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Red Sparky

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Everything posted by Red Sparky

  1. Red Sparky

    Hunting w/ Epi-Pen

    Yep. My youngest daughter has asthma. We found out about it when she was less than two months old and was having trouble breathing. We hauled a$$ to the hospital and the wife did a 35 minute drive in <20, luckily it was late at night. Had a blue baby when we got to the hospital with a pulse O2 of 56. She is on daily medicines and has Albuterol inhaler and prednisone if we need it. So I know how scary it can be. Get the scratch test done to see what you are allergic to. Smoke is her asthma trigger and we have a neighbor who likes burning his fireplace.
  2. Red Sparky

    Bitter/Sweet Fathers day

    Sorry for your circumstances. That is a beautiful place. Much like I tell my family spread me over the Gila as I love the outdoors so much.
  3. Red Sparky

    Tent Trailer Advise

    Tent was a sack lunch and sleeping bag was bear burrito
  4. Red Sparky


    If it is a low intensity fire, nothing like the Wallow fire or Los Alamos fire don't worry about it too much. I had the pleasure of deer hunting in the Gila when the FS did a prescribed burn. Shot a nice muley 10 yards from 3 smoldering stumps on charred ground. The elk weren't bothered by it either.
  5. Red Sparky

    Tent Trailer Advise

    When I was an RV tech we called them lunch boxes for bears. They do a good job and serve their purpose. The one thing I can say to look at is the lift systems that is what was replaced most on them. I saw one recently being towed by a VW Jetta so they tow pretty easy.
  6. Red Sparky

    nature hits the city

    Bear Busters! When a bear is loose in your neighborhood who you gonna call?.....Bear Busters!
  7. Red Sparky

    unit 10

    ???? Your going to be deer scouting during the archery deer season ???? Or are you going to be elk scouting during the archery deer season and wondering if you might come across a deer? Maybe I just need another beer to understand the question.
  8. Red Sparky

    Left over tags going on sale

    I have a busy fall as well as I have both archery elk (unit 16D) and coues deer (unit 23) in September and my older daughter has elk and mule deer (both unit 13) ML in October. The good thing is the coues tag is also good in Jan. if I can't get both Sept. hunts in. Next year my younger daughter will be in the draw as well but the kids should be hunting at the same time. If we get her pulling more poundage on her bow she might be hunting with me. The only reason I like to hunt separately is then the kids hunt is all about them.
  9. June 25th at 10:00am any leftover tags will go on sale first come first serve online regardless of residency. June 24th it starts but the first 24 hours is resident only. Looks like deer are archery and ML only. Elk tags are mobility impaired ML in unit 9 and there are only 25 of them, about 330 javelina tags in the good units, and 4 military only Oryx tags. Check out the NMG&F webpage for all details.
  10. Red Sparky

    Calibration Defense| Anybody ever try it?

    Was the radar last calibrated or last certified Oct. 10th 2014? There is a difference as it has to be certified yearly and calibrated before use. Would hate for you to get to court and have the officer say certified and your whole defense goes down the drain.
  11. Red Sparky

    Colt files Bankruptcy

    Wonder if it has anything to do with lawsuits? Wasn't a Colt Bush Master used in the Co. movie theater? Not the guns fault, the one using it is responsible but getting money from the manufacturer is easier.
  12. I hear you as I have deer and elk in Sept. and then my oldest daughter has deer and elk in October here in NM.
  13. Red Sparky

    Need Arctic Cat help!

    I don't know anything about motorcycle/atv repair so take this for what it is worth. I had a 83 S-10 Blazer that acted exactly how this sounds. It would run and then act like starving for fuel or vapor locking, backfiring and then dying. It would start again after 10-15 minutes but no telling how long it would run. I did all the same fixes to it including wires and plugs. It turned out to be a diode trio in the alternator. So check the electrical system as well as fuel.
  14. Red Sparky

    Its that time again

    Those "cow" elk have funny looking antlers on their heads.
  15. Red Sparky

    Searching for a Ford Ranger...

    Price range and year? Craigslist Albuquerque has on 04, 4x4, extended cab white for $3200 and 98 green for $5000. Many others to look at. I-40 is what a 6 hour drive? Check your local area. Sucks about the other one.
  16. Yes. Come to NM and anyone hunting under the age of 18 has to have hunter ed # to hunt with a firearm or ML. To pass our class you have to do the online class as homework and then spend one or two days in a class. Here there are classes year round and the ones that get full and have the most complaints are before the draw deadline. I took my Hunters Ed class in 1978, our law was passed in 1976. So with proper planning you can find a class "in the off season" pretty easily here. I also took a Hunters Ed class about a month ago. The reason I did was my hunter ed class was not in the last five years and I wanted to give back. I am now a volunteer instructor for Hunters Ed. and am waiting to teach my first class in July.
  17. Red Sparky

    Laws on minors hunting and shooting

    The purpose of Arizona’s Hunter Education Program is to promote safe, knowledgeable and responsible hunter conduct, to emphasize the importance of wildlife management, laws and regulations, and to encourage the safe handling of firearms and bowhunting equipment. Any individual nine years of age or older may complete a hunter education course offered through the Department. To hunt big game youth under the age of 14 must complete hunter education. While you must be 10 years of age to hunt big game you may complete Hunter Education at the age of 9 however, the hunter education completion card and certificate does not become valid until the child’s 10th birthday. The Arizona hunter education program is not just for children or hunters. This educational program is a valuable experience for anyone who enjoys the outdoors and has an interest in conservation. Parents are encouraged to participate in the course with their child. For veteran hunters, the course serves as an excellent refresher. So I guess as long as they are over 14 they do not have to have a hunter ed class and only between 10-14 to hunt big game. They can buy a hunting license without passing a class. Here in NM it is anybody under the age of 18 has to have it to purchase or hunt with a firearm.
  18. Red Sparky

    You tell me, how timely is this rain?

    Goat heads, tumble weeds, and grass burrs I usually pull in August after the rain starts I am now pulling in June. At least the ground is soft and wet.
  19. Red Sparky

    Laws on minors hunting and shooting

    Look up your state hunter ed laws. Usually target shooting under the supervision of an adult is not a problem. However hunting any species, even coyotes, they usually have to have passed a hunter ed course.
  20. Red Sparky

    Aggressive bear

    Wait to see what happens with all those boy scouts heading up to Philmont. I ran into about 40 of them today up in Albuquerque heading that way.
  21. Red Sparky

    Water in the backcountry

    I have had kidney stones and I drink a gallon a day minimum. Never want to have them suckers again as it was the worst pain I ever experienced. Even worse than when I broke my wrist in five places.
  22. Red Sparky


    Every day until season. 50 yards in a 20MPH wind, with practice arrows. From July on it will be broad heads and hunting arrows.
  23. Red Sparky


    This was today with about a 20MPH wind from about my 4:30 position. Three different arrows. R/W vanes 350 Carbon Express Mayhem Hunter, O/W vanes Warrior 340, W/W vanes Warrior 340 with a NAP Twister to replace original vanes. Distance was 50 yards on my poor worn out Black Hole target. About mid July will only shoot broad heads for Sept. Archery hunt.
  24. Red Sparky

    New Mexico 16A Bull Tag Sept 1

    Sorry I got 16D second hunt. Will be archery Coues hunting in unit 23 this year as well.
  25. Red Sparky

    Explain Kaibab Antlerless Table?

    Will look for it. I haven't found a good forensic anthropology or biology book in a while. Like I said I have weird reading interest.