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Everything posted by jdown

  1. jdown

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Their job is to protect and preserve wildlife. Not take popular opinion.
  2. jdown

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    This is the first action I have seen in a long time that actually preserves and protects wildlife. In the last 20 years the advancement in technology for hunters and recreators have all been to the peril of our wildlife. Quads, rangers and razors have opened roads and put more people in more spots. Google earth and the like have uncovered hidden canyons, springs, etc to more people, advancement in long range wounding\shooting, hunting clothing and gear even. Muzzleloaders shooting 500 plus, people that have never shot a bow hunting archery season with xbows and now fn airbows, pistols with braces during the handgun hunts. 4-7 seasons per unit. Geez let animals win one back and take some pressure off the habitat and no more 24\7 365 scouting from your couch. Nice job G&F. Hope we Make the primitive weapon hunts the next target to tighten back up now.
  3. jdown

    Wtb tanned coues buck hide.

    Thank you, I will let him know. Where are you located?
  4. jdown

    Wtb tanned coues buck hide.

    Congrats! Sounds like great bucks and no dummy there! I just texted my Taxidermist and he said he had a couple from last year, he is going to look at them and let me know what kind of shape they are in. I can let you know if you are interested.
  5. If you are willing to spend 1K what Swivelhead said is spot on ( I have a couple of Beretta's and a Wby and my son shoots a Ruger and all great guns). For what's is worth and if you looking new and going to spend 700ish range, probably going to end up with an alloy receiver. I have had extensive time with a Stevens 555's and for an alloy gun, they do very well.
  6. I prefer extractors.. I don't have to look for my empties on the ground and no empties left behind.
  7. jdown

    Wtb tanned coues buck hide.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to add a new post over the top of this one.. Looking for fresh/frozen after OZ gets his. Thanks! Josh
  8. jdown

    WTB Coues Cape

    Hi all, if anyone kept and changed their mind, I have a buddy looking for cape. His was a big bodied deer with a 90" frame so something in that 3.5+ year old range I would think. East to central valley preferred. Thanks! Josh 480-36nine-4nine23
  9. Thanks! I'm ready for a redraw though, all those are the wrong names!
  10. any way to see the winners?
  11. jdown

    Dove Pate

    Nice. We do the bacon, jalepeno, green chili and cream cheese wrapped smoked thing with all of ours but I would like to try this some time. Thanks!
  12. jdown

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    Most cameras are on tanks, most tanks are near roads, most bolt cutters will free said cameras. If you Want to cheat cheat, rules are rules for most people. I think....
  13. jdown

    Game Cameras- G&F Agenda

    I'd vote for them to be removed by Aug 1. That gets rid of the fair chase discussion, the why are you checking cams for your hunt in 2 weeks while I'm sitting here discussion and the how many people do some of these guides employ to run cameras during season discussion. It also provides a balance so they don't get completely banned which is where this is headed (just one major incident away) if there isn't some balance. Just my .02
  14. jdown

    WTB Turkey Fryer

    My son does all of ours and needed a larger pot for elk (roasting pan type size). Found a few options at Goodwill for super cheap.
  15. jdown

    143 eldx

    One found in the neck and one found in opposite shoulder. Both took a 2nd shot (not recovered bullets). I honestly can't remember the travel, but was surprised no mushrooming or expansion at all. We have recovered many bullets over the years like most of you with the exception of a partition that missed all bones, this was the first I can recall where the exit (had it exited) would have been the same diameter as the entrance after passing through a fairly heavy skinned animal. I'm sure there are many instance where they blew a hole in the size of a Buick too, just sharing these two did not perform as well as I would have expected. On the flip side, I think we are deer 5 and bear 1 now with bergers this year and last and all I can say is yuck to the internal damage.
  16. jdown

    143 eldx

    Have also pulled out 2 out of 2 different elk that you could have dropped back in a casing and loaded. Bullet did nothing. Not my favorite for anything bigger than a deer at this point.
  17. jdown

    SOLD Vizio 47" TV $50

    Works great, working remote. $50 E470-AO Call or Text Josh 480-36nine-4nine23
  18. I was unaware of the review for every tag holder. Hoping they do that here as well Every year with every tag holder.
  19. jdown

    My Mentor

    I got the pleasure to get to know Carol when she worked for us for a bit at the az sportsman after Floyd's passing. What a sweet lady. She moved to co, as I recall, to be with family later that year. She had two old fish baskets full of old lures of hers and Floyd's that she allowed me to purchase before she left. Hanging in my safe room to this day. Goodness that has to be 20-25 years ago now.
  20. jdown

    Remember the 80s in Phoenix

    Sunset was awesome.. there was one on Baseline and Price (I think?) Bulk silver ringworms with chart tail... was a killer at Rosy back in the day, but the tail had to have glitter as well. I still have some and they still work on occasion.
  21. jdown

    Remember the 80s in Phoenix

    When we moved here I think it stopped at Country Club and yes going east was a pain including dirt roads east of power for most roads south of the 60.
  22. jdown

    WTB 6.5 Prc ammo

    Thanks sir! I'll do the same. I have seen Match in a few places here and there but that is it. I'm really hoping to shoot the Fed Terminal Accent and hoping the 130s shoot good. I know the 143 ELDX shoot in everything and We have killed 3 deer with that bullet now out of the 6.5c with no real concerns, but on 2 different elk now, pulled the bullet out of the neck and shoulder and could have reloaded both of those bullets. The bullet almost literally did nothing so not really keen on that for this prc at the moment. I'm sure there are as many blew a hole the size of a buick stories on elk as the 2 that I have seen but still makes me nervous. Everything we have shot with bergers (7mag and 280ai both in 168s) just destroys...Bear, elk, deer and a poor unfortunate in the wrong place at the wrong time coyote last weekend. I really wish Fed would load the bergers in 140ish for that round. They came out with them and now not cataloged anymore. Not sure what happened.
  23. jdown

    WTB 6.5 Prc ammo

    #metoo if you have any extra after Matt get's his. Josh 4803694929
  24. jdown

    Remember the 80s in Phoenix

    We had all the Bobby McGee's glass ware as well.. toilet bowl and whatever else they had. All of those are so very true!