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Red Sparky

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About Red Sparky

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 11/18/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Los Lunas,NM
  • Interests
    Hunting deer,elk. Archery, Muzzle loader, Handgun, Rifle. 4 Wheeling

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  1. Red Sparky

    Dangers of power outages. This could blow your mind

    Reminds me of the big power outage in Chicago. Lots of explosions that night and hospitals full nine months later. So beware of those power outages.
  2. Red Sparky

    How do you nuke an old salt lick?

    Go to an old lady's house that has many cats. Cut some small squares of carpet where the cats have peed and then hang them in a 360 degree circle around the lick where they can't be seen. Keep refreshing them and the dude will have no idea why any amount of salt thrown out won't attract deer and elk.
  3. Red Sparky

    Need to catch up with him

    I have gps coordinates to sell whereabouts; $30 on my other website.
  4. Red Sparky

    Can you ID these two wonderful individuals in 7E?

    Dude that is Dave's favorite bear hunting spot that is now over run with people buying hunting spots online. Go see if you can find everybody that bought the "package" and track them down.
  5. Red Sparky

    people selling hunting spots on line....your thoughts

    I think cell phones in the woods should be outlawed. It is against fair chase as you can call your buddy and say "Hey here is a great deer if you come in this way you can get him.". That or you can Google Earth to find the best way to stalk a deer. It gives you a true satellite image of where you are and the deer is in real time.
  6. Red Sparky

    New Mexico Antelope

    Way to get it done.
  7. Red Sparky

    people selling hunting spots on line....your thoughts

    Where it all should have started to begin with. If we can't inflame the hunters we will go where we should have started.....G&F or state lawmakers.
  8. Red Sparky

    people selling hunting spots on line....your thoughts

    How far from the crowds can you be if you are still complaining about spots being over run when you are posting instead of hunting?
  9. Red Sparky

    First day velvet success...

    Very Nice!
  10. Red Sparky

    Recurve bows

    Los Lunas, NM. If you want I have no problem with free shipping and sending pictures. If you not happy send it back no problems.
  11. Red Sparky

    Azgfd closed roads into my elk honey hole

    Mountain bike and trailer.
  12. Red Sparky

    Playing Possum?

    From the picture it looks fresh enough to have had opossum pie for dinner. Squirrels are better but don't turn down opossum.
  13. Red Sparky

    Recurve bows

    Anybody interested? All RH bows NIB. Samick Sage 62" takedown 55# $60; PSE Heritage Series Honor 56" 50# $100; PSE Heritage series Stalker 60" 45# $75; PSE Heritage series Stalker 60" 50# $75; PSE Heritage series Mustang 60" 50# $100; PSE Heritage series Mustang 60" 55# $100. I think these are all take down bows. Prices negotiable but I have listed them at about 50% of new from what I can tell.
  14. Red Sparky

    American Hero passes. John Sidney McCain III

    My deepest condolences to his family as they go through this.
  15. Red Sparky

    John McCain

    I know words can hurt as well as help, I wish his family my deepest condolences for what they are going through.