck pouring out running out of the field) but we are going to back out and come back in the am. Oh he only went 50 yards (no shat— buck is stiff as a board). High five!
  11. jdown

    Worth an hour of your time

    Great watch - thank you for sharing. I was surprised by the barrels vs nylon barrels but what the heck do I know.. Guy is a stud to take that on. I would have liked to see what he all packed as well. Would have been interesting how he prepared the rations for 100+ days (plus one restock).
  12. jdown

    Duwane Adams ?

    The truth of the matter is, you are never going to change anyone's mind until the law does it for them. Using 1,000 trail cams, using 30 guys on every ridge to surround a deer, using air bows because you have an owie, whatever it is to get an advantage to get those horns, people will do for the facegram..until the law says you can't AND you get caught - ala who this post is originally about. People are wired one way or the other and that's it...
  13. jdown

    Duwane Adams ?

    Well one is illegal and the other (in my opinion) is unethical and should be considered unfair chase - underline should
  14. jdown

    Duwane Adams ?

    On every hunt that has become more common. There is a guy here several years ago and was asking people to come up and surround this deer he wanted to his kid to shoot and I spoke out about the same concerns then and got chastised by many because it's was a kid hunting.. not picking on the kid - picking on the ideal of it and frankly it's worse that it was a kid's hunt because only teaching him that those horns are worth giving in on the morals of fair chase and taking away spots for others to hunt from. Oh well, people are people... get them horns Duwayne and others - anyway possible.
  15. jdown

    Duwane Adams ?

    That sure makes me feel better about outfitters in general. Haha.
  16. jdown

    Duwane Adams ?

    I’m sure people wouldn’t have figured that out without him. Mr Poacher
  17. jdown

    Duwane Adams ?

    Hopefully during visitation periods. Piece of trash
  18. jdown


    If east valley and deal falls through I’ll take 2nds
  19. jdown

    Sold Clay Buster Wads assorted $30

    bump for a good guy (oh wait that's me....).
  20. 1 full 12ga, 3 full 20ga; 1 full 28ga, 1 partial 20ga $30 or trade for 3 boxes of 20ga or 2 boxes of 28ga ammo in Gilbert Josh Downing 480-36nine-4923
  21. 100% agree however I'm comparing to deer I've killed and taken care of the same way I do with game here. Those folks always give me crap for gutting and field dressing within the first few minutes regardless of what the temp is vs hanging from a basketball pole for 1 month.... and I would still say these desert deer taste better.
  22. I've killed a fair number of Iowa, Mo, Wi and Co deer on top of our Az deer and our desert deer (both coues and md) eat much better than any corn fed deer I've ever had. Edge to coues over md but both out eat midwest deer by a long shot. Our Antelope eat better than Co goats too (can't speak to wy goats but hope to be able to get up there soon). These jojoba, acorns and whatever else these deer find make for better flavor than soybean and corn imo.
  23. I think 32acp is semi rimmed and may work without moon clips. Good question for the group. GLWS
  24. jdown

    Hey hunters, $20K reward *update*

    Yeah. Just making a joke. I’d like to hear more.