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Red Sparky

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Everything posted by Red Sparky

  1. Red Sparky

    Sums it up

    They don't here. It is all computerized where they put it in the register, it shows on the screen for the food prep, and they tape the receipt to the bag and put it in order.
  2. Red Sparky

    Sums it up

    I right now am eating a Blake's Breakfast burrito. Bacon and red chile. Their hamburgers are still pretty good but not what they were back in the 70's-80's.
  3. Red Sparky

    Interesting article regarding the new Boquillas agreement

    Let's get NM right. The state game commission pays the state land office money to allow hunters to hunt state land office land with a valid license. If you want to take your kids with you onto SLO land you can't unless they have a hunting license. This is based on a yearly lease even though hunters may use the land for only two weeks. You have to follow all SLO rules which means no camping on SLO land. The game commission pays for all SLO land but if the land is landlocked by private land, you can't hunt it unless you get permission to cross the private land. Corner hopping is not legal here which means you can't access a lot of land. That means hunters are paying for about half the land they can't use. If the primary lessee of they land says it will interfere with their operations, you can't access the land even if there is public access. The SLO needs to work to get more access to SLO land for hunters but that isn't going to happen.
  4. Red Sparky

    Sums it up

    Oh! You are talking about an appliance. I thought Edge shot one of his employees.
  5. Red Sparky

    Unit 23 New Mexico Mule Deer

    I have the same archery tag. I will be in there the first two weeks of Sept.. Send me a PM. Here is what I can tell you from the last two years elk hunting in there. You will see more elk hunters than elk or deer. If you hear bugling the few elk in there are not doing it but hunters are. The roads will be driven every day by about 20 different vehicles. That unit usually has left over tags that get sold after the draw. I will be checking out some other parts of the unit over the summer.
  6. Red Sparky

    Justifying and Supporting Hunting

    My take on it is this for those that will listen. I eat 100% free range, non-growth hormone, non-antibiotic meat that has a chance to get away. Might have gotten this to you too late but work has been about 80 hours this week.
  7. Red Sparky

    Anyone have a defibrillator?

    Thoughts and prayers sent to you and your family.
  8. Red Sparky

    NM draw

    buffhunter--I don't think archery is ranch assigned so I would see if there are landowners that would let you on. I see lots of antelope out on the San Augustine Plains, N. of US 60 is unit 13. I have seen them in downtown Datil and just west of Magdelena right when you are getting on the plains. Let me get ahold of my cousin that lives out there and get some more info. for you.
  9. Red Sparky

    Unit 23 sucess?

    I got the archery carp tag in 23 and my third choice elk. Wonder how that happened as I put 23 archery in as my first elk choice so I could chase elk and deer at the same time. I bet I was low on the list and all the tags were taken by second and third choices. Will wait and see what the draw report tells me. Well time to go start scouting the San Mateo Mountains, at least it is a closer drive to my house.
  10. Red Sparky

    If big foot was real?

    I would just make sure I have some jerky.
  11. Red Sparky

    Elk hunting tips for a new elk hunter

    Bugling and cow calls are becoming overused. I love it when I hunt the first two weeks of Sept. and you have hunters blowing like it is full on rut. The elk that were starting to talk shut up. Read as much as you can, talk to other hunters to learn as much as you can. Read as much as you can about elk biology so you can find the elk. Then observe and try to use what you have learned to help you while hunting. Every year I learn at least one new thing the elk teach me.
  12. Red Sparky

    Saw a nice set while out cruising today

    That area code is definitely NM. Cell phone from T-Mobile out of Lovington, NM. EDIT: I guess being that close to TX everything is bigger down there.
  13. Red Sparky

    Unit 23 sucess?

    creed-I responded several time on there but I don't go by Red Sparky.
  14. Red Sparky

    Unit 23 sucess?

    It is all guess and speculation. When I checked on my applications to review it deer was still in the 123 order the way I put it in. I have never gotten anything but my first choice on deer and they always review 123. My elk app was in a 312 order, same as when I got my third choice two years ago. Last year when I got my first choice elk it was in the 123 order I put it in. I put my daughter in for all rifle hunts in the Gila, not expecting her to draw, and her order was 321. I think that is the killer you don't want to see. The thing I have heard is now all apps are in the 123 order so G&F may have shut down the review way to see it. So I am not sure if this works or not but I will tell you in two days if my guess was correct. If it was I missed two standard hunts and drew a Q/HD hunt as my third choice. Go figure!
  15. Red Sparky

    Unit 23 sucess?

    Bob- If what I have found out to be true is correct I will only have a carp deer tag in 23 this year. Not many elk but I loved elk and deer hunting at the same time with my bow. Now it looks like I get to hunt the San Mateo's in unit 17 for elk this year. Another unit I will have to learn but it is only about 1- 1 1/2 hours to it from my house. The thing that bugs me is I put in for 23 1st and 2nd choice to elk and deer hunt at the same time but I drew my 3rd elk choice which had much lower odds to draw. The reason I put in for the carp is that is all I saw last year in 23 where I was, at about 40 yards for 20 minutes on multiple occasions.
  16. Red Sparky

    What's with all the clowning on cyber scouters?

    Well here is my experience. Three years ago I drew a unit here in NM as my third elk choice. It was a unit I had never set foot in. First thing I did was pull up Google Earth. Second thing I did was buy topo maps of the unit where I wanted to hunt. Third thing I did was go to the unit and put boots on the ground. I never went on the net and asked.....Drew this elk tag and never set foot in the unit, where do I start. Then the hunt started. Plan A had way too many hunters too few elk so I went to plan B. Ran into a really helpful guy. We were both sitting a waterhole and he was going to AZ to hunt in about 3-4 days so I would have about 6 days after he left to myself. Not much pressure in the unit at that time. I told him he could have the waterhole as long as he was there so we wouldn't be fighting over it. He told me of a park 1/2 mile from camp to look into for elk. Was in elk the last two years. In a week will have the "official results" to hopefully be able to say 3 years in a row hunting that unit. Told somebody on here gps directions for deer in there through PM and had an awesome experience. Figured we saw eye to eye on that and I was right. He was looking at scouting with somebody else that posted here for help and contacted me first and asked how I would feel about the two of them hunting the spots I gave him. Hopefully one day we can hunt together or maybe just camp out. The reason I did it was I got to read numerous post and get a feel for personality. How can you do that with somebody that has 1 post?
  17. Well thanks to one person in this post I found out where the ignore button is.
  18. Red Sparky

    One Sided Rack

    The time I have seen it was on deer that were um.......only had one part of a two part set.
  19. Red Sparky

    Lion darted in Wittman

    Wussies using tranquilizers! Get a catch pole! That cat is not the size of a German Shepherd, maybe when mine was about 8 months old, she was that big. I have had 120 lb. Rottweilers and 100 lb. German Shepherds on catch poles. Hang on for the ride!
  20. Red Sparky


    I wish I was out in the woods but I will settle for this from my front porch last night.
  21. Red Sparky


  22. Red Sparky


  23. Red Sparky

    Lark must be out...

    I think he might have been sighted. Read the post in the elk forum under elkalope: Anyone ever seen elk with a pure white rump? Was up in rim country this weekend and driving out saw something with a pure white rump (no it wasn't a whitetail deer - way too big and no flag) running through some thick ponderosa pines. Didn't get a real good look at it, but it looked like a cow elk to me size and shape of rump. My buddy thought it was a antelope, but I've never seen antelope in that area before so far south. I joked it was an elkalope.
  24. Red Sparky


    That was the big white girl who had the call of nature and you startled her. Glad there was no red flag.
  25. Red Sparky

    Is Draw still going on this Week or it's OVA?????

    Vacation? That is what sick leave is for. Know a good Dr. to write you the excuse.