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Everything posted by jdown

  1. jdown

    Best Auto Electrical Shop

    John at All Start Electric in Chandler/Gilbert is a great guy.
  2. jdown

    Sold Mathews Helim

    Just some specs in case you are not familiar. 3.5lbs - Love packing this bow 26-30" draw options available 80% let off Let me know if you have any questions
  3. Full set of Maxis tires and wheels. I would say 50% or more tread left. I’m pretty sure one plug in one of the tires. All hold good air. 2 - 27x9x12 2- 27x11x12 in Gilbert josh 480- 369-4nine23
  4. jdown

    SOLD - Polaris Wheels and Tires $300

    I don't see anything written on the tire about DOT or only for off road or anything like that. If you want me to look at something specific, happy to but just your basic pressure info and size from what I can see.
  5. jdown

    SOLD - Polaris Wheels and Tires $300

    I don’t think so - Not for highway use- but I will double check in the morning if that works?
  6. jdown

    SOLD - Polaris Wheels and Tires $300

    I’m almost positive it is 4-156
  7. jdown

    Some 3A BS

    What percentage of those two ranches that have been sectioned off are actually deeded land or is it all checkerboarded like the Big B?
  8. jdown


    yet people keep hiring them... all about the gram
  9. jdown

    Game processors N Phoenix

    Far from FDA approved I'm sure but just finished up last years pigs that included about 70lbs of summer sausage, 30lbs of chorizo and 15lbs of jerky. All came out pretty darn good.
  10. jdown

    Shooting sense

    What are you shooting that is only dropping .5 between 2 and 300? Should be a 4-6" drop there in most anything I am familiar with.
  11. jdown

    AZ Holiday events?

    I don't have any facegram stuff and seems like if you don't, you can't find anything from the municipalities anymore and since there are folks her from all over the state - any 'decent' holiday tent/craft/booth crap going on that anyone knows about? We hit the one Prescott last year that was ok - any that anyone (or anyone's wife) is a must go? Thanks
  12. jdown

    S&W Model 331 Airlite Ti - 32H&R Mag.

    I assume this will shoot longs and shorts too? Even less recoil. Great round and everything you say. I had a ruger bisely in one - I sure regret selling that one. GLWS
  13. I know you can do 27" - Can you go 28? 29? Without a lift and without rubbing, turning or any other issue? 27s are getting harder to come across (from a take off perspective) - Is anyone running taller tires without an issue on a stock ranger? Thanks!
  14. Thanks Edge. I guess I should add, this is a 900 and son has a 1000 with the same question. The 900 came with 25s and now on 27s with no problem and the 1000 came with 26s and now on 27s with no problems. Just wondering if you can go to 28s or even 29s without any issues (some loss of power etc) or is 27 it?
  15. Just making sure I'm giving the right advice to a friend putting in for a left over paper application. He has a valid license (Exp Feb 2024) so good for both draw and hunt.. In that case he just puts a check in for $115 (non res javi price) with the paper app - right? Thanks
  16. jdown

    Non Res left over advice - question

    It kind of looks like the app fee is included. 38 for res and 115 for non. That would include the app fee if my math is right. I think… ha
  17. jdown


    I’m interested. Where are you located? Pming you
  18. jdown

    Hunting rifle sight in

    Back in the day being a member of Usery meant you had a key that could enter the range and shoot without rangemaster from sun up (until they opened 8 or 9) and then again from when they closed (5 I think) until sundown. Was well worth the $50 a year that it cost back then. But as soon as the range masters showed up, you left. This is in the mid 90s even and they were all DBs. I get the dealing with DHs but ask - asking works 99% of the time. No reason to berate people unless a dangerous situation. Leaning over a line or grabbing a cleaning rod falling off the bench or whatever - does not deserve the treatment they expelled. It was embarrassing when taking people from out of state or from a gun/optics manufacturer/rep or someone out there. Haven't been in 20+ years now but my assumption is that is hasn't changed much.
  19. This may be old news but if you have an Xbolt with a stock that feels like it is melting - Browning has a replacement process set up from a class action - complete with prepaid shipping label. https://www.browning.com/support/parts-service/dura-touch-coating-service-process.html Sending mine in today - they said about 6 weeks.
  20. Well if they give me a new stock and get rid of gummy stock - I won't complain if it take a bit. Couldn't even put it in the plastic bag inside the box.