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Red Sparky

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Everything posted by Red Sparky

  1. Red Sparky

    Need help in 36c

    34A might be flat but 36C sure ain't flat.
  2. Red Sparky

    Clothing for Dec.

    I have read on here quite a bit about using snake gaiters or chaps. Seems like chaps would be the way to go busting through spiky type bushes.
  3. Red Sparky

    Great hunt with my dad

    Sorry about the loss creed. The last hunt my dad went on me with was in 2007. He hadn't been hunting with me for about 10 years before that. Now he is not able to go anymore but I am trying to pass the tradition on to my girls.
  4. Red Sparky


    I found .22 ammo yesterday in Albuquerque so I stocked up on about 1000 rounds. None of the Wally World or other retail stores limit of only so much per customer. Now I can take the girls shooting.
  5. Red Sparky

    Importing Deer and Elk into Arizona

    What I am trying to point out is NM let's you process your own deer. They let you clean the skull cap. As long as no spinal tissue or brain matter is taken out of the unit. You could kill a monster deer, clean the skull cap and take the hide to your taxidermist of choice. You can take the quarters home and process them yourself. The exceptions allow you to take the hide,meat, and cleaned skull cap out of the unit, just no brain tissue/matter or any part of the spinal cord. As I stated maybe AZ needs to rewrite their law closer to NM's. Maybe I didn't state that? No I just checked and that is exactly what I said.
  6. Red Sparky


    Looks kinda like the one my friend killed yesterday thereCan you show a pic of your friends buck? He doesn't have the watermark on it yet.
  7. Red Sparky

    Importing Deer and Elk into Arizona

    Here is how NM handled it. Maybe AZ should reconsider writing their law. Here you have to do the following before you leave the unit and it deals with .270's viewpoint. Chronic Wasting Disease Rules Apply to Units 19, 28 and 34 It is unlawful to transport dead deer, elk or their parts taken from any chronic wasting disease (CWD) control area designated by the Director of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. The exceptions are: • Meat that is cut and wrapped either privately or commercially within the control area. • Quarters or other portions of meat with no part of the head or spinal column attached. • Meat that has been boned out. • Hides with no heads attached. • Clean skull plates with antlers attached. • Antlers with no meat or tissue attached. • Finished heads mounted by a taxidermist within the control area. You may not remove the whole head and spinal column. You must keep proof of sex with all game species until transported where it will be consumed or placed in cold storage.
  8. It is a mess. You can read more thoughts on Bowsite under the NM State forum. Just know who who are voting for.
  9. Red Sparky

    Found: In 12AE, Book

    "How to hunt deer on the Kaibab"
  10. Great article. One of the main problems is there is quite a bit of state land, under the SLO control, that is landlocked by private land. Hunters do not have access to it and the SLO can't guarantee access if we pay more. If there is not a public road you can't legally cross private land to access SLO land. Hunters pay for the total amount of SLO land whether it can be accessed or not. As far as I know there is not a study saying how much SLO land is accessible and how much is landlocked. The Commissioner likes to throw out the number of total SLO land but I bet 1/2 is not accessible. So we would be paying a whole lot more for no increased access or benefits. There are other benefits as listed in the article. LE, habitat improvement, animal studies, etc. are provided by G&F and the SLO is not counting that into the $200,000 access fee. My personal feelings are I don't hunt SLO land so it is of no benefit to me. I would rather shut down all hunting on SLO land than give in to the bully.
  11. Red Sparky

    Importing Deer and Elk into Arizona

    Yes but the only know case of CWD I know of in our state is down in the Lincoln Nat. Forest down in unit 34 and 36. It also might be naturally occurring in nature and the just detected it and put a name to it. I know our G&F has regs for that area of the state but since I don't hunt down there I have not really paid attention. I know part of it is/was you can voluntarily have your animal tested and for an incentive to do so you get put into a drawing for an elk hunt.
  12. Red Sparky

    Importing Deer and Elk into Arizona

    No you just need to check your GPS again and put your AZ tag on it.
  13. Red Sparky

    Old calls

    I remember some. I would take the elk calls out next time you go elk hunting and will probably do pretty good since not everybody is blowing them in the woods.
  14. Red Sparky

    Mas Rancho Neglecto

    Well the first pic explains the giant sunglasses in the second pic. Nice buck.
  15. Good Job! Way to go!
  16. Red Sparky

    My Biggest Yet!!!!!

    Wow! Congratulations.
  17. Red Sparky

    How far would you go/ Ethics ?

    Depends on the mood I am in. Last season I was bow hunting a certain area for about 5 days I was the only one in the area. Other hunters kept driving by on the road 1/2 mile from where an old ground blind was built over looking a wallow. I would always sneak in there to check sign and evening hunt that area. I snuck in there one day about 11 am and checked sign. There were fresh tracks that had not been there with a hunter in the blind. I walked over to talk to him and said sorry for sneaking in. He was from out of state and in not good shape so I told him and his two partners, I think one was a guide, to have the blind as those tracks were made in the last two days. I said I would be about 500 yards to the east in another area I knew. One year muzzle loader hunting I was on a waterhole early enough to take a nap before afternoon hunting. Other hunters came in and were dang sure they were going to hunt that waterhole, didn't matter I was there. So knowing the travel routes of the elk in the area and the wind pattern I moved west about 1/4 mile from the waterhole. This is the direction the road comes in and the elk come out of a small valley and go to the waterhole. I found a good location and then took off all my under layers and hung them on trees, downwind of the elk but upwind from the waterhole. Nice sweaty, smelly socks, undies, t-shirt, etc. The wind was blowing right to the waterhole so imagine their surprise when they didn't see anything on the waterhole but had to drive by me field dressing a nice little 5X5 bull. If they are on a closed road they are not hunters, they are law breakers. Seems like with the competition of tags, all the stories in the mags and shows on TV, everybody wants the big antlers so are willing to do more to get it. Whether it is wrong or not.
  18. Just got back from a 3 day scout/camp trip in the Gila by Reserve, GMU 23 and 16D. I left my little Nikon point and shoot camera at home since my daughter was suppose to take her DSLR. The key words are suppose to as she forgot it at the house so no pics . It was great sleeping snuggled into a sleeping bag rather than laying naked under the A/C at home. The elevation we were at was 8400 feet according to the GPS. I will not be hunting any waterholes as there was water everywhere. Mosquitos at that elevation were about the size of an Apache helicopter so glad we had taken bug spray. We had a hard time finding any dry wood to make a fire but did get that done so the daughters and wife could make S'Mores. It rained Saturday for about 30 minutes and was a nice soaking rain. The grass is about 2 foot high and green as can be. Up at that high elevation we saw 3 neon green frogs about the size of 50 cent pieces. The deer and elk are in great shape. Only saw mulies as far as deer went but they looked like pigs, nice and round and they had tan summer coats rather than the reddish color I am use to. Seems like every doe had twins this year and they have about completely lost their spots. If you looked closely you could still barely make them out. The biggest buck I saw was a huge 4x4 with brow tines that was close to 30" wide. I am only hunting Coues this year so maybe next year I will put the daughters in for mulies in that unit. As far as elk go they are really fat as well. The biggest bulls were in 16D about 330" up to about a 400" bull. Heavy mass and great tine length. The 400" had mass about the size of my forearm up past his fourth points and giant whale tails. Now if I can find him during my Sept. bow hunt I will be a happy camper. The bulls in 23 were spikes to about 280" class bulls. Now for the bad news. The 8x10 Ozark Trails tent from Wally World we bought about 15 years ago for under $100 gave up the ghost. The loops where the pegs go finally rotted out and the seam on the roof ripped. It certainly didn't owe us anything as we used it about 6 times a year, every year and a lot of great memories in that tent. Luckily I always have extra tarps along so we didn't get wet but now I have to buy a new tent. Thinking of a tipi style or maybe even wall tent.
  19. Red Sparky

    Some Fall sheds

    Edge--- When we were in the Lincoln for turkey hunting this last spring we saw a lot of elk. I have seen that scenery I just have to think to remember it. Don't worry though as I only shed hunt when hunting other critters.
  20. Red Sparky

    Tire chains?

    If you can get a set for each axle. On a Jan. Barbary Sheep hunt over by Mnt. Taylor in the early 80's here in NM we woke up to about 3" of snow, 10 am we chained up the front axle on the Jeep, 11 am we chained up the back as there was about 18" of snow at that time. We were the only hunters who could drive anywhere since we were the only ones with chains. I have only used them about 6 times but if you need them you will be glad you have them.
  21. Red Sparky

    1982 CJ7

    That is a heck of a deal. If I didn't have my 78 CJ-5 I would jump on it. It should not last long at that price.
  22. Red Sparky

    Trail cam recommendations

    I ordered a BTC-5 today so now I will have 3 Brownings, one Spy point, one Wildgame Innovations, and the two Bushnells when they get here. I think I have an addictive personality. At least game cams are easier to hide from the wife than guns are.
  23. Red Sparky

    Opening day buck

    That is just awesome!
  24. Red Sparky

    STOLEN Polaris

    Here is the philosophy I live by....
  25. Red Sparky

    STOLEN Polaris

    I was having a nice time reading and posting about trash in the forest. The topic took a left turn at Albuquerque as Bugs Bunny would say and is no longer on this site. So I am relaxed, just tired of having decent post go wrong and losing decent discussions.