My dad and I never glassed this spot I killed this buck at, we drove through it the first day of the hunt after seeing a couple spikes that morning, we thought it looked good so we went back the day after. We got to the classing point a little early but once it was light enough to see we were off. My dad picked up a little 2x2 only 400 yards away. Thankfully I passed him up and turned around and started glassing the other side of our spot. Right away I picked up this guy with a doe, I put my spotting scope on him and he looked good enough for me, He was 870 yards. I told my dad that I wanted this buck, my dad saw him for a good 5 minutes before he went over the hill. My dad asked me what the call was so we went after this buck. We drove up the road a little ways and stopped in a wash. We worked our way around the mountain to where we thought he was by then it was 9:30 we expected him to bed before he got hit by the sun after we took a good look at the cut we went to the next cut. Nothing.. then we went to the final cut I packed everything away it we heating up quick. We finally pick him up across the canyon at 192, He was calm as could be in his bed. I got set up on him I put a round in and then he was getting a little more suspicious. I squeezed the trigger and the buck got up ran 10 yards and did his final kicks. My dad had a little too much fun the night before and was a little hung over so he told me to go up and drag him down the mountain.