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Red Sparky

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Everything posted by Red Sparky

  1. Red Sparky

    Strategy for the upcoming shed season

    I am going to sit in camp drinking beer and flying my drone. When I find one I will send gps coordinates to my kids to go pick up.
  2. Red Sparky

    Apps are in

    I wait until the morning of the last day so I don't have to wait so long.
  3. Red Sparky

    Any truth to this?

    Why is there so much misspelling and what laws are they citing? Our Federal law can't be applied to Mexico. It ha to be a Mexican Law.
  4. Red Sparky

    Elk muzzleloader hunt NM

    And we are still waiting to hear results after the e-scout.
  5. Red Sparky

    CWT Feuds

    There's been a quiet coupe d'etat to overthrow the president of the United States for a year and we're talking about the proper name to call a javelina I am trying to figure out how to pronounce coues, like tomato. Is it cows or kews.
  6. Red Sparky

    Arizona guide loses hunting rights in 47 states

    Needed a better defense attorney. Utah just hurt because he used a loophole in the law. It wasn't a jury of his peers but Utah residents vs. a NR. He should have stayed in Utah until after the hunt, spent about a year there and then moved back.
  7. Red Sparky

    CWT Feuds

    trphyhntr thinks he is feuding with everybody but like 5 dudes? Who does he think he is ....Nature Girl?
  8. Red Sparky

    The cream is slowly rising...

    Yes. Brady in front of the ref in the locker room.
  9. Red Sparky

    The cream is slowly rising...

    Tell him to watch what happened to the Falcons in the Super Bowl when they tried to play prevent defense.
  10. Not only hunters but we need to get everybody who recreates involved. Mountain bikers, rock climbers, hikers, bird watchers, campers, etc.. Anybody that does anything in the outdoors needs to be involved in this. As hunters we have more experience in fights like these so we need to lead them in these fights.
  11. Red Sparky

    Do those blood finding lights work?

    So if a bow is not a fire arm as prescribed in whatever regs do you still have to step off the road? That step might have made the difference. I am not sure on AZ law but here in NM it only says shooting at, from or across any graded and maintained road. It does not specify rifle, ML, or bow.
  12. Red Sparky

    Do those blood finding lights work?

    First since it is the OP who posted let me be not serious because I just got to get this out of my system. Keep your arrow in your pants, don't shoot bucks shoot does. Now onto the serious note. The best light I have ever used and my dad swears by is the old white gas coleman lantern. Hold it low around your knees so you don't blind yourself and the blood shows up really well.
  13. The problem with this is look at the past track records of the states selling land. Nevada where this started has already sold off about 98% of their state land. NM is also selling land but not as bad. It is usually in the states constitution and documentations when they were admitted into the Union that any land that doesn't make money for the state should be sold off. What is going to be the argument if they get control of the federal lands, sell it all off and still have no money? The problem is to elect people who know how to balance a checkbook. You don't spend more than you make. That is not the case with elected officials. They spend, spend, spend. Here is my solution to this stupidity. Here NV you are buying 70,798,080 acres at $1,000/ acres for a total of $70.8 billion. Here AZ you are buying 72, 953,600 acres for a total of $73 billion. Here NM you are buying 77,816,960 acres for a total of $77.8 billion. Once you pay that money and all title is transferred you are booted out of the United States, all federal money will be taken away. NM and AZ will have to secure their borders from Mexico by themselves because border patrol will be moved to the US border. Which is now TX,CO, CA and all states bordering NV. All citizens of that state can either move or renounce their US citizenship. Then let's see how long the state last on it's own.
  14. Red Sparky

    What is this ? Creepy

    So it saw a hot female stump? Seems pretty normal for most males.
  15. Red Sparky


    Right gun, wrong caliber for me. Good luck on selling it.
  16. Too loose--Shooting sabots in my muzzle loader. Picked up some .44 cast lead bullets to save on cost. Sabots were for .4295-.430 bullets and the cast were for cowboy action shooting ----.427. Needless to say they were not accurate at all. The other experience I had was reloading .38 wadcutters for target practice. I only had one reloading manual and was reloading Hercules Unique powder. Started in the middle of what the book said and loaded about 100 rounds. My friends dad, who had several reloading manuals, told me the middle load was way too hot for a .38 special. Needless to say it was a good thing I was shooting them out of a .357 magnum and not a .38 special. So if at all possible check at least 3 reloading manuals for powder charges.
  17. Red Sparky

    Need help deciding on a New Mexico Antelope unit

    Not sure what Zeke-Be is trying to say. To cover the elk tags, will switch for a moment from antelope, if the LO tags are unit wide (UW) any hunter who drew a tag is entitled to hunt the ranch. If the LO tags are ranch only (RO) then the public draw hunters are not allowed access unless they get written permission to hunt. Good luck trying to get onto a RO ranch with a draw tag. Now getting back to antelope if both an elk hunt and an antelope hunt are going on at the same time, neither hunter has preference.
  18. Red Sparky

    Need help deciding on a New Mexico Antelope unit

    I think this year they re-did the antelope regs. This is how it used to be : If you archery hunt you get all the public land and any private land you get permission for. If you rifle hunt you are assigned a ranch and have to hunt that ranch. You should have full access to the whole ranch. It is also only a 3 day hunt.
  19. Red Sparky

    New Mexico Landowner Cow Elk

    Haven't done a landowner tag or know of an outfitter. The only one I personally know of to contact would be San Francisco River Outfitters out of Glenwood. If you are looking for a cow tag I would look over by Ruidoso / Cloudcroft area, Unit 36 and 34. The other unit I would look at is 17. The landowner list usually comes out after the draw and NMG&F just put the regs out online. Go to their web page for more information. Edit: I should mention that cow elk tags are only available to residents through the draw and you will have to buy a landowner tag.
  20. Red Sparky


    My guess is it is an anti with a troll thread. 26 post in 12 years, just guessing. Bucks get speared pretty bad from other bucks horns during the rut. From the sounds of the picture description this is no worse and the buck will live.
  21. Red Sparky

    Spot light opinions

    I was in Wal-Mart and bought one of their Stanley LED's for about $20. I like it as it has 4 light settings, is plenty bright, seems to hold a charge fairly well, and can be recharged either at home off 120V AC or in the vehicle through the 12v DC. I am not sure how it would hold up to heavy duty use but lights up the end of my street where cars like to park at night, probably 150 yards.
  22. Red Sparky


    Since the original post is gone....what color were the fletchings? Did you all see the Hushin Episodes from the AZ hunt? There was one buck shot at 40 yards that hit the shoulder and didn't penetrate the cavity. Without being there or knowing the bow setup I am not going to play armchair archer. Crap happens even though we try our best to minimize suffering and kill quickly. Oh yeah same crap happens with a rifle also.
  23. Red Sparky

    Any Knife Collectors?

    Thanks I am dropping a line to him now. The other nice thing is with most of the Buck Collectors Editions my B-I-L put receipts from when he bought them so I know how much he paid for them 10-15 years ago.
  24. Red Sparky

    Any Knife Collectors?

    Anybody know any knife collectors or are are collector yourself? Here is the situation: My 65 year old B-I-L went into the hospital early to mid December due to the fact he was short of breath. They said he had a sudden onset of fibrosis in the lungs and would need a double lung transplant. They discharged him against his and the family wishes with O2 and a home healthcare nurse. Less than 2 weeks later he was admitted with a pulse ox of under 40, which they got back up to over 70 but has viral pneumonia and has been in a medical induced coma and ventilator for the last two weeks. He was a big knife/gun collector and we are having to sell his knives/guns to put in a trust account for when Medicare/Medicaid runs out. I have researched the guns and the wife has a buddy who has a FFL to come take them to liquidate in the next 12 days. The problem is he has close to 1,000 knives that I could research but might get wrong. We need to get as much as possible out of the collection but do not expect to get full retail on everything. I would be willing to drive to have somebody look at the collection. Most are NIB unopened, Case, Schrade, Old Henry, Buck. here are a few pictures to show you kind of what I am talking about and I figure these are the most expensive. The last two pics are of the same collection but it is too big for one picture.