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Everything posted by jdown

  1. jdown

    Green Chili Javelina

    I apparently fell asleep all of last year and didn't do anything with last years 3 bow pigs and then this years 3 bow pigs and 3 rifle pigs added to it. After cutting up elk and deer this year, it was time to clean out the freezer of pig meat. We made chorizo, breakfast sausage, summer sausage and a pot of your green chili and I still had a bag of meat left and was tired of messing with it so took that bag to von hansons and they made up 3 different types of brats out of the rest. All in all these pigs still mix up good and saves the deer and elk table fare.
  2. jdown

    40 S&W ammo for sale/trade

    Updated to sell
  3. $167 at SW this week... Make me an offer if you are interested. I'll BOGO the brownings if someone wants the Danners
  4. jdown

    40 S&W ammo for sale/trade

    Updated - thank you
  5. jdown

    Glock 41. Sold.

    If you want to call me or text, We can coordinate a time. Josh Thank you
  6. jdown

    Glock 41. Sold.

    If you are headed to the valley at all, let me know - I would be interested in the 43.
  7. jdown

    Wtb Eberlestock Just One Backpack

    My eldest is getting a new pack next week and has a X1A1 (I think) that I would assume he will be selling. If you are still looking at that point, I can let you know.
  8. jdown

    *UPDATE*Hitting a deer with a ricochet...

    That is crazy. I'm pretty sure that old doe and I both looked at each other in disbelief.
  9. jdown

    *UPDATE*Hitting a deer with a ricochet...

    Not really a ricochet but I knocked a doe in Mo unconscious with a bullet one year. I shot my buck the day before and just wanted a doe to fill the ice chests for the drive home and she dropped in her tracks. I figured done deal and packed all my gear back to the truck (rifle too) and just kept my pack. I got up to her and she was still alive, so tried to a throat cut her real quick and she jumped up and walked off.. no blood anywhere and after about 40 yards of a slow walk, she fell over in a ditch. So I went back, grabbed rifle and put her down. When I skinned her out, the only hole in her was the neck shot and then I found a bullet graze type path on her scalp. The only thing I can think of was I knocked her out from the bullet percussion and it scrambled her brain.. I really don't know to this day.
  10. jdown

    Draw length for new bow

    Assuming you are shooting a loop, I would say 28.5 without seeing anything.
  11. jdown


    Don't hate the messenger but my son drew with 4 points (insert embarrassed face here). Now we need to go find a Gould's turkey....
  12. jdown


  13. jdown

    34A Lost Husky Liner Floormat

    That's funny. We were just talking about the husky vs the weather tech. We have one with one and one with the other and I'd take take the husky over the wt. I think a bit cheaper too, but better coverage, better alleys and mold just as well. At least the examples I have.
  14. jdown

    17WSM 20gr ammo AE $20

    2 boxes available Call or Text Josh 480-369-4923 Thanks
  15. jdown

    7MM at Midway

    Good lord, someone on this site always has to be the smartest guy in the trailer park. What i said are facts, they are taking full advantage of this market and I am no longer a fan. They have always been competitive with good prices, great service and shipping. I can get everything they sell for less, which used to not be the case. I get how free markets work and all the power to them to charge whatever they want. But as I said, I am no longer a fan and they are no longer competitive.
  16. jdown

    7MM at Midway

    Old Larry Potterfield really took advantage of prices since late last year. Not a fan anymore.
  17. jdown

    Found soft gun case

    Like finding a wallet with no money in it. Ha
  18. jdown

    36B didn't disappoint!

    Mb 15, tines 15, mass 12 that’s 84ish plus width. 15 wide? That’s 99. I’ll guess 99. great buck - congrats to the lady. But could be way off and photos are hard. If the OP needs a tape, I got one!
  19. How is a coyote going to carry someone all the way to the Tx border in it's mouth? haha